GREAT Britain

Amerimutts hate Britain because they can't compete with greatness.

>Implying we actually import any refugees.

>muslim rape gangs
>implying this type of cherrypicked minority doesn't exist in your own countries.

>Get a life, bin that knife
>Implying a friendly and peaceful society which values most violence as unaccpetable is a bad thing - yeah we'd totally prefer school schootings every week because muh freedom.

>BBC propaganda
>Implying we don't just watch tv for cheap entertainment like soap operas and reality television like everyone else.

>The NHS is a public utility like buses and trains, unless you're implying those things are also socialist then you don't have an argument. - also private healthcare exists.

>SJW country
Most Britains don't have any social conscience as it pertains to race and gender, it's just that recently the youth has been americanised and taken to employ your shitty political tactics into the common discourse.

>TV license
It is a tax which supplies you with a service to multiple channels supplied from a centralised budget, these channels are paid by the government for the public to consume their media, a small cost most in this country willingly make.

You are just mad that your precious religious values were "oppressed" under our enlightened protestantism. Your mongrel race has always ran away from us.

Any other stupid arguments against my country?


Being protective over your child is something which doesn't exist in America, I guess?

Your military is mediocre George,
France finally beat you

>Military is mediocre
A very american argumet

Well, what does she do?

>Claims to be British
>Is butthurt to the extreme about Yanks.

Calm your tits there Mohammad.

Able to win a fistfight against any other head of state in the world.

m8 its fucking shit as fuck here. we are open air prisoners and there is no freedom of speech. its a giant panopticon full of feral Caribbean and Pakistani death squads.

>Got in a fight with a pack of Pakis the other week
>Drunk as fuck
>They're stone sober
>Punched one and his jaw literally imploded

Inbreeding is some right shitty business.

>no freedom of speech

you can call anyone a nigger online all you want, just don't attempt to do so in public. reasonable.

Enjoying your new proxies, Mehmet?

>Being British
>Not hating yankees

pick one

attention seeking whore

Dear Serbia
Why are you so shit?
What culture were you actually trying to protect from the Ottomans or Austrians?
Like, why did you forsake all the trade and technological advances that came from the aforementioned?
Why do you claim you were heroic in WW2 when the fact is, most of your ancestors were Četnik cucks and Belgrade was the first major city to declare itself as Judenfrei?
Why did you break up universally respected and socially advanced Jugoslavia?
Why do you portray yourself as perpetual victims despite not being invaded by your neighbours for over 100 years?
Why did Nicola Tesla, the only Serb to have ever made any tangible contribution to humanity, renounce his citizenship and get the fuck out of there at the earliest opportunity?
Why couldn't you take Bosnia despite having the entire arsenal of the JNA behind you?
Why couldn't you take Sarajevo despite you having overwhelming military and tactical advantages and them only having home-made weaponry to defend themselves for three fucking years?
Why, despite grabbing all Jugoslav wealth, is Serbia a dysfunctional shithole which is unlikely to ever enter the EU?
Why did you kill Zoran Đinđić despite him being your only hope?
Why, despite having legitimate world stage players, is your football team ranked behind the likes of Israel, Senegal and Scotland?
Why can't your football fans go literally one fucking match without making a complete and utter mockery of themselves?
To your credit, you can claim a few decent musicians like Balašević and EKV... but they loathed Serb nationalism and were deeply ashamed of the way Serbs acted in the period leading to the break up.
Serbia, you are really really shit in every regard. I wouldn't mind so much as most countries are quite shit to some degree. But you're so fucking proud of yourselves. More so than probably any other nation/state in the whole world.
I don't get it.
Why are you so shit?
Yours sincerely,
Fuck off.

Good point, but a lot of people are sceptical of the monarchy these days anyway.

>attempt to speak on behalf of the white british
>ah woh u callin me a nigger
>nah m8 this our cuntry now raycist
>someone call the police he tried to gas me!

I can't hate Yankies.

Every time I visit them in places like Texas I always end up drinking with a bunch and they're the most charming people I have ever met.

Sure, they're not as cynical or silver-tongued as us but they have a simple whimsy to them I find endearing.

>Sceptial of the Monarchy

Yeah, maybe you should go back to your jungle then Mussafah you inbred cunt, don't insult the Monarchy.

Acid attack capital of Europe
A long list of lies
Guess how I know your a kike op

The monarchy can exist as long as they're taxed, is that fair enough?

I'm certain this is a quality post however I don't have time to eat my way through all this pasta.

Have a (you) and a pic of your countrymen behaving perfectly normally.

>able to fistfight any other heard of state


>I know, let's use public funding to hold up tourist assets
>And then tax those assets

???? It's like taxing our museums, fucking stupid m8.

Lol, I've bricked a paki before, he lost consciousness and fell like building 7.

People would still pay to visit the palace and everything if it were a privatised institution.

It's literally easier to control the funds directly though.

Or do you want all heritage centers bar the ones in London dead due to terrible management?

Or even worse, do you want Chinks and Pakis buying heritage sites?

I just don't think that the monarchy inparticular should be a product of the government.

Why not?

The Monarchy are a living Heritage institution.

We let them keep their land and meager wealth in return for getting the money from their tourism.

It's literally a win win.

As long as they don't have any formal state position, I don't want the monarchy to have any power unless they preserve it themselves.

>He doesn't want the Monarchy to be able to Abolish the house of commons if needed.

Right, so you'll just love to have lack a failsafe is people like Corbyn start their Socialist stupidity right?

You sound like a Scot.


Of course, I think that we should embrace a representative democarcy in all if it's consequences.

You guys barely have any nature over than Scotland
Meanwhile I can just go beyond my back pasture and Bam there's cres of forest

This. Pipe down Little Mo, it's so easy to spot who is British and has foreskin intact.


Op is a retard and life here sucks but this is false. Something like only 6% of the UK is actually built on.

>Britain makes all the flags look better

Pretty good.

>No british britain flag

or country

Ok it's like 1901 and the 1st of Jan and the new flag design was chosen as the official flag in 1953 to represent our independence of Britain..... see look it's nothing like the British flag... completely unique and Australian. The Australian design makes all the flags look better.

>Any other stupid arguments against my dead empire?


Now do it as an Australian British colony of New Zealand.

All Empires die Yank. Sad fact of the world.

most on Sup Forums cream themselves at the thought of the Roman empire. Shit doesn't last, I'd rather have the legacy of an Empire that spanned 3 centuries and modernized and civilized the entire globe compared to the current America, which is spite of its military superiority is totally subservient to Israel. When the USA dies what kind of legacy will it even leave?