Here we go...!

Bill Clinton is going down...and possibly Hillary

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All this fucking drip...drip...drip is killing me. It's the Internet version of Chinese water torture.

Do normies really need to be coddled this much just to change their assessment of someone?


(((They))) are sacrificing the Clintons, as their political careers in the spotlight are attempt to not only persecute Trump, but all men as well.

If you read the article again, I think this may be it at last.

rape is the least of his crimes


This is the beginning of the end for them.

chris tucker is the key to all this

what a perfect get

...says increasingly nervous man for the 6,000,000th time since 1978.

It's like they made a deal with the devil... And now he's come for his due.

>This is the beginning of the end for them

Said the increasingly nervous Sup Forumsack for the 100th time this year

>implying Hillary will go down quietly

I don't think so, Drumpfywumpfies...

it has been foretold

That get honestly spooked me, it was to perfect


It's gonna be loud and fun.

>Bill Clinton is going down
Is he still alive?

>i did not have sexual relations with that woman!
inb4 $1mil settlement paid out by clinton foundation

nice get
he's barely alive

“On his private jet the Air Fuck(Force) One”
This guy is a fucking alpha.

Yeah because aphas rape women.
No ,alphas dont rape. Women beg alphas to fuck them.


Which is what Trump explained.

Alpha get women to want their pussies grabbed.

Look at this dude

That was amazing TV

We are at the biblical time when all darkness is coming to light

You what


Look at the top of his head!

Is this an article from 1993 or something?

Nothing will ever happen to the Clintons, guys.

You think that somehow this latest moral panic amongst lefties and trendies is somehow more powerful than the actual US government, which continues to cover for them?

Nothing will ever happen to them. I'll believe it when I see it.

Don't forget that the mock investigations of Clintons under Obama was STILL the closest we've ever gotten to an actual consequence of their criminal actions. And of course that was never that close.

Bill and/or Hillary's chances of going to jail were 0.00001% under Obama's actual justice department faux investigation. Today they are 0.00000000000000000001%.

Well you may throw your rock and hide your hand
Workin' in the dark against your fellow man
But as sure as God made black and white
What's down in the dark will be brought to the light
You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Sooner or later God'll cut you down

>Hillary, call the hospital, I just got a subpoena