Get in here brothas
/bng/ Black nationalism general
ja mon
>you didn't build that
the fuck you taking credit for n africa architect for
plenty of other things to be proud of you deadass
Fuck off Wh*Toids. This thread is for BLACKS only
you are so dumb i cant
non whites come to Sup Forums to LARP as white nationalists
this is kind of useless since it would not be larping
black enough?
how do you do my fellow Black brothers?
Gypsy nigger?
>You didn't build that
> You were literally the slaves of the Egyptians
> Cleopatra was greek
> King Tut was Western European
>Akhnehaten was western European
>Amenhotep IV was also western European
> Niggers have never done shit
> Suck my 4inch Iberian penis
>Nefertiti was a hoe, but she was also European
> Egyptians of today have less DNA of the ancient egyptians than western Europeans.
>Egyptians today have more nigger admixture
> Egypt was ours
> Arabs were still a nomadic semitic tribe of gypsies in that era.
> You will never get the white pusspuss
also the egyptians were one of the most ethnically homogenuous civilisations ever,
they compared mummy samples and such and it only differed perifpheral in north and south for thousands of years,
egypt basicly shows how good the concpet of ethnonationalism worked
Learn english how your colonial fathers taught you to
It's disgusting how niggers think they were able to create such an advanced society, I didn't know that Egyptians were that homogeneous, I know they did have people of different ethnicity and race like the Nubians, and some sand nigger ethnicity, good to know that they managed not to fuck them .
I've heard Niggers try to say that they created Ancient Korea or something it's fucking insane what niggers can start to imagine, as if a nigger would've even ever had touched the Orient
Why are you saying the things my brothas?
What the actual fuck are you trying to convey? You're showing me a map on skin complexion? Yes? Niggers are disgustingly dark good job, the northern people are light skinned, also that map's incorrect, Han Chinese people very often have very pale skin, Australians have very pale skin, Argentinians have pale skin, you obviously have no understand of ethnic replacement. I am not your brotha, learn english. And please don't talk to me I feel like i'm losing IQ points just look at your comment
LOL. Look at the wave over the Caribbean, it's all completely brown. It's obviously just a blanketed observation, it isn't in depth in anyway. They're doing the same shit when they claim the entire continent of Africa as being soley black, while ignoring the multitude of ethnic diversity in the continent. God bless White Cubans, God bless innocent Boers, God bless the early Aus and NZ's, God bless the whole of St. Maarten and God bless any White colonist or descendant of a colonist because the world wants our heads.
You and Somalians are the worst races on a black African we gladly donate your people as tribute to the arabs
LOL Typical nigg. 0 integrity and will actively sell their own out to another conquering race. It's the same mistake that was made 800 years ago, and it's the same mentality that will keep you down today.
daily reminderā¦ Black Nationalists and White Nationalists share the same goal, living in our racially secure environments among our own peopleā¦ Working together will get us there twice as fast.
Why do you have a picture of egypt? Dna testing proves that the Pharoahs who built egypt werent black. Otherwise, I support your cause. Good luck!
Only here for those RARE flags you niggers