Heya Sup Forums can someone please tell me what happend to the traditional family? When did we lose grasp on those values? I'm talking about the good old Husband, Wife, Son, Daughter. Also I'm a BelgianFag, so i'd like to hear what peeps from other countries think.
What happend to the traditional family?
I think it's funny that today people see this as the ideal family when it was used as a way to deconstruct the extended family-clan style of life.
Also, 2 children? That's stagnant population growth.
monogamy isn't natural. the "traditional family" has always been a sham and always will be.
blacks used to be respectable people with strong families too
jews wanted them to be worthless
Women going into the workforce.
It destabilized the family unit, enabled women to break up families more easily and it caused wages to plummet.
Many animals in the kingdom are monogamous, and monogamy and keeping a family together are two separate things. Many men throughout history (some women too) may have not been monogamous, but they still kept their familes together.
>Also, 2 children? That's stagnant population growth.
Yeah so it would seem, but saying that this family format is not good (except for the, sadly, stagnating growth of populace) and stating that, for example, 2 lesbians with 1 adopted black-chinese
demi-racial genderqueer transvestite soy-XE child, is a good thing? now i'm not saying you said that though, but it's thought fuel.
Secularization of society
True, they are trying to demonize us, but we shouldn't let it get to us!
Loss of traditional values, namely inequality between man and woman, leading to this , as well as a general disdain for religion, which was the last rampart against the hordes of LGBT and feminist homunculi banging at your door waiting to tear whatever's left of it.
the cold war ended
the whole "nuclear" (not that the name often clicks for people) family was to get people out of the cities and set up a foundation to rebuild the county incase we got nuked
Both very true in my regard, Belgium is doomed religion-wise.
according to whom?
Here here!
Since we know what we face, it is easier to defeat and conquer. Just know your checklist of girls to avoid!
Mass compulsory education destroyed it.
Why raise your children when the government can do it for you?
Has nothing to do with it. The USSR was more socially conservative than the USA but was 60% atheist. While gays were parading in the streets of NYC and LA in America they were being sent to Vorkuta and Magadan in the USSR. The nuclear family that misguided """conservatives""" seem to love to jerk off to is the first backwards step towards the dysfunctional garbage that we have now.
Even if a girl is pretty, if the words that come out of her mouth are flaming hot shit, it's a no go!
The USSR was specifically designed to destroy the power of Orthodoxy in Eastern Europe, the more brutal the better. It didn't succeed, but if it did, it'd become like Ukraine, a westernized shit-hole who will soon host fag parties and poz raves all over the place.
It did succeed. That is why the majority of people in the USSR were atheists. It's why only 9% of Russians go to church even after it has been pushed so hard by the authorities.
>Mass compulsory education destroyed it.
How so? In Belgium students must go to school until they are 18 at least. But I don't know how it is in The Dominican Rep.
>Japan, North Korea, and China are three of the most atheistic countries in the world
>they don't have fag marriages
huh, really makes me think
Wrong, all it did was encourage Orthodoxy being practiced outside the government's grasp, mostly in secrecy.
Russia would have never returned to its Orthodox roots if commies succeeded in eradicating it.
Never existed. Dad hated jews, mom was on pills, junior tortured animals, youngest daughter molested by uncle.
it got blacked
Not wrong. This even includes cultural Christians as being Russian Orthodox.
From left to right:
>becomes lesbian in the 60s
>becomes heroin junkie in the 60s
Consumerism is the real answer, user. Feminism was just a ploy to increase the number of people in the workforce in order to for us to be able to afford more bullshit. Consumerism is the cause of feminism; consumerism destroyed the family.