for being number 1 in a lot of things, we are not in education.
What would you do to fix the US education system?
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As bad as education was in the 1950s, it was dumbed down so blacks and Mexicans wouldn't have horrific failure rates and serve as examples to white people that we're really not all alike except for skin color
dont forget the white trash.
but that dosent answer the question how would you fix it?
step 1: make high school financial education and home economics mandatory
step 2: stop giving out white guilt scholarships to shit skins and artificially increasing their grade point averages
step 3: stop getting Marxists to teach
it's a start.
Full private education. Let the best win.
Dissolve Teachers Unions
Disband Federal Dept of ED
thats one way
not gonna happen
Higher standards. Stop being afraid to fail underachievers. Make a High School diploma at least something of an achievement rather than a given for anyone who doesn't drop out.
Also, stop sending so many people to college. Something like 60-80% of our workforce really only needs a high school level education plus 6mo-1y of training in their chosen field. College should be reserved for the best and brightest and hone their minds/increase their base of knowledge. Right now it's more like an extension of High School with built-in day care.
Stop forcing people to go. We are constantly trying to train monkeys to do calculus. The reality is that some people are just not meant to be in school.
Public high school teacher here
1. Dissolve teacher's unions
The amount of bad, unmotivated, "I got mine" type teachers that I see at high schools is worrying - a good percentage (not all, and not the majority) teachers, especially with special education, are like this, and it's bad for the kids and taxpayers. Union protections make everything unwieldy; I could tell you union horror stories.
2. Extend the school year.
This doesn't happen without step one, but is highly necessary - there's no need to have one long break when you can be in school longer and break up the year.
3. Stop changing the fucking standards
I teach social studies in California - no standards (yet) for me. But for a math teacher, you have CC standards, state standards, and other hoops - teachers burn out midyear, get replaced by a lemon long term sub, and the kids suffer.
TLDR fire everyone
i would get a lot harder on kicking the little shits out that aint there to learn I feel like a huge problem is little wana be gangsters only going to fight and be loud in class and they only get slapped on the wrist
even expelling is a slap on the wrist i would say if you get expelled you cant go to school anywhere you gotta go find a trade
Please share a union horror story.
Education is actually pretty decent in white/Asian neighborhoods, it's just when nig'd and spic'd out so much of the resources goes to discipline and policing that quality of education suffers.
Also no teacher even remotely worth their creds would volunteer to work in a dindistrict.
that dose make sense, what are you thoughts on standardize testing?
>black """(((people)))""" are statistically the most retarded and violent race
>b-b-but muh w-white t-trash! The kaykaykay!
>2. Extend the school year.
Fuck off. It's not natural for children to sit still and be quiet for 8 hours a day, 10+ months of the year.
middle school student who dont meet the standard will get a job instead of hangin around highschool for 5 years and not graduate.
first of all, it's six (seven in HS) hours. and the school year is only 180 days. about half of the school year.
Make basic things mandatory to be taught to children until the age of 13.
I found school to be a waste of time and I'm 100% sure a 12 year old can figure out trigonometry, calculus, science and other bullshit. Speaking of bullshit, make school ONLY for math, reading, language and any other skill they must know. Who defines the educational standards are the ones who fund the institution. Educational reforms can happen through a parent conference type of meme if parents aren't happy with what's happening. An even better solution is private schooling which remains free, but it requires you to maintain a very good grade, as it's clearly a waste of time to educate a dumb or uninterested child. It's really up to the parents to teach the child the importance of education, so if the parent bitches their child was expelled, they can try again the next 9 weeks or next year.
What happens after the age of 13? Nothing.
Why not let them have a jump start at life and fuck around until they're 16 to 18, they might plan their future careers during that time. 13 year olds with high school diplomas can go to college, so by the time you're 21, you'll already have the tools to create a career for yourself.
The school should be a public place, not a private institute. The school is a public venue where teachers have responsibilities of their classroom. The zero tolerance and no-bullying bullshit will go as well. Bullying teaches a lesson of respect. If you don't respect yourself enough to maintain a dominant position or to defend yourself, you do not deserve the respect of your peers. It's why there's so many faggots now.
This happened before I got to my site, but a teacher had a very explicitly sexual relationship with a student, beginning when she was admittedly 18, but still violates the rules of our contract, is kind of creepy, etc. The union, despite the fact that both sides admitted that there was a sexual relationship, dug their heels in, and said that the man deserved to be paid even though he was no longer going to be teaching. From what I heard, the man was paid for a year or two despite not actually teaching; all he did was stay away from the school.
This comes on the heels of allegations of a different teacher allegedly filming his students, which the union has again dug their heels in on. At least I know I'll be ok if I choose to screw up?
In general bad - multiple choice answers generally aren't that great, and honestly, what with the new tests (I think they call them Smarter Balance) you're going to see the average probably go down a bit. I know that most of my students don't take multiple choice tests very well; it appears it's no longer being "taught" so to speak in the lower levels.
How about we let kids run around and play outside like we used to.
I completely agree. You're making an assumption that all schools operate like that; the one I'm at does not. Many schools are beginning to move away from the "sit and be quiet" industrial model, via project based learning, but there's obviously a great deal of work to be done.
Attack the teachers, that always works.
That's irony by the way, I don't care if they are the problem, attacking them it's not going to fix jack shit.
Stop using group work as an excuse to grade less work.
When I was in school, I hated having to do Stacey's work or we all fail. You're in a position to change that, right?
Who still do better in school than the wealthiest of blacks.
I'm not, actually. Research indicates that PBL, when done correctly, creates more authentic learning experiences for students than the traditional "drill and kill" method. It's great that there's less to grade, too.
I do agree that one student carrying the team is an issue. However, with proper implementation of a few norms, this problem is greatly alleviated. In some schools I've visited, the usual is to have the students enter into a group contract, wherein if a student fails to work they're kicked out of the group. If only you could do that to the Democrats!
> Also, stop sending so many people to college. Something like 60-80% of our workforce really only needs a high school level education plus 6mo-1y of training in their chosen field.
Agreed. Essentially you're wasting like 4-5 years of people's lives, all that income for themselves and all that productivity, including all the time to pay off loans, with college bullshit of binge drinking parties and Oooo he knows Amer-Lit VII aren't we erudite let's wank it, if it isn't a necessity for the job at hand.
How to go about fixing that, I don't know. I don't know the proper combination or laws or regulations to stepside all the bullcrap, but there's got to be a better way than wasting frickin' time for so many, to stroke the egos and pockets of academians that just plain aren't that so damned important.
Stop perscribing kids dextroamphetamines for made up diseases like (((ADD))) and (((ADHD)))
>oh kids are having trouble sitting in a chair and being quiet for 8 hours? Instead of giving them recess back, let's just prescribe them psychoactive drugs!
How to fix education in 1 easy step
>Make it optional
Kids who don't want to learn, with parents who don't care, are not going to learn. They are going to be disruptive and prevent other students learning. They don't care, their parents don't care, why should anyone else?
Make it optional, 90% of the minorities drop out over night. The 10% remaining are the ones who actually want to make something of themselves, they are the ones who actually deserve the helping hand.
The problem with that is then we wouldn't have people coming out of bad situations where they couldn't afford school. If we had the same expectations of public schools as we do with private schools then we might have something good, but its dumbed down for niggers.
Stop counting minorities in our statistics.
>eliminate no child left behind
Dumb people can fuck off. When you lower the standards it fucks things up for everyone else.
>Teach life skills
How to do your taxes, how to write a CV, basic money management, how to interact with police, etc.
>Raise standards for math
It's necessary for most natural sciences, computer science, programming, and will only become more important as the economy becomes more and more tech based.
>Raise standards for languages
Foreign languages (especially Spanish, with so many Spanish countries near the US) should be taught from at least the first grade, and onwards. Everyone should be at least at a conversational level in a second language by the time they graduation high school.
>Teach trades
Start teaching trades/practical, marketable skills in high school. Auto repair, construction, wood working, metal working, etc.
>pop the tuition bubble
End all government funded aid/scholarships/student loans, except for STEM/in-demand degrees.
This. About a billion times this.
I really like these ideas as a teacher. I think the two that stand out the most though are life skills and language.
There's no reason why students shouldn't be exposed to language learning at a young age, though you'd be surprised; most of the opposition comes from parents, who either refuse to enroll their child in a language class (too confusing for young kids, not my home language, we want to do a language that's not offered, etc) so that would almost be one of the most controversial of all your ideas, sadly.
Secondly: at the school district I'm working at a class was recently introduced and made into a graduation requirement for all students to take a life skills course. The feedback I'm hearing is that almost universally the kids hate it; they hate having to plan out their future lives. It teaches them all of the skills you need; how to budget, do taxes, apply for jobs, make a resume; but the kids don't respond. Teaching life skills is apparently pretty hard; I have no idea how I'd do it, though I'm glad someone is at least trying.
>in demand
Pick one. Stem became a meme once affirmative action opened it up to niggers and women.
I love this argument and its very important idiots liek you bring it up as much as possible
even white trash is so much more intelligent that average black
important word being 'white'
pic related - your wifes dinner tonight
>Teaching life skills is apparently pretty hard; I have no idea how I'd do it, though I'm glad someone is at least trying.
That someone is meant to be their parents. Schools don't do this because it's not their job, it's the parents job. Same as teaching a kid how to change the oil in the car, or change a tyre, or even basic shit like shopping properly.
Expanding public schooling to encompass more shit is precisely the wrong thing do to. Schooling needs to go back to the absolute basics, math, science, and Languages. Things that cannot reasonably be expected to be taught in the home. nanny state horseshit is half the reason you have these problems, parents just assume the schools will teach it all.
Remove niggers spics and females from schools. The system isn't broken, what we're trying to put through it is and the only brokenness comes from bending the system to them.
>for being number 1 in a lot of things, we are not in education
Because of niggers and spics dragging the numbers down. Just like with crime or obesity or other negative things, remove the niggers and spics and, wow, it's solved.
bless those ninos souls
I can see where you're coming from, but increasingly, especially in schools on the West and East Coasts, schools are being seen as a place that should focus more on soft skills (like being able to interact with other people, being empathetic, etc) as being on a level of equal, if not greater, importance as "hard" skills (knowing content, etc). Quite frankly, many parents don't know how to do the things you described, or very often can't or won't demonstrate them for their kids. So the burden falls onto us.
send low iq niggers and beaners to work in the mines. the scores will go up and we'll be #1, immediately.
>many parents don't know how to do the things you described
Because generation after generation we're being manipulated into greater reliance on government programs to teach us basic life skills we should be getting from our parents.
>So the burden falls onto us.
What you're espousing here sounds harmless on the surface but what it is in reality is essentially No Child Left Behind on an even larger scale. You need to let people fail sometimes. What you're talking about is the intellectual equivalent of socialism, that is teaching by rote, rather than letting people learn by solving problems on their own.
We need less teaching by rote and more of the Socratic method.
I'm studying to become a teacher myself actually, so I've spent a lot of time thinking about it.
On language: I would make Spanish required, and additional ones (third languages) optional. Some parents might bitch and moan about it, but there's a US territory that already speaks it, it's widely used in the Caribbean, almost exclusively used in central and south America, and is also used in Europe - it's common enough in the US that teachers would be easy to find, and it would make learning any other Latin based language later easier. If parents aren't okay with that, then fuck them - they can pull their kids out of school and let them mop floors for the rest of their lives.
On life skills: that's a sad symptom of the times we live in, but imo, demonstrates the importance of such a class that much more.
STEM being a meme, is a meme. If a field is flooded with graduates that have a 2.2 GPA, they won't get jobs, and there will still be demand due to unfilled positions.
Public schools need to compete. Vouchers that let parents decide which school their kids attend would be a start.
the system could be fixed easily but liberals will won't like the results. first and foremost, student accountability must be on all grade levels. for example if a 1st grader can't read at grade level then he shouldn't be pushed into the next grade. if it takes the child longer to learn the required skills, so be it. just pushing a child through the system does do the child any good nor does it benefit the other students.
differentiated instruction does not work. all it does is dumb down content to the lowest common denominator. differentiated instruction is supposed to be instruction that reaches all levels but honestly how can you instruct content that will reach all level unless you dumb it down so the student with an 80iq will understand. but it even gets worse because of "inclusion". inclusion means sped students must be included in regular class instruction, this also applies to ESL students. that's why it's such a huge cluster fuck.
these changes will never take place because the majority of black and hispanic students will be totally left behind. instead of letting asian and white students excell, liberals just poison the well with their feels.
We can never go back to that until parents start raising their kids.
In the 50s the schools did a much better job at fulfilling the needs of the students, and society. Times have changed, those needs have changed, and school has to change with it, or else the whole system will continue to fail.
I wish the solution was as simple as going back, but we can never go back; culture has changed too much, parents stopped giving a shit.
segregate classes, never would work because everyone would collectively shit themselves about racism, but it honestly would fix a lot of problems for everyone.
I agree we should be preparing children to be adults by 13-14. Most can reproduce by that age. Pretending like they are children when they can have children is denying nature.
English is the universal language of business. Fuck fucking Spanish.
>We can never go back to that until parents start raising their kids.
Yes we can, all we have to do is be willing to let people fail and fuck themselves over and help only those who help themselves.
We CAN. But we WONT.
Close borders
Cut gibs
Privatize educations.
Everything fixes itself....with maybe a larger police force in the interim.
>In the 50s the schools did a much better job at fulfilling the needs of the students, and society.
And look how boomers turned out
This guy is on to something. No more things like no child left behind. If nig nogs can't don't want to pass then they shouldn't. If you aren't able to pass four years of high school in five years you can the cost of tuition or get the fuck out.
Also, be sure to keep statistics for whites separate. Don't need niggers and spics bringing things down. We're fine placing second to the Asians.
>It's not natural for children to sit still and be quiet for 8 hours a day
What are your parameters for what constitutes "natural"? Schools aren't necessarily "natural", but we still have them.
Maybe the word you're looking for is unhealthy? If that's the case, kids should be starting school an hour, or so, later in the morning -- because that's been shown to be somewhat of a detriment.
voucher would fix the problem because private schools don't operate under the same restrictions as public schools. however it would create a brain drain from the public system. you'd have a massive white and asian exodus from public schools. higher iq black and hispanics would leave too. so basically the public schools would just be left with all of the kids who aren't able to behave or cognitively unable to perform at grade level. this population would be overwhelming black, hispanic and sped. imagine the current state of public education and multiply it by a 1000. it would be apocalyptic. worse than this
The problem is when people fail systematically at The societal level, the nation fails.
I blame the hippie movement for boomers, as every intelligent American should.
>English is the international language of business
>I blame the hippie movement for boomers
Boomers are a result of (((new parenting ideas))) that came of the the post WWII mindset of the (((greatest generation)))
Get rid of illegals. Fast track a lot of kids into trades. Let kids fail that need to fail. Make all kids keep up with the same high standards regardless of race. Only let smart educated immigrants into the US.
Reminder to anyone calling for private education: all the nigger and spic thugs that currently stay in schools for free lunches/warmth in winter will be running the streetshow 24/7 trying to get their gibs back from white folks.
kill all the kids.
would you want any of those people out in society? it would just bring out and refine the absolute worst in them. maybe it's the red pill we need but system like that would breed monsters.
Hang all nigger at scholl
Thats what guns are for you soyboy faggot
Make high school ridiculously fucking difficult so that only like 10% can go to college. Also make college not look at race/gender so when niggers fail to get in and SJWs start screeching autistically we can show them that it's literally impossible for us to be discriminating.
Collge is a obsolete way of learning for the pre internet era
It never should have been made into our main way of giving people job credentials
Compulsory 6-8 month class on Marxism.
It's a million times easier for a Nigger to get a gun than it is for one to get an education. They'll be shooting too, artard. Nice projection with the soy by the way. Why don't you go milk your own bitch tits and leave this discussion to adults.
and yet are poor as fuck
Well, I disagree.
Regardless, it's a moot point because I'm not advocating we make school like it was in the 50s - I was explaining why that system wouldn't work today.
>They'll be shooting too, artard.
Why are you afraid of a nigger uprising
It would not be hard to put down
from my stand point, its horrible.
students are being thought to pass a test than actually being thought.
Simple solution to this: temporary sterlization for anyone receiving welfare, like IUDs, mandatory depo-provera shots.
It would stop the nigger-class from breeding while dependent on tax-payer handouts. Problem of feral niggers would resolve within a generation or two.
ADD and ADHD are real. its the fact they are being OVER perscribed
We should have public school
It might have made sense when parents could not read or had access to learning material but in the internet age they are obsolete and are basicly just daycare so women can enter the workforce
So subvert it before it even happens by shipping them all to Libya before we dismantle and reconstruct our own education system.
Bring back segregated schools. This is already done through private schooling though.
>and reconstruct our own education system.
Why cant mothers educate their own children?
burger education is on par with Europe; it only seems like it is getting worse due to the mystery meat tidal wave
Marry conservative woman
Make her stay home and raise kids
Make her home school them
Problem solved
Shut the fuck up about Greatest Generation, they accomplished more than you autistic Z tards ever will.
take a wild guess, here's a hint. it starts with J and rhymes with shoes
I guess if you consider giving the world over to the Jews an accomplishment
Schools are not obsolete you dumb fuck. The level of autism in your comments...
eliminate federal department of education
this is all that needs to be done
How are the Jews stopping you from homeschooling other than forcing you to pay taxes for public school?
Nobody gave world to Jews you tard.
Shut it down. We have the internet, sink or swim.
>Schools are not obsolete you dumb fuck.
Why are they still necessary?
>Nobody gave world to Jews you tard.
lurk more
>Foreign languages (especially Spanish, with so many Spanish countries near the US) should be taught from at least the first grade, and onwards. Everyone should be at least at a conversational level in a second language by the time they graduation high school.
fuck that
the rest of the world learns english anyway
Because they are needed to educate society. Homeschooled people are tards.
The Jews made it economically impossible to afford homeschooling through their systemic fraud that ensures both parents have to work to merely survive
Same here
still doesnt answer the question
(((they))) have controlled the education of educators for far too long. it needs to be torn down