Muh bubba Bill

>muh bubba Bill
>muh metics
>2edgy4me satanism
why does anyone take this sickly faggots opinion seriously? he's not even woke on the JQ and is a civnat scum.

>sicky faggot
this is the body of a necromancer at peak performance. soon he will become a lich

>he's not even woke on the JQ
His video on the Kalergi Plan would STRONGLY suggest otherwise. Here's an exact quote:

"Unfortunately what happened is that fairly soon after these plans were concocted, they were co-opted by multinational corporations and by other subversive elements in the world at large, I wonder who that could be. Take some guesses."

he called it a conspiracy theory
this guy has been DEBUNKED
styx is a shill!

>why does anyone take this sickly faggots opinion seriously?
nobody does, he has a cult following of 10-20k, but other than that he's a literal nobody, exactly like Varg Vikernes

A conspiracy theory that's "mostly accurate".


>when Christians and southern Europeans claim to be white

Shill op

Why isn't Sup Forums watching Semiogogue? Good stuff

Used to love Styx but then I realize he was a hack. Has a devout followers who suck his dick.

civic nationalism is objectivly better than race nationalism. people can adjust to a host country/culture provided the meet certin criteria. you dont need mass immagration but opting for 100% pure homogenenus country is impossible

Mr Bones

His take on world events isn't particularly insightful, but I do appreciate his Vermont Issues content

dont worry, satanists also get the rope. Who do you think we are fighting right now? Satanic jews? Moloch worshipping retards? Why does this retard think that we will like him if we already pretty much side with nearly every possible definition of "good", or "light" (not from the lightbringer obviously lol)

srsly, at some point as a satanist you should understand maybe a little bit to which crowd you are talking to.

We would like meta/proto christians instead. (without the nigger love)

and a wizard

slow down guys
the only thing more edgy than satanism and paganism is being a literal Jew

oy vey, dont watch styx cos he aint nat soc and a race realist.

Wonderfully baked bread. So fresh.


(S)he became much more watchable after the gender change spell

same guy btw

Sex reassignment surgery takes 10 years off your face and gives you an English accent? Whoa. I learned something new today.


Why does he have to wear the same cringy outfit every God damn day? Why does he think anyone wants to see his fucking nipples? Even when he is correct about something, he makes me hate the truth because it's coming out of his mouth.

Styxx is not as awake as I'd like, but hes still infinitely better than anything on TV and far more comfy than most other JooToobers. Similar to Scott Adams videos, where you can just play it in the background while doing some mindless task for background sound. He's also a great introduction to normies on the way to full blown fascism.

to scare away the normies.
News does not require a suit and tie.

Hi styx

saged and kys
styx is the dark wizard of this board and you can fuck off if you don't like it

The Judas of Sup Forums & friens

Rage looks like my whore ex girlfriend who gave me Willy warts

>when you LARP so hard you actually believe the LARP on Sup Forums

his dress style is enough for me to know that he's a kike shill


Styx is a good dude. He is a libertarian and not full fash 1488 so he gets hate. His commentary is good and he's an excellent entry-level red pill for normies. I send his vids to blue pilled friends all the time and it's always well received.

he's just a guy talking about current events and things. why does everything has to be so extreme, like he's either the king of the universe or the traitor shill scum? he's just a fucking guy.

I don't know why people read into youtube commentators so much. Listen or don't.

>muh legacy media



I'm pretty sure anyone who has a job could kick this faggot's ass.
Holy shit you literally just need to eat SOMETHING and move once in a blue moon to get more swole than that.

We've all seen styx's chest and that looks nothing like it.


how is it different?

Look at the censor

Stixbreads are comfy, never tried one b4

why do you care, so much?

he pisses off the christards so, hes cool w/me

I have a Styx bod...


Styx plushies when?

lmao i love him. and he knows about jews


he was never worth fighting for

>id: hug
He's here....

like he's ripped

I disagree with your satanic digits

Oh my. Girls girls your both pretty now stop this silliness.
