Why are tattoos so normalized now? It seems like so many people I meet have one or have at least considered getting one. I just assume they are idiots and end up correct 98% of the time. Well rounded people with tattoos usually regret getting them. What or who is behind this sudden but subtle tattoo trend and why do so many young people want to plaster shitty art on their bodies?
Why are tattoos so normalized now? It seems like so many people I meet have one or have at least considered getting one...
>get asked when Im getting a tattoo
>ask what they mean by when
>"well when are you getting one you don't have one yet"
>tell them never
>lol why are you such a straight arrow you need to relax
>ask them how I'm the straight arrow when I'm going against the norm
All this "alternative" lifestyle nonsense is the norm now, not the alternative. I go against the norma in our society and rebel by wearing a jacket and tie and reading my bible and fleeing fornication, drugs and drunkeness.
Jews make you get tattooed if you want to be a male entertainer (apart from acting/comedy), and the goyim idolizes entertainers.
It's like branding your cattle.
Whenever a girl asks me out I always ask if she has a tattoo first, 90% of the time she says yes and I say no. I refuse to be involved with anyone who would mutilate her body like that.
>Things that never happened
Unless you are a degenerate with degenerate company no one will ever ask someone this.
What? Fucking nerd. Well placed, well done tattoos are dope.
Having a tattoo is the default now, people think you're weird if you don't have one. At least in my age group
A tattoo is always a disgusting mutilation of the body
Agreed, tattoos are only degenerate when they look like a 12 year old's notebook margins.
Tattoos are degenerate. That's the end of it no ifs ands or buts.
who else here made your own tattoos?
some of them faded into unrecognizable ink smudges after a few years.
i still prefer to do it myself than fund meth gangs by visiting a 'professional' tattoo shop.
planning to get my tattoo gun out of storage soon so i can do a subtle Sup Forums / Sup Forums related tattoo.
Having tattoos used to be unique. Now it's unique NOT to have a tattoo
Fag lol
What if I get a tattoo of my friend's favorite bible quote, in memory of him?
Tattoos are degenerate.
This is not up for debate.
subtle and Sup Forums are two things that are rarely associated. what did you have in mind?
Get Levictus 19:28 tattoo.
The bible forbids tattoos
summary of pol:
"why do people like things I don't like.?"
It's ok, it is your first encounter with a roastie.
I have the same. i'm 33 years old now. My closest friends don't have any, and neither have i. It's strange how now-a-days it looks like everyone has a tattoo. When i was in my teens/begin 20s i've thought about it, but (thank god) never went trough with it. I would have ended up with retarded Biohazard logo or something
Leave your basement more or stop pretending like you do.
interesting. cuttings of the flesh are prohibited, yet women who pierce their ears have done nothing wrong. a doctor who preforms surgery or autopsy has done nothing wrong either as well? in essence, I suppose you could say that they are actually wrong and our society has degenerated into low territory
because tattoos are for faggots and they want more faggots.
When I was in high school I wanted one, I'm glad I never went through with it. Tattoos should be illegal or the age to get one raised to 30. People justify their tattoos because they got one in their teens and it's too late to go back now
Can you read, don't make cuttings for the dead OR tattoo your skin. Women with piercings usually break the biblical commandment to not adorn yourself in jewels however
I'm going to start doing this. also need to find a woman still using a flip phone... That is literally the dream girl these days.
Get a hidden merchant tat.
it's a good way to vet people without having to interact with them
I don't own a portable telephone at all, I don't understand it and I think it's just led to a degenerate society. I've stopped going out with people because they'd just sit and text or play with their phones all day.
it would be very hard to get me into a relationship with a girl with a tattoo
it is a bad decision and they are not responsible
also a sign that you are not happy with your self.
>Oh what's that user? That's a cool tattoo
>It symbolises the dangers of greed and dishonesty
I can deal with tats, I can put up with dyed hair, but I will never NEVER see anyone with gauges in their ears as anything but a waste of oxygen.
God gave this command to the nation of Israel, thus setting them apart from the neighboring peoples who marked their skin with the names or symbols of their gods. (Deuteronomy 14:2) While the Law given to Israel is not binding on Christians, you are right in the sense that it must be taken into consideration that what we do could have a larger impact than anticipated
I had gauged ears and a lip piercing half a decade ago.
now I understand why dad threatened to nail my lip to a tree
I'm thinking we should make one that looks like kanji or something.
They never look 'dope' junior
But to each their own
I also do not own a cell phone
have house phone for work purposes only
They're self-mutilating and look dumb as shit, what was the appeal?
chicks were into it
If I could find a girl who doesn’t have a Facebook account I’d wife her instantly
Women and their love of fads, causing trouble since the dawn of time.
thankfully it healed fully. my ears just look pierced now and facial hair covers the piercing scar
Agreed, which is why Israelites with tattoos should be condemned. But, I'll give you that you have influenced my decision as a whole. Do with that as you please
Perhaps Africa or another third world country has just the type of woman you're looking for...
they are out there
the problem is finding them
when both people distrust almost everyone for fear of degeneracy it is hard
to be honest if I found the perfect girl there is a good chance I would ignore her
and if I said anything to her she would probably think I only wanted to hit it and quit it
You think you're making a joke.
Social media is the cancer that kills good women.
The law applies for mankind, show me where God says this law is only for the people who murdered my son.
I agree wholeheartedly, which says many things about social media obsession and the western woman.
I found a girl who barely went on her facebook and had no other social media. She had gauges, a nose piercing, two tattoos and started drinking when she was 12.
We stayed together for over 4 years, I wiggled my way out when she kept trying to break up with me and stopped having sex with me. Tons of issues, but a great person, she went from blind liberal idiot to at least watching Ben Shapiro after I was done with her. Don't listen to Sup Forums all the time.
how much of tattoos are a status thing?
they're pretty expensive, full length arms cost thousands?
Tattoos are like any addiction, people just don't know when to stop.
An apprentice at work blew his first paycheck on a shitty tattoo on his hand and has screwed himself out of any responsible position where you need to shake clients hands.
I'm all for freedom of choice, just don't complain about the consequences...
Also alot of girls seem to think they can "add" self-esteem to themselves by getting tattoos and/or piercings... usually the opposite is true...
>well done tattoos are dope
This makes sense. Tattoos are so fucking unattractive. Absolutely disgusting.
To get people use to the idea of being 'marked' permanently.
The tatted are probably more likely to receive the chip.
Should they ever have to go on the run they'll be easier to identify.
Tattoos have only gotten popular among the desperate to be noticed.
Tattoos are a sign of the retard working class stamp. The beautiful part is when they use a piece of consumerism as an identity for themselves.
I have nothing for you from the mouth of The Lord himself, forgive me.
white women are trash
>I go against the norm in our society and rebel by wearing a jacket and tie and reading my bible and fleeing fornication, drugs and drunkeness.
This! It's laughable so many people still think they are being hip and edgy when really they are acting and dressing the same as everyone else
Paul Joseph Watson is cancer but that whole "Conservatism is the new counter culture" meme really does have something to it.
I have hold fast on my hand but I do lots of sailing and make good money should I still get gas?
Awesome, we all know how well counter culture movements do in the long run.....
>portable phone
It's part of the usual trend within late capitalism to capitalize on people's identities. People want to be distinct, and you want to profit off it. So you sell distinctness to the masses. Results in 3 brilliant things: You get money, counterculture is made impotent, and because you keep assuring people that they're protesting against the norm, the system can keep going almost indefinitely. You can also get them reassuring each other, which is even better. People think less in groups.
Because the bible says nothing about it
Yes, I've owned mine for the last 25 years and it's still good as new, but portable phones last people only a few years before they break.
As a matter of principle, I'd never knowingly get involved with any fad. I don't use Kikebook, Twitter or other social media. And I would never consider getting a tatoo.
Yes, I'm very lonely (got wife and white kids though).
Pepe the frog.
its a leftist thing.
its all coincides with their push for degeneracy.
You are correct, the Bible says nothing of the sort.
>Whenever a girl asks me out
come on now..
You've never been asked out before, user?