23% of Polish babies born in UK have ethnic fathers

The real question is, if 23% of Polish women have babies with ethnic men, how many have kissed, held hands with, sucked or fucked an ethnic?

Is it safe to say that 80% of Polish girls in the UK at least kissed an ethnic and 50% have fucked one?

I am huwhite and few years ago I met around 10 Polish girls. I already had a suspicion about Polish women and when I pressed them about it, the truth came out.

Every single one of them had a story to tell involving a darkie, from having their first kiss with one in Tunisia, their pervy Pakistani landlord touching their white skin to being in relationships with a groids and pakis.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Just blacked my shit up kurwa
Ken that blonde in op is black cock owend

Are you planing to remade this 5 minutes after it gets archived untill end of the world?
Already told you, nobody here gives a shit about some slags in UK, we shipped them out for a reason.

Brutal black pill on polish it roasties:

Hers a website were indian and nigger men with polish wifes flaunt their withe gfs to bitter polish men, lots of polish women on on there mockingpolish men calliñg them virgins for never geting a chance with them

Anonymous (ID: BxCi388S) 11/17/17(Fri)11:35:55 No.149798423▶
Whole forum with thousands of posts of this veriaty
>lm a black male, I started off pretty much as a sex tourist in Europe, Estonia, Amsterdam, Finland..etc. Im now with a polish woman, who ive been with for 6 years, we have a 2 year old child, a cat, a washing machine etc. The point is, her nationality means nothing to me anymore. She's just the person I love. End of.

Even in poland women consider hooking up with local being a looser
Its sad the sexual disinfranchasment and genocide posh women have perpotrated agains polish men
>Most Polish women just want to get out of Poland, even if they have to go into poorer countries like Algeria or Tunesia. They need prestige and a husband, who will work for them, while they spending lazy times in the sun.

Polish women mostly need prestige, they want that their friends in the old country say: "Magda lives in Algeria now, she has a husband there .. he is doctor/engeneer/teacher/manager .. even if he only sell fake sunglasses to tourists.

theres +600.000 polish women in uk all in breeding age coalburning like its going out of style.
rip polish race, once brexit is done they'll bring those goblins to spread the shitskin genes in da motherland.

Due to brexit polack whores whill be send back with their brood to poland unless they make 19k a year in uk

>stupid people are gonna act stupid
now just throw in a little bit of poverty and you have a brutal black pill, lmao

You shipped them out?

LOL they came here of their own volution. You talk like they're some separate caste or something. They are your sisters! University students as well as workers here in Britain. No different to you at all.

Also I'm talking about teenage Polish girls who came here very young and aim to do more than work in a hotel.

They are addicted to paki and black cock in an unbelievable way. Yes, certain English girls are too, but they are usually a certain type of loud bitch. It's literally all Polish girls - quiet, loud, academic, stupid, geeky, sporty - that lay with the Bangladeshis!


This is the fucking dumbest post I've read so far today.

Read the text, you illiterate fuck.

>Most of the children had Polish fathers...
>OF THE REST, 23% had African or Asian fathers

What percentage is "the rest"? Is it 1%? Is it 5%? If either one, it means between 0.23% and 1.15% of Polish-mother babies have African or Asian fathers. Which means between 98.85% and 99.67% are to Polish fathers, if either of my guesses are correct.

Learn to do some fucking math. It's a problem that the number is above 0, but it's not nearly as big of a problem as you troglodyte-tier retards make it seem.

>roasties grow up in a 99% white country
>surprised they whore it out with something they never seen before
youre just mad your country is turning to shit and were doing a-okay, get fucked ahmed

we have this thread every day

No they won't. Luckily, they will have the nationality of their fathers and won't be allowed in Poland. So they'll still be nigger tier.

23% of 25% you delusional leaf.

Approx 6%, meaning at least 30-40% of Polish girls in the UK have felt Danesh's meat inside their walls.

your thread is shit, give it up soyboy

Fuck you slavshit subhuman Mongoloidapes, stop coming to western nations and normalising racemixing with shitskins. Deported all slavshit or be prepared for the mutt European future

that is actually very fortunate for the Poles

this means that all the pathologically impaired white Polish girls are leaving their nation and eliminating their genes from the genepool in the UK

only trad Polish girls remain in the nation of Poland. all arts students are leaving to breed themselves out of existence in Britbongland

Who fucking cares about dumb roasties who like the dark meat? These whores are meaningless, there's no point in crying over spilled milk. Sage these nigger-tier threads and be done with it.

There are hardly any Polish babies born in the UK though. out of almost a million Polish people in the UK only 25,000 or so were actually born here.

Polish women mix the race:


>monkey sex rituals
black "culture"

it's a part of british culture you bigot

This might actually bring up polish iq

They're all pathological, home and abroad.

Polish teens who for were raised and schooled in the UK are among the worse racemixers, losing their virginity to ugly Sanjays.

Once Poland gets enriched you'll see racemixing at every social level.