Why do Jews have the highest IQs in the world?
Why do Jews have the highest IQs in the world?
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Negative eugenics forced upon them due to their own bad behavior over the centuries.
you didnt include italians
>nazi jew
fuck off youre like all the rest of em
Why do Episcopalians have high IQs tho?
Because rich people have high IQs.
Because they are BASED
>The chosen people of God have high IQ
It's almost like God hates morons.
Selective breeding of wealthy elites for generations.
Just makes them all the more dangerous. Doesn't make them right.
Theyre only 2% of the population. Its not because they dont breed but because 90% of them have been purged over the years. only the smartest could weasel them out of situations alive.
Because theyre the weakest of men. (Both ways)
Outward Jew is to say outward white...what, gunna trust a kike?!
> He looked white, but only on the outside.
Jews hid behind us for 2000+ years...killing all the way up to today...to keep a secret hidden.
You can't handle the truth...yet
But they came back....and the truth is pissed.
religion was founded on the idea of getting married mens wives in bed with. Now look at jews as a people. Genetically, pornography. American tax payers working for Israel. Jews mastered cucking.
they don't, Ashkenazis literally aren't jews and Sephardic jews are stupid.
Kikkel means circle in Hebrew because Jews coming to US were illiterate.
If jews were smart Israel would be a futuristic utopia, which is not.
(((Israels))) Avg IQ is 94, that's the same as Romania, jews are literally inbred sand gypsies
Clark-Unz selection resulting from them being forced into white collar professions requiring high mathematical ability
Because their immorality allows them to reach high levels of rank within societies they parasite upon, and thus they have access to the finest educators, diet and opportunities to improve themselves.
Not according to israel's IQ scores
Israeli avg IQ is 95
Israel has a population of 8 million
75.6% are Jews
48% of these Jews have ashkenazi ancestry (this is the group with the supposed 110+ IQ avg)
52% of these Jews have sephardic/mizrah ancestry (avg IQ 95)
20.2% of the Israeli population is Arab (avg IQ 85)
The remaining 4% or so are a mix of christians/circassians (avg IQ 95)
8,000,000 Israeli (95 IQ)
6,048,000 Jews
- 3,145,000 Sephardic (95 IQ)
- 2,900,000 Ashkenazi (?)
1,616,000 Arabs (85 IQ)
336,000 Christians (95 IQ)
Lump the Sephardic and christians together: 3,481,000 (95 IQ)
Add the arabs: 5,097,000 (91 IQ)
If Ashkenazi jews have 112 IQ like OP's image says, then adding them to the population would give us ~8,000,000 with an average national IQ of ~100
However... Israel's avg IQ is 95, not 100.
If we instead use a value of 100 IQ for Ashkenazi Jews and then add them to the total population, guess what we get?
That's right - 95 IQ almost on the nose.
Ashkenazi jews have typical european IQ. Which is not surprising - they are genetically descended from eastern european populations.
They are not some sort of super geniuses that the various shilled (and flawed) studies promote them as.
IQ is the biggest Jewish meme in history yet pol fell for that bullshit jew kike trick.
As evidenced by my post above yours, we did not fall for it.
They play dirty tricks with published studies using cherrypicked sample populations (e.g. college students) or very small sample sizes (
Jews like to lie, especially about numbers. If Jews are so smart why have they never created any civilization or technology worthy of mention? Like Einstein they plagiarize everything.
it's getting there. we are a high tech empire, and only 70 years old. the future is ours.
I can't speak for whether or not they plagiarize everything, I'm just pointing out that the jewish IQ is a fabrication. They're no smarter than the average white
Inbreeding and a culture that values intelligence
Culture begets race, race in turn begets culture.
And jews are called kikes because they refused to cross things with a cross because it was too similar to the jesus cross and they hate jesus so they circled instead (kikkel->kike).
Cause they smart af.
High verbal intelligence, bad spacial.
asians are the opposite.
Went back to look at your post. You are correct, it is all political based fake science to push for meme. Then entire IQ bullshit was propped up to create hate for the germans and the war crimes commited on them following WW2, including hammering the nutsacks of German officers for them to confess to the holohoax. There are many hollywood/media fake stories that basically the germans killed off so many geniuses...oy vey! 6 gorillion geniuses were killed! the world would be such a better place if we had so many more jews around.
That scene where the flash in justice league identifies himself as a jew and is represented as a docile, smart/genius autistic like man that is so passive and sweet...made me sick
They don't. In fact Israels IQ is lower than the mongrelized US. And we whites in the US have to share our IQ with all the shitskins.
Meaning Jews must be very stupid indeed, what with their pure Israel.
Well, the Greg Cochran theory which you can read as a chapter in "The 10,000 Year Explosion", is that, because Jews were forbidden from owning land in much of Europe in the middle ages (or were forced to be only money lenders), they were highly selected for brains. Those that couldn't do well either died or bred out. It was a sharp bottleneck, that he says explains why they have so many diseases - they evolved for nothing else to matter but brains, in a relatively short period of time.
>Dear journal, for once, leaf was not a faggot today and comprehended statistics and proportions
Whites have the ability to create things which are useful and unique. Jews not so much.
I'd say the entire IQ bullshit was also to fool the goyim into thinking that's why jews control all the banks, Hollywood and media companies.
>it's only natural goy, we have a higher IQ after all
We have nogs etc.
They are very sly though, I'll give them that
Also don't believe them, its self reported.
>Why do Jews have the highest IQs in the world?
They hijack with outrageous racist nepotism more than 1000% above their diversity quota in the Ivy League colleges and universities.
Exactly, the entire meme was to make post WW2 think that an entire generation of super geniuses was lost. NEVER AGAIN Reeeeeeeeeee we must protect these docile peoples and make sure they control everything.
Meanwhile, look at the state of politics, science, education, entertainment and banking at the present time. Ponzi schemes and slavery
Same reason the Mormons do; they're English.
Oh I thought you were saying they used "we had a higher IQ" to create the "they were just jealous of our genius" narrative, didn't realize I basically copied what you said, my bad, didn't read fully.
What is the majority of the psychologists who administer these tests are jewish
because they r better than you
>Why do Jews have the highest IQs in the world?
Italian DNA. Fact.
idk you tell me user
No worries. Good to know some people understand how the jew has perverted everything from food to politics to science.
Ashkenazi's have eastern european dna (concentrated around the borders of lithuania, poland, and belarus)
sephardic/mizrah jews have levantine dna
Those that werent smart enough to hide got caught by the SS
I had worked in America before.
I noticed that the difference of each person's ability is large in America. Therefore leadership is important in America.
Japanese don't have much difference with it. Therefore team-work is important in Japan.
Population bottleneck, only smart ones escaped slavery and tyranny and survived.
They are gods chosen people
> highest IQs in the world
> post US stats
> meme flag
jesus christ you leftyfools are truly regressing