What do you call an indian with street smarts?
Shit for brains.
this is not funny, it is sad.
Why? Its always been like this, may it serve as an example for the West
That one is fucking great, top kek.
It is funny. Fuck off faggot
This would be funny if it wasn't true
Holy shit, BASED Lithuania.
Funny guy, whem you come here I will kill you and your family.
what do you call an attractive woman in britain?
a tourist
it was better with "Turkey" instead of brazil.
I totally believed that could work...when I was 6
what is the name of this spurdo?
thats a German man, isn't it?
That's the "Freedom ain't free" version of American Bear.
Believe it or not, it's a biological woman who used to be a model, then got addicted to plastic surgery.
looks like a regular 56%er to me
I dont think so, the copypasta seems different, and so does the design
>The absolute state of """"gringo"""" land.
>When the sopa is just UMA
Rename Brazil to America and it'll be perfect
Got any more of them pixels?
this wasn't supposed to be a rage you lose thread.
>the virgin landwhale vs the chad Stacy