That feels like it will do him more harm than good.
Reminder that London is mostly Muslim or non whites, so pandering to the mentally unstable won't help him.
>victim to hate crime
>meaning they used mean words and inappropiate pronouns
I remember them better if they would all just commit suicide.
This faggot just can't help himself
how about DOTR instead
you morons have to decide what its it that you want?
which one is it?
are muslims trying to bring sharia law or are they trying to protect gays?
just makeup you god damn mind already.
you want gays to be executed but also brage about how your countries aren't mideast shitholes?
which one is it? just fucking decide already.
Sadiq is really growing on me
>hurr durr he's a mooslim!!1
>b-but he supports trannies
lmao your cognitive dissodence is showing /pol
Did he post anything about International Men's Day?
Nope not a peep about it. He did mention some religious festival though
id be fine with you cunts killed all the fags if you'd stop throwing shit on slags faces, they're ugly enough. also stop raping kids. cheers
>also stop raping kids
you might be confusing us with catholics or your parliament members.
They play both sides because they want chaos so that they "have to come save the citizens" and in turn take over further control of everyone with security and surveillance.
Nah, the aussie is right. Please stop gang raping children.
who's "they" now? I thought we were talking about muslims?
so are is it the jews or the muslims? just makeup you mind.
>"Please stop gang raping children"
>elects moore
I bet he had to really grit his teeth while writing this. Hardcore Muslims like him probably want to purge Trannies most of all (which is one of their few redeeming qualities).
Ask him what happens to trannies in his homeland and majority Islamic societies.
>Taqiyya has also been politically legitimised, particularly among Twelver Shias, in order to maintain unity among Muslims and fraternity among the Shia clerics. Yarden Mariuma writes: "Taqiyya is an Islamic juridical term whose shifting meaning relates to when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie.
LGBTQ people are in for a ride Awakening in a couple of years.
I never said it was just the Jews. Or even just the muslims.
But Mohammedists are cool with trannies, user. I think it's something to do with being mentally unbalanced as well, but I don't know. Regardless, they consider them legit members of the opposite sex, hence #nohomo, hence no roof treatment.
BTW--I thought trannies weren't necessarily homosexual, and that gender identity was not sexuality? user, are you a bigot?
>defend yourself from getting anal raped by a man in drag
>get locked up for transgender hate crime
Jesus fucking CHRIST (forgive me jesus)
I'm OK with muslims bullying LGBT+.
In their own desert countries.
London is 65% white 9% whiter than the us as whole lol
How about a day of remembrance for when london wasnt a shemale friendly refugee camp
That fucker is so widely hated right now.
Calm down Selassie
Just die and then maybe you won't smell as bad
if only the same could be said about you.
It can't, you are right
Not brit white though
That's not exactly brilliant is it?
As his fellow sandniggers toss gays from rooftops. Fuck @MayorofLondon
She was the empress of India.
That guy taught her Urdu, and the 2017 faggots made out they were fucking on Alberts grave.
>That guy taught her Urdu
>cognitive dissodence
guess how i know you're a nigger
>She was the empress of India.
And yet...the third world shit hole of Brazil has become the only country int he world to get over the tranny meme. Parents and adult individuals can now seek hromonal treatment to reverse homosexuality and trans mental problems. The cure for homosexuality was discovered a long time ago via hormone therapy but the west decided to forget it until now.
Once brazil was the destination to become a tranny and by 2021, we will be the destination for sick, mentally ill people to become heterosexual again
What a timeline
No. London.
>The day of the rope
anybody got a real total on trannies killed in hate crimes to date?
isn't he muslim?
muslims supposed to hate gays
>Hardcore Muslims like him probably want to purge Trannies most of all (which is one of their few redeeming qualities).
Actually muslims seem to accept trans and hate gays.
Like if you are a homo in Iran, the state will pay for sex re-assignment surgery. Then you are woman so it's ok for you to fuck guys.
Weird logic desu as I'd rather have gayfags than trannies.
sadiq khan is a stinky communist sand nigger
That's about right.
Almost none. Certainly less than whites killed by pakis in acid/terrorist/knife attacks. But hey, let's worry about the trannies! That's clearly the bigger problem.
>Ids a consbirasy theery xDDDDD
Fucking hell I didnt believe it was actually real...
They know he's lying, he can't say how much he would like to throw them off buildings yet
this is fucking pathetic
what is wrong with bongland
so is the 65% the new meme?
why do iron march/atomwaffen/NA ruin good posters with edgy imagery?
how many days of remembrance do you brits need?
You know he's playing the greatest game of taqiyah in history right?
>That feels like it will do him more harm than good.
Did you just figure out that Muslims support shit like gay and trans rights because it weakens the West?
If faggots like him would quit playing into trannies delusions then they wouldn't have surgery that makes them be in excruciating pain every day for years on top of being a complete hormonal mess, a lot more of them wouldn't be dead!
Cant imagine why some inbred 75 IQ paki monkey can't understand shit
His taqiya game is top form
sadiq is hardly a hardcore muslim, the problem is the pakis who bloc voted him and the apoligists who edged a majority for him
Taqqiya. He'd be throwing us all off a building if it weren't politically beneficial to pander yo leftists right now.
>Transgender day of remembrance
god damn, how fucking more retarded can things get
6 gorillion.
>implying they weren't
We were cucking you since a while Nigel
Go pray to nigel
What is even happening in that pic?
English politics.
Muslims know he's just using taqqiya because they're using it too
>65% inbred
Who decided that transvestites get a day? Who decided that day was today? Why am I supposed to celebrate the transvestite, but I'm not allowed to celebrate fucking Columbus Day and Thanksgiving?
How many transfaggots have actually been killed in hate-crimes? These fucking "people" are treated like protected species, u'd probably get a lighter sentence for killing Elizabeth than u wud a attack helicopter.
Ah yes that important 0.001% of our populations.
Who knew that in the 21st century hate would become the purest of emotions