>a few retards in /pol start up a joke
>it makes into BBC
A few retards in /pol start up a joke
Other urls found in this thread:
They are watching us like a hawk. After the Its OK To Be White thing, they want to foil anything that starts here.
>turk flag with changed colors
What did they mean by this?
>bbc starts a thread on Sup Forums
>bbc writes article about thread
this fucking timeline
maybe that Sweden is open for muslim terrorists
>4chans influence is waning
>Still makes it onto the BBC without any apparent effort
God damn these people are retarded
>tfw in decline
>mike wendling
Time to overheat their efforts.
If they write about our every fart, we just switch to eating lots of beans.
Sup Forums
How will Sup Forums ever recover?
>power of Sup Forums is waning
>a dumb joke makes international headlines
Yeah, I get the feeling that they lack self-awareness
>failed to take off
>BBC article about it
Mike Wendling started the 4chins thread, started the petition, wrote the article. All surmised yesterday here. Now fuck off.
Oh lawd.
I love it, when stuff like that backfires.
LOL. These bitches forgot that we got the fucking parentheses labeled as hate speech. Sup Forums can do whatever the fuck it wants and they can't stop it.
During GamerGate, Zoe Quinn and zer ilk showed up to anonymously post death threats against zerself so they could take screenshots. Of course this "evidence" was not used for any criminal complaint - just posted on Twatter to play up the oh noes fearing for my life narrative that also coincidentally linked to zer Patreon.
What have we established. Lives in North London (N16). From Buffalo. Gay Jewtard.
Blood type?
What happened in the middle of 2014?
i mean this dude just had the idea of starting a petition or something, never heard of it again until BBC decided to write an article about it a week later.
dumb fart sniffing soyims
you people are pathetic
The Fappening, bruh
>it makes into BBC
You faggots made Zero Hedge, too, and they seem quite amused by it all: zerohedge.com
I'm telling you, they may be a financial blog first, but at heart, they're /ourguys/. They see the real world; financial people who like not being broke have to deal with the truth, no matter how harsh it may be.
>pic related
Is there one of those for CNN too?
I wonder how much dick his book will suck. Cause he either didn't spent enough time to research this place or he spent more than enough time and got redpilled. Since he isn't redpilled he's book will be a collection of buzzwords and an amateur psychoanalysis of the average Sup Forums user (white, loser, virgin, something about anime). He's book will flop and so did his cock in the past years.
>makes news in an international news outlet
What do they mean with decline?
They're broadcasting it, aren't they?!
Daily reminder thar this is BBC gaslighting
Better one above: This one isn't legible.
We just want lulz
4chins is a site of peace
put this on the front page bbc kikes
>Zero Hedge
they're /ourguys/, always were
>6 shit posters make it on BBC
>decline of Sup Forums
cllearly Sup Forums is done for this is it lads this is the end
we need to migrate to ebaumsworld
press F to pay respect
extreme message board?
the bbc is literally turning space for stories into Sup Forums ads. this is stupid even by british standards
The big black cock curator has a book coming out. He needed to get some big inches for himself.
>a movement will organically form defending the christian flag of Sweden
This made me very suspicious about this thread, only a delusional idiot like Mike would write it. Also half of /pol would, so i really don't know if this petition thing was genuine or just BBC bait.
Anyway, if true it backfired, Mike and his pedo pals don't understand that this is exactly what we want, media attention for the lulz
>I wonder how much dick his book will suck.
At least a whole bag. Maybe two.
jesus christ, now i regret for nothing giving two fucks back then , but come on , it was too ambitious to even end up anywhere, we have to retry in ten years if we still survive and it could actually work.
>Decline of an extremist Sup Forums message board.
>A few shit posters make it on their headlines.
Sure. Because that's how it works.
brake lights are lit, you must acquit!
>n-no YOU guys are not relevant anymore!
Kek, presenting it like there’s some grand scheme behind it instead of a couple of autists having a giggle.
more like
>BBC """journalist""" makes two posts on Sup Forums
>journalist whines about how his forced meme didn't work
They want to have the "Siege of Vienna" (1683) again, but this time they will throw open the gates for the little brown dick and like it. Poland will probably save them from their own stupidity (again).
>inb4 thats a waxing crescent depicted on the flag
>BBC BTFO because Sup Forums right again
It didn't. It's actually 2022 and you're dreaming of shitposting.
top kek my brother
And how many times has Sup Forums been on CNN/Fox or that absolutely fucktarded report thinking BUMP means "cocaine"?
Get over it.
>yfw BBC dedicate half of their TV license budget to send their top sleuths in to debunk change.org petitions
bbc are paedo scum
does anyone have a number of how many frequent visitors Sup Forums has (not all Sup Forums), or in other words, how many are we in this weird community?
>does anyone have a number of how many frequent visitors Sup Forums has (not all Sup Forums), or in other words, how many are we in this weird community?
Here we go!
More than a few