>Find doujin
>Female: mind break, cheating, blackmail
>Artist is female
Find doujin
No way? There are kinky females? Get out of here! No seriously, get out.
All of what OP described is normal behavior for the female
how do you know the artist is female?
A bigger chunk of the loli doujins are female made, too.
They seem to get off on being a raped little girl.
You can't call yourself a man if you call yourself a woman
Don't suppose you know that Pollinky is a female
Also, Cuvie did some fuck up shit as well
>implying they don't self-insert as the cute onii-chan so they can love the loli they had a crush on in their youth
>implying they don't self-insert as the faceless guy with the big gross dick as a revenge fantasy from their grade school bullying trauma
You sound like a faggot, user. Not sure why.
It's because you're a faggot yourself, you fell in love with me and that is the only way you can have hope of me returning your feelings.
>see good art on the thumbnail
>mind break/mind control/mind rape.
It's not fun if the female gets bullshitted into being fucked, That is boring as hell.
stop projecting nigger
Since they are artists and have to cater to neckbeards, they draw this stuff.
It's just free market, they do not like your sick fetishes, it's their job.
This. Rape itself isnt fun either. Consent is the only way I don't cringe.
I need my "i-its ok if it's you, onii-chan"
Mind break alone is fine if there's no mind control or rape.
>It's not fun if the female gets bullshitted into being fucked
Depends on the girl or artist
>implying I'm a lolicon lesbian who was bullied in school while dealing with an unrequited love
>mind break/mind control/mind rape
Nigger... when the girl gets tricked (aka bulshitted) into sex, especially if it's a comedic situation, it's fun as hell. When she is forced into it, it's usually meh unless you're into that particular fetish
nice memetexting
Oh good job nigger you just triggered its fetishes. Now this poster's not going to shut up about them.
Female doujinshi authors rarely even do the fluffy sweet shit. That's almost always a dude. Female stuff always has at least a tinge of domination. That should tell you something.
Remember 50 shades too.
>female: netorare, defloration, impregnation
>[Take] Kumei (Inda Reijoku) [English] [Tigoris Translates]
So sad.
Now I need more
>cute loli on cover
It's because girls can get their romantic needs (fucking despise that phrase but it actually works here so fuck you) met just by existing. They don't need happy sex doujins because it's so easy to get someone who's happy to fuck them.
What they can't safely get or may not want to get in real life is this edgy borderline murderous sex.
>What they can't safely get or may not want to get in real life is this edgy borderline murderous sex.
Interestingly, /tg/ can attest to that. If there's werewolves involved, high probability that females are, too
/r9k/ pls go and stay go