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no, they were humanoid. Besides, the reason Europeans have Neanderthal in them is because we decided to keep the cute and pretty ones around. Isn't that nice of us?
>the reason Europeans have Neanderthal in them is because we decided to keep the cute and pretty ones around
Likely the other way around.
We were humans too
The real red pill is realizing that ite people ARE Neanderthals, and thats a good thing
You can see a lot of people who look visually like this in turkey and they are considered humans, but in fact are roaches
there may have been isolated pockets of Neanderthals in Turkey. that's just conjecture, but given it's location it seems possible
Well they were, our ancestors fucked them, and we have their dna
So you're tell me...
>Builds the biggest empire the world has ever seen
Hang on, hang on...
>Advances humanity to the industrial age
You are saying that....
>Rapidly push technology for a century. Life quality improves in most parts of the world.
Hang on...
>Lands on moon the pushes for more space exploration.
What im saying...
>Creates the internet.
We was human and stuff?
Could we clone them and make us have neanderwaifus?
Are Neanderthals white
Neanderthal DNA is what seperates humans from niggers lads
Pure homo sapiens can pretty much only be found in Africa
>tfw we may have Neanderthal waifus in our lifetime
Of course the fucking government would regulate it to shit
She looks like Beyonce
yes, a lot of them legit had blond hair
and they're still among us
I am a neanderthal, AMA.
she just needs cleaned up a bit. If you notice whoever made this wanted her to be unkempt
Whites most likely have the brain genes which make them smarter than nignogs from Neanderthals ... DRD4-7R dopamine receptor variant for example (go google it, morons)
Original H. sapines was a shit race...
t. a not that drunk geneticist
How many shekels are you worth?
a black guy at my work told me neanderthals didnt exist; that africans chased the future caucasians into the mountains to hide. he also said its in white peoples DNA to be hateful. he said every civilization started in Africa.
A jew convincing a white kid to let him cut his foreskin off
Hahahaha, had a good giggle there, mate! Tell him he should publish that theory in Nature ... the editors have accepted worse, believe me.
neanderthal master race
more like shakira
But they were
They were a sub species of humans
I've been called a Neanderthal by a nigger before.
Congrats ... any idea where your ancestors originally come from?
You've been drunk for 2 days? lol
Daily reminder you aren't white if you aren't at least 250+
you're a literal ape, pic related, low neanderthal, pure european tho
primarily quebec, england, and switzerland
311 is a good score user.
They are what makes us human
blacks have no neanderthal dna and they are the dumbest most psychopathic race
I'm having a white baby in April.
Brother is married to a poo.
I win.
Didn't Neanderthals chimp out and eat people all the time?
How would anyone really know?
They were human, just not sapiens. We could reproduce with them.
dunno but ever race apart from blacks has their dna
so it must be good
There is probably a big y-chromosome cover up and conspiracy.
If you belong to Haplogroup F, you're probably descend from a Neanderthal dude. Might only be Haplogroup GHIJK.
It's like the elite are trying to protect blacks and subsaharan Africans for some reason.
If all the Eurasians discovered they were all descended from Neanderthal men and men with A, B, D, and E y-chromosomes are non-neanderthals, what would the Neanderthal Eurasians do?
The revelation could split some ethnic groups apart. J1 and J2 Jews and Arabs may start marginalizing men with E1b1b y-chromosomes.
Interesting, thx! Should get myself tested too. Only did some immune markers for bonemarrow transplant donor list ... one allele is Basque, the other looks Celtic, kinda strange...
If I remember correctly the Y-chromosome of Neanderthals has not been preserved in humans (current theory: incompatible with H. sapiens reproduction, only female hybrids were fertile). However, F usually correlates with people of hybrid ancestry.
But you are right, nobody will (currently) openly say what all the genetic data on humans really implicates. Wait till the time is right, my friend.
t. a slightly drunk geneticist
No they were extremely civilized and only helped eachother catch and cook food. Eating each other was in itself an international neanderthalian crime, punishable by up to 3 days locked in the cheetah den without your' spear.
Next they'll be telling us niggers are humans
Not true they have it but only west africans don't.
LARPing at its finest
so now we're actually at the stage where people on twitter shame others for not emphatically affirming the humanity of creatures which are not human and no longer exist
There is a theory (based on some of their supposed brain genes) that they were kind of like Aspies (at least these genes are theorized to contribute to Asperger's in humans) ... but they lived in smaller groups than H. sapiens. Also, my personal theory on Aspies is as follows ... Aspies have problems understanding human facial expressions, seems that their brains cannot process them properly and so they become nervous in social situations as they cannot instinctively judge the motives of their peers. But, assuming that this is caused by Neanderthal genes, what if Neanderthals had evolved for a different "set" of facial expressions than H. sapiens? This would mean that Aspies are not deficient in understanding facial expressions but only that their face recognition is tuned to another human subspecies...
Discuss if you like.
until they were raped
Is that merchant tricking candy from a baby?
Anyone have the link from isciencetimes or something similar about sub-Saharan Africans having archaic human admixture as well, the hominid is just unknown?
This is one of my favorite screencaps. It's either very funny or very sobering depending on whether you buy into it.
Don Cheadle isn't looking so good in his old age.
Every human has neanderthal in them, niggers don't. Out of Africa theory is bs invented by kikes.
"we're all humans goy" no, niggers are not humans.
I like this false sense of superiority with having a "high" percentage of neanderthal in you. In all reality however, the more neanderthal you have, the more of a cuck you are. I ask anyone who has a 23andme account to go to their forums, and read the thread of users with high neanderthal and the pictures they have posted. They all look like numale faggots, i'm not even kidding here, they look like they have reddit for their homepage and just look girly, like someone could fuck their wife and they wouldn't bat an eye. Unless you are a girl I guess, if you are female and have neanderthal, you are gorgeous, but for males? Having high neanderthal is a bad thing when it comes to securing female partner. BTW, you don't have to be black to have low neanderthal. I'm r1b haplomeme, and have very low neanderthal.
neanderthals were cucks and autists that got thieir assholes btfo. It's not surprising those with high neanderthal are also autist and have high percentage of S&M thoughts.
Neanderthals were the true whites
Homo sapiens=niggers
That's more or less how they actually looked when you reconstruct skin and muscle over their skeletons. They were as close to a twin species as humanity ever got and hell, H. sapiens even interbred with them on a regular basis and it's why your average white person has between 1-3% Neander DNA. The question of whether or not they were human mostly stems from the extreme similarities between us and them and the fact that usually the separation of species is the ability to make viable offspring which sapiens and neanders actually did.
Yes. Their basic skin color was that of a typical central/northern European. Their eye color ranged from brown to blue and the variety of hair colors are a neanderthal trait.
Default Homo sapiens were black Africans. Default Homo neanderthalensis were white Europeans
We're talking about 3-5% neanderthal ancestry, it hasn't any impact you pseudoscientific dumbfuck
>Default Homo sapiens were black Africans
that's wrong, africans strong black hue is apparently caused by a mutation not present in archaic humans, who would've looked more like sort of brown already
not to mention some of the oldest sapiens skulls found aren't really negroid, taxonomically speaking
That was the least larpy post I've ever read, I know because most of what he said is already established science and is not controversial at all. Wtf is wrong with this board where everything is called "larp"ing?
then aspies would be able to understand one another, but they don't
>damage control the reply.
Maybe you are right, maybe it is not tied to anything. It still doesnt change the fact that your average high neanderthal looks like a straw with spaghetti for arms. People on here can't claim superior intellect by having higher neanderthal ancestry but not the cuck fantasies that comes with it.
>We're talking about 3-5% neanderthal ancestry, it hasn't any impact you pseudoscientific dumbfuck
It actually had an impact, particularly on the immune system giving the hybrids the ability to better deal with the unfamiliar pathogens in europe
Of course they were. I mean, Neaderthals is how humans evolved from niggers.
Really? I was under the impression that Aspies get along rather well amongst each other ... but I may be wrong. You maybe know about any studies on this subject? Work in neuroscience, might be relevant to me...
If whites generally have neanderthal DNA and blacks don't.
Who is less Human?
Yes, the homo sapiens that came to Europe were dark skinned.
archaic sapiens from Europe(cromagnons) had much higher neanderthal admixture than modern humans and were much more robust, it doesn't mean shit
gracilization in modern humans is mostly a result of the last 10k years lifestyle
I meant black as in "black" not black as in charcoal pitch nigger deep black. Also not a lot of blacks have stereotypical negroid skull shapes, like seriously it's surprising how rare it actually is. You also need to account for time difference as phenotypes can change very rapidly.
I figured they'd be roughly North African in appearance.
I don't like the way he's looking at me.
i swear i know someone that looks so much like a neanderthal they could use him in a documentary
Chimpanzees are 98% genetically similar to humans.
100% similar to you.
>smarter, stronger. less social, aryan phenotype
The whitest
Under rated
Don't abbos have neanderthal DNA as well though?
Don't. The police has been granted access to the data
You are right about that since the Neanderthal DNA has been spread out over our whole population. Even people with high percentage will most likely not even share the SAME Neanderthal genes. However, when H. sapiens intermixed with Neanderthals he quite suddenly started migrating all over the world ... and at the same time H. sapiens suddenly carried a gene (DRD4-7R) which makes people more curious and exploratory. And if you look at the composition of this gene it is highly unlikely that it had evolved from the original H. sapiens variant in such a short amount of time ... introgression from H. neanderthalensis is most likely. It changed our behaviour and made us conquer the world ... quite interesting I think.
I am glad that the neanderthals are all dead otherwise we would have bleeding hearts trying to integrate them into society and shit
>Don't abbos have neanderthal DNA as well though
Yes but they also have Denisovan DNA
Taxonomically they were(genus homo) and there are clear proofs that some mixing happened between humans and neanderthals so they weren't that much distant(although no mithochondrial DNA has been found yet so it probably was a very hard relationship)
lol my 23andme actually said I had like 200/300 neanderthal dna markers, I was in the top 90% of people tested
Debatable. Neanderthals were slow to adapt to their changing environment and their tool technology stayed roughly the same during their entire life span. They left basically no material culture outside of their standard tools and everything was very if it ain't broke don't fix or change it and they never built a structure. Probably because they relied entirely on their brute strength and their short af life span. H. sapiens were physically weaker but were better thinkers. Array of different tools for more intricate work, crafters marks and tribal symbology on equipment, structures, burials, all the things that we identify with humans.
So in essence, neanders were morons with retard strength.
They look like typical greeks
Right, that may have been the main evolutionary pressure for the initial hybridization.
If I remember correcty they carry a high percentage of Denisovan DNA. Denisovans were a sister group of Western Neanderthals ... at least according to genetics. Nothing more than a few bone fragments of the Denisovan have been found so far. Enough to extract DNA but we do not know much yet about this kind of humans...
Kill it with fire.
Neanderthals were literally just another race of human.
we barely have any knowledge of what contemporary "pure" sapiens were doing materially in africa(or whatever they came from), the comparison is not fair, considering also that the great material cultures of post sapiens paleolithic Europe were in fact built by hybrids already(with higher neanderthal admixture than moderns)
don't forget the earliest sapiens in the levant pretty much copied mousterian artifacts from neanderthals
That is true. Human refers to the genus, not the species.
I know. Not sure if our police is actually competent enough to use the information though... might sneak a sample of my DNA in if we ever run a gene microarray in our lab. Currently not working on human samples though but maybe some time in the future I might get the chance.