Snapchat is possibly breaching privacy using location

I've noticed a pattern recently. I'm not sure how long it's going on or if it's been spotted before.
I've made sure it's not pareidolia on my part, just so I'm not putting Alex Jones to shame.

Recently on my friend's snapchat stories, I've noticed things like how someone would post several selfies of themselves at a gym and afterwards it would show me an advertisement of things like whey or body building related products. Or how a friend of mine would put up videos of themselves in college and I would be shown advertisements of how a certain college is now taking on applicants immediately after. I've seen this with a lot of things and noticed it's heavily related to where the snapchat pictures/videos are taken. I've also confirmed that all these people have their location settings on, which you can see through the app if allowed.

Has Snapchat committed a Zucc-level intrusion of privacy? Are we going full 1984? What do, Sup Forums ?

>being on social media
>having friends to talk to

>Snapchat is possibly breaching privacy using location.
Dumb enough to let them take your facial recognition data and sell it.

If a product is free you are the product. One way or another a company makes money, whether through selling user data or ads you are the product.

Yes every free app sells your personal details that you agreed to hand over to them when you clicked that little install button.

Not really that different to facebook friends desu. I don't care about most of these people but that's besides the point if your location is being used to target you with advertisements.

nigga google knows where and when youre buying your groceries

Your location settings though? We've seen Facebook help arrest people over hate speech in Germany over posting nazi memes, so what reason is there not to suggest in the future companies will use your location and private snaps as evidence to give to arrest you?

It is also being sold to various 3 letter agencies.

Walmart has facial recognition cameras, If you are wanted by the police don't go to Walmart...

Ever wonder why you always see people getting arrested out front?

lol then wtf can we do about it? Just boycott these services, use proxies to go on chan and lose out as socialising evolves alongside social media? No one's ever gonna pay for a product for security if everyone else is using the free version.

Companies are working on facial recognition with a threat matrix, you could be arrested before even committing a crime.

In New York City every camera feeds into one NYPD system that monitors faces to see when they come and go and where. Another system tracks cars.

What they want is every public building to have these. They probably want chips they can automatically scan too.

Is there any way to stop this big brother level shit? Or do we have to choose either going full AnPrim or conforming to this shit?

Wouldn't be surprised if the terms of service of snapchat state that they "sell anonymised user data with third party advertisers"

If a service is free, you are the product that they're selling.

>trusting a company that makes a majority of its money from illicit CP sales

If it gets bad enough there will be a revolution, they will already be preparing for that though.

I guess just learn to love the bomb or rise up against it and wake people up. I would probably recommend to anyone trying to stop this to learn Linux and python so that you can hack into these things.

What if there's not a revolution? There was never a revolution to end taxation, never a revolution to end crooked cops, but that shit just progressively gets worse and people don't care because they can live with it. Plus people aren't going to ditch a free product that the majority still use. A good example is how youtube is a monopoly.

>has this closed-source software which provides me free-of-charge service despite users manufacturing insane amount of bandwidth someone in the end has to pay for breached my demands on privacy?


Everything is an oligopoly. People need to know this in order to revolt. So making it apparent would be the first priority.

In 1911 the United States Supreme Court ruled that Standard Oil was an illegal monopoly. This was the end to oil monopolies, they got smart and teamed up to make oligopolies and now they own the world.


Cool but how do we know how much data (((They're))) mining? How do we know google doesn't have a gun to our heads with all our private information?

But we got to end net neutrality!

Lol, do you even know what SnapMap is? It tracks your location constantly for all your friends to see. Its really creepy and seems pointless other than for stalking purposes. Make sure you don't have it activated.

Better yet, don't have facebook, snapchat or google installed on your phone at all.

Snapmap was what I was referring to in my original post. How do you know turning off your location really turns off your location?

They have everything. Your name, your address, your passports, your phone numbers, your email contacts, your SSN, your credit cards, your drivers license, your location, your shopping trends, your likes and dislikes, your political views.

Deactivating it doesn't stop the app from tracking you, it only stops your friends and yourself from seeing the app track you.

What should I do to keep them from knowing all that junk?

Maybe that stops snapchat from seeing you, I don't know. It doesn't stop triangulation with cell phone towers though.

Well you are lucky because right now they cant sort through all the data without AI. So unless they are looking for you specifically they wont see you.

If you are not worried about it then you don't have to do anything, if you are you could go off the grid, that is a lonely way to live though.

>use any social media
>have a smart phone
>have an Xbox one
>have a smart tv
>cctv cameras in every store/gas station/public building
>worried about your privacy

user, it’s too late.

What if Alex Jones is a plug used to make the masses believe people who realise this shit are just as crazy as Alex Jones is painted to be? What if shit like the russians hacking the election is made seem plausible to the public but shit like this happening right in front of us is being frames to be a crackhead's belief's?

If it's free, you're paying with your information. How did you not realize this?

Facebook selling likes is different to your location being used against you.

>Never a revolution to end taxes
Because you need taxes for a government
>Never a revolution to end crooked cops
w h a t a r e b o d y c a m s

What the hell is selling likes? You mean ad revenue? That isn't enough to make a profit, much less keep the service sustainable.

Facebook keeps track of what everyone likes, and companies buy that information so they can target people with ads.

If John likes tons of star wars memes, Star Wars will pay to have their video game ads target John.

Like I said, not enough to make a profit.

Are you literally this retarded?
> meme flag
Oh wait nvm...

Not exactly a revolution or a real change with cops.


Alex Jones has nothing too do with this, were you such a scared little baby frightened of the media calling you a conspiracy theorist to believe the warnings - then you deserve to be spied on.