Why do Americans deny climate change?
Why do Americans deny climate change?
>hurricanes and fires only exist due to climate change
Why do Euros hate freedom?
>see this one day of weather is bad so climate change is real
>see this one nigger isn't bad so white privilege is real
We do no deny climate change. We deny the idea that man is 100% responsible outside of things like urban heat island effect due to our recognition of the poor quality of data used in most models (USHCN, GissTemp, etc) in addition to models not even incorporating things like topography and other obvious factors that would impact the climate (Sun M-cycles). Here you go:
1,350 Peer Reviewed Papers supporting skepticism
CATO institute
If you care so much then you should really be developing alternative technologies :^)
I'm not letting you tax industries just so you can feed Ahmed's welfare under the guise of "combating climate" change.
You krauts are shit hypocrites anyways. You preach strong environmental regulations and clean standards and then open your factories in places like Poland and then just pollute their land due to lax regulations. Seems unethical for a bunch of Germans who act like they care...
What’s wrong with craft beer senpai?
We believe it but we aren’t going to scammed with bullshit like the Paris accord anymore.
Climate change does nothing for Northern countries like Canada and Scandinavia. It's a challenge from nature : Adapt, change, or die. Might be good for third world country overpopulation.
Most people believe in climate change. But is it really worth railroading our economy further by increasing taxes and regulations ? Most people don't think so. Instead of trying to "change the world for the better", why not innovate and engineer new technology to *adapt* to the changing world? It's pretty much a certainty that Mother Nature wins every time someone tries to battle it.
The things themselves are mostly find - it's pointing out the impetus behind it...pretty obvious...are you autistic? Ask women "why" they like something, travel to some particular place and they won't be able to give you more than a sentence or an "I don't know"...they do it because they think that is what "interesting" people do and enjoy. Cart leading horse.
trips don't lie
>all those ellipses
I think you just outed yourself, friend.
That's not due to climate change, that shit happens every 5-10 years. It's a cycle.
The reason they let everything flood is because Burgers are shortsighted cunts who only plan short term so they simply don't bother building defenses against these kinds of storms. The gov't isn't allowed to help their own people either since that would be considered too socialist/communist and goes against the free market and the insurance companies.
Yeah you have no place bitching about other people.
>why do people who believe in inane bullshit deny science?
Because we want the earth to warm up enough to make Canada a good vacation trip for us.
Learn this: Americans are not denying climate change, what they deny is the notion that "humans have caused climate change" to make everybody feel "guilty about muh environment" and make a business out of it.
Climate change happens on its own, nothing us humans can do about it.
>Learn this: Americans are not denying climate change, what they deny is the notion that "humans have caused climate change"
Unfortunately, many Americans are so stupid that they deny even that.
>but climate change isn't re-
The climate is always changing you dumb shit. Since the very dawn of our plant the climate and conditions have always been evolving and changing. But man made global warming is a bunch of bullshit that globalist are pushing. What you are wanting is a never changing weather controlled world were the united nations or whatever county controls the weather and gets to decide what region of the world gets what weather. Like if there was a country that stepped out of line the UN could just simple cause a drought in the region and threaten to destroy there infrastructure. Screw your climate change bull shit. Like I said before, the nature worlds clime is always changing constantly and is has never been stable. Even before the industrial revolution.
It hasn't snowed in Los Angeles since the early 60s. Climate change is real
Well you know in America is considered "patriotism" to stick to any bullshit as long as it is part of the "establishment" even acknowledging its a lie. Specially Tea Party nutjobs, reactionaries would say anything to get their reaction.
Climate doesn't exist. It is something the white man made up.
Climate change denial is a label akin to Holocaust denial. In fact the similarities are striking. It's used to discredit the person who asks the uncomfortable questions. Is there cause 100% human in origin? How will a carbon tax improve things exactly? Just like: Did 6 000 000 really die? What is the evidence of actual gas chambers used to murder people? Are eyewitness survivor accounts 100% reliable?
What I'm getting at is anyone using one of the "denial" phrases unironically is the very likely an enemy of the white race, knowingly or not so much.
Climate change is the planet trying to kill us
>Why do Americans deny climate change?
Because we don't allow marxist propaganda to alter reality.
>In fact the similarities are striking
Yes, both involve ridiculous conspiracy theories to explain away the evidence. The same with HIV/AIDS denial (big pharma conspiracy)
and everytime its a big nothin burger...
Really makes me activate my almonds
the climate is supposed to fucking change
Why does the rest of the world deny that the Jews are enslaving humanity?
damn straight
because the Koch brothers pay the RINOs to promote anti-climate change legislation
its that simple
if you believe in man made global warming kys so we can save those previous carbon emissions for my jet ski
Of course it is..it's the rate at which it's changing that matters...fucking stupid trump voter
>not wanting to live in Venice everywhere you go.
Uncultured Swine.
shut up. the science is settled. pay carbon tax
>it's hot one day
>it gets cold one day
ugh it's CLIMATE CHANGE now not global warming
>gets hot again
Climate change is real and is caused by Jews.
Climate change is real and is caused by Jews to make it more uncomfortable for the everyone so massive unrest starts.
Jews own the oil business.
Don't shill to rich Jews who tell you climate change is a lie.
To say mankind is responsible for natural occurences is retarded and literally a comintern plot.
Fuck yourself you gullible hippy/shitty troll.
They have never not been serfs.
Nobody denies climate change, nigger
Only seeing positives there
This lol. Where are you getting this from that people deny the climate changes, OP?
TFW I'm a member and go to meetings at the waldorf in manhattan all the time to complain about paying taxes with a bunch of billionaires.
It's right ITT lol
Wrong link
I've lost track, are we warming or cooling??
(((academics))) and their hockey sticks are too busy fellating each other.
(((banks))) just want a carbon tax on your asshole's output.
What a fucking grammar commie
We deny global warming that had it's name changed to climate change.
They changed the name because climate does indeed change so they tried to hide in that definition.
This should be obvious by now.
Climate change due to man? No.
Climate change due to magnetic polar shifts?
>jews caused global warming so that everyone feels uncomfortable
Never change Sup Forums
Climate change is a natural occurance. The earth is getting warmer because we're still pulling out of na ice age. The North and South Poles are the remnants of that.
They're just spinning it to out of context to push their human caused global warming meme. At the same time they're saying climate change is occuring at a faster rate than it actually is when in fact large natural distaters are cyclical and occur once every 5-500 years.
don't forget the solar cycles. we should be headed towards an ice age soon.