>Hitler was trying to put order to the world.
Manson confirmed OURGUY
>Hitler was trying to put order to the world.
Manson confirmed OURGUY
People say he was a maniac because his actions led to a murder...let's look at Hillary Clinton...
If you are for a one world government and want to kill humans to save the planet, then yes...he would be /YOURguy/, but no way in hell is he /ourguy/
YOU FOOL! Manson was an MK ultra victim who went on to try and MK ultra others to try and start a race war.
It's been known for some time brainlet
so when are they going to release leslie van houten
dont take those redpills, pol
Fucking CIA nigger probably isn’t dead, just retired. Pro tip, death row inmates don’t get to wear long beards and long hair.
Or do tv Interviews without restraints of any kind.
what are you even saying
Manson confirmed YOURGAY
FUCK CHUCK and fuck you OP for trying to make this piece of shit relevant.
absolutely biting social commentary, friend
you should write for the new york times
they glow in the dark,user.
>Asked if had those people killed because he didn't get a record contract.
"I got a motorcycle and a sleeping bag and ten or fifteen girls. What the hell I wanna go off and go to work for? Work for what? Money? I got all the money in the world. I'm the king, man. I run the underworld, guy. I decide who does what and where they do it at. What am I gonna run around like some teeny bopper somewhere for someone elses money?"
Killers in jail don’t get to do TV interviews, their communications are very restricted. Why? the state doesn’t want them to be able to elicit sympathy from the public towards their cause, or influence future parole boards. Think about it, the state has nothing to gain from such interviews and a lot to lose.
how did an uppity manlet attract a harem of girls and betas?
Because he had a lot of charisma and I think they saw in him a father figure.
You don't know shit about CIA niggers newfag.
Well he was like 5' 2".. so
glad this manlet hippie is finally dead
thanks newfag
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
What was the deal with Manson’s height? Paul Tate ran the op and got to choose who would play the part. Tate was a manlet. Why would he hire someone taller than him and have to look up to him to give him orders?
Manson would've browsed Sup Forums
he's a great leader for /pol
in prison for most of his life and then dead
Underrated comment
>to try and start a race war.
You say that like it’s a bad thing
He was intelligent, confident in himself, and sang decent original music
Charisma and the quality of being beholden to no man and to genuinely radite complete fearlessness, every woman on earth is susceptible to that, combined with being selected by the alpha male for mating, the drugs are secondary and are used only to confuse, the real work is communication, mental, verbal and physical, the projection of utter self control and dominance, with the liars art deployed, hidden within the meaning of the message.
I wish women werent so fucking stupid. "confidence" in and of itself shouldnt be a main reason to like anyone. plenty of horrible assholes love themselves
Why does he look exactly like Destiny? Does this explain why he's a sociopath? Oh god it all suddenly makes sense.
Chad confirmed
chad thread? I have dozens of these, Latvia
They do if it makes money for someone. Manson said in one interview that he wasn't allowed to shave, he talked about how before he was sentenced he never had long hair in his entire life.
Manlet Manson was a troll, the original edge lord. He said things he knew would trigger the media and get himself more press attention. He loved the notoriety.
There goes great hippie musician. He also fought for preservation of nature.
Human lives have no value, no greater value than anything else that exists.
Killing humans to meet an end isn't a problem, I'd understand objecting to your own life being put at risk but others lives? There's no sense in that. If you are alive then it doesn't matter if anyone else is.
He was 84. He's dead m8.
Blog made by Charles Manson family:
Charles Manson foundation for clean earth:
Peace, Love and occasional Murder.
>google charles manson
holy fuck this dude was a manlet. 4'11 according to google
Didn't he predict a future race war?
"Josh! Wait!"
>"Let it go Ethan, it was not your faut"
before Ethan could reach him he heard the siren getting louder and louder until
*beep beep beep*
>Ethan opened his eyes
>It was raining outside, too
Wholeheartedly disagree.
Many humans have had extraordinary existences. It is only dark-souled communists that see humans as less or equivalent to animals on edgy of you.
Another Destiny thread?
now i know where mickey knox interview came from
He predicted and said a lot of things. I can hear the same moronic ramblings from the drunks that go to our local bars every day. He's the definition of saying a lot without saying anything at all and will shout it to anyone that will listen because he has an incessant need to talk.
Daily reminder that Charles was a ward of the state when a kid, thus he was raised by the federal government. Daily reminder that Charley was kid diddled when he was young, and a product of Pedos. Daily reminder Charlies followers were all brain fucked by the CIA's LSD experiments.
You say that like we're not in the middle of a race war already.
Race war's been going for quite a while now.
You are pathetic - drink that cool aid and die
A therapist can do wonders with you mate.
>a fucking commie
>in prison because of women
No. And get the fuck off Sup Forums please.
all Sup Forums needs to do is become environmentalists and we could save the planet
He was right about a lot of stuff, but it doesn't mean he wasn't crazy as fuck.
He was right about liberals, minorities, and hollywood pedos. He saw the world for what it was and it made him crazy, that and the drugs.
that's cool
Greatest NEET to ever walk the planet
This fag needs to die
As ranting as he gets there is some wisdom in his words.
Funny how when you are a sociopath you see the truth better than the normies. I'm actually wondering if normies are even human at tthis point
Because Destiny is his child.
Destiny Child
oh charlie fuck me fuck me hard i love you
Normies are a product of social engineering and mind control.
>mfw someone asks me who I am
"People don't hear each other, we talk to each other, but very seldom do we communicate."
The correct word you should be using is concious. Normies are not usually concious. They have no idea that they are going to die until they get very sick, they seem to be unaware of everything going on around them. For instance I know a person who got drunk and crashed there car which made them lose their license, instead of blaming themselves, they blame the car, the situation, and the place, or the cops. What I am trying to say is that they lack self awareness, which is one of the main criteria for conciousness. For instance a dog is concious and alive, but it's not self aware. It can't self reflect on it's past actions.
the whole time geraldo knows he's right
"Why is murder so common?"
"You're out of balance, your social consciousness is out of balance."
Hitler was extremely orderly, and fascism is extremely order-oriented. Hitler was a clean freak, and he pushed for order on every level, even in terms of race
Everybody knows Charlie introduced her to Webb Hubbell back in the day.
"This interview was a piece of shit, we could've did a helluva lot better."
Charlie is right and confirmed /ourguy/
also, best interview