If your racism is based mainly on IQ distributions, wouldn't it make more sense to send the dumbies to the death camps rather than just minorities? I'm black, a Ph.D, and I know I am smarter than most of you. So why race rather than actual intelligence? Worried that plan will work against you?
If your racism is based mainly on IQ distributions...
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reminder to sage nigger threads
I actually agree on this, except the fact degrees are practically free now depending on the subject. So I'd like to ask what subject of study you have your degree on.
Not an argument. Lets hear it, bitch boy.
What racism?
The Warrior Gene refers to certain copies (alleles) of the MAO-A gene that have been linked to violent anti-social behavior. One such allele, called 2R, is 55x more common in niggers than in whites:
>Studies have found differences in the frequency distribution of variants of the MAOA gene between ethnic groups:[32][33] of the participants, 59% of Black men, 54% of Chinese men, 56% of Maori men, and 34% of Caucasian men carried the 3R allele, while 5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele.[23][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40]
Source: en.wikipedia.org
The reason a large number of niggers act like violent apes is because they carry the violent ape gene. This supports the hypothesis that niggers are genetically inferior subhumans.
You know every moron can get a social-science degree right? As you're ignoring my comment and question I have reason to assume you have done a nigger study.
I have seen a lot of dumb ass white people.
also, a lot of dumb asses with degrees.
Pic with your diploma next to your face, faggot.
In what exactly? You do realize that blacks are essentially given degrees while most whites have to work for them, yes?
what do you do for work / how much money did you make last year?
you're an outlier its more than probable that your children will be low IQ niglets
He's ignoring this question too much for it not to e a nigger-tier subject. Also If he had the right to be proud of his phd he'd have stated the subject in OP. Therefore this thread is best saged.
Must be why your women are so attracted to us.
And it seems to me that aggression in a high IQ man is historically a net positive for society, so again, why not go off of IQ of individuals rather than throwing aside huge swaths of people who could be beneficial to society as a whole? Unless this is all a projection of your insecurities
It’s genetic, so even though you’re smart, there’s a good chance your children will be low iq subhumans due to your nigger genes. White trailer trash are still more likely to produce a naturally high iq child than you.
And it’s not just about iq, blacks are much more prone to other things such as disease and violent behaivor.
Dumb people are required to keep an economy running, and we have enough dumb people.
Also, whilst IQ is important it isnt everything. Aesthetics, culture, bonds through shared history; they're all important too.
Black guy and a Pepe fan? I do not believe you Whiteboy liberal.
Ok nigger Ph.D. One famous nigger talked about a "talented tenth" of the nigger population who were supposed to be your leaders who wuld guide you. [spoiler: they failed]
Do you even know who W. E. B. Du Bois was? A nigger leader who admitted 90% of you are worthless idiots
i agree, i think we should promote sucvessful, high iq black men. if you add something of value and breed with many white women, you'll have my blessing to avoid the death camps
Regardless of what you think my Ph.D is in, it literally does not address the substance of what I'm saying anyway.
Biochemistry, though, you inbred autistic white boy. Maybe if you apply yourself you can manage a DQ
>I'm black, a Ph.D, and I know I am smarter than most of you
spoken like a true nigger. how was the affirmative action tyrese?
>IQ is a result of genetic make up
>A black man has a high IQ
>Somehow that means he will pass a lower IQ to his children compared with inbred trailer trash
Makes no sense, my racist friend. Your logic is internally contradicting itself
>newton was a violent ape
>society needs gangbangers
Genocide yourself my dude
Whatever makes you sleep at night buddy.....
I would be satisfied with
>mandatory IQ testing everyone at/over 15
>sterilizing everyone under 100 IQ
>sterilizing all violent felons and junkies
>sterilizing the bottom 5% of those newly tested annually going forward from there
>must be above the sterilization mark to immigrate to the US
>incentivize the top 10% to have as many children as possible
>invitro and adoption services free to those sterilized if they can prove themselves good citizens (using only the genetic material of the top 10%)
Go listen to William L. Pierce
That would explain it.
>doesn't state his Ph.D field
Everyone not seeing the meme muh dick, cmon guys.
nice trips
I’d gass 80% of you regardless of race religion or order. 20% of humanity does 99% of the work and with ai we don’t need you riff raff anyway
And I’d march the nazi faggots off first just to laugh in their faces
So eugenics is good as long as it's in your terms.... Btw many of you are below 100... Muh special skinzzes
sounds like an outstanding idea user
"I'm black, a Ph.D, and I know I am smarter than most of you." Where is your evidence anonymous stranger I never seen in person?
White women are statistically the most racially loyal. You people also take the inferior genetic stock, haven’t you noticed at least 75% of white women with blacks are fat and disgusting?
If you sterilize based on IQ, that's not an issue.
They will simply be sterilized at reproductive age as well.
It's a very straightforward concept that doesn't descrimination and would accomplish what is needed over the next 2 generations with no one having to be killed for how they were born.
My dick is bigger than your' dick is. Also my IQ is higher, enjoy licking up the white girls I leave behind for you peasant.
>I know I am smarter than most of you
Anyone, regardless of race, education, etc., that starts off with that assumption has already lost the discussion. Sage.
Yeah you get coal burning garbage. (big win?)
The sexy white women don't taint their bodies with niggers.
>Ph.D. in mongrellus recessivus
nobody is sending anyone to death camps you retarded nigger
>I'm black, a Ph.D, and I know I am smarter than most of you.
Uh huh.
>Must be why your women are so attracted to us.
No Tyrone. You niggers are the beanie babies of the 21st Century. The (((media))) has turned you into a status symbol for idiot roasties. nothing more, nothing less.
>Makes no sense, my racist friend. Your logic is internally contradicting itself
It's called reversion to the mean. If you were actually a genius PhD nigger, instead of a LARPing cock gobbler, you'd know about it.
kthxbye. saged.
in wut? how to graduate university without knowing math or science by taking advantage of diversity policies?
Good thing you're a leaf and you'll never accomplish anything
The one good argument because it actually addresses what I'm saying rather than attacking me with ad hominem and trying to discredit my idea on superficial details.
My answer is that at least here in the States, our culture is not specifically white or uniquely European. This is the land of comic books and cheeseburgers
Maybe, I like that they are becoming concerned with the idea.
T. kissless virgin
He is right, though. Many attractive 'sexy white women' feel attracted to blacks.
Even genetically this makes sense as hybridization creates stronger offspring more resistant to diseases.
>hybrid vigor
>Eugenics is good
If it's selecting for high IQ and being a decent citizen?
>many of you are below 100
I'm willing to sacrifice them.
Despite my 158 IQ, I would allow myself to be sterilized to have all of humanity held to the standard I first presented.
It would be worth it for the greatest contribution to human evolution in 20,000 years.
As that isn't going to happen, I'm planning on having at least 6, if not 10 children. The gf already wants just that.
That's not necessarily true. There's an infograph that floats around laying out like ten genes that influence intelligence. Eight of them make you smarter and two of them make you dumber.
The dumb ones occur in blacks at rates like four or five times what they do in whites and Asians, and the smart ones occur in whites and asians at a similar (reversed) ratio.
Now let's accept the proposal that you're a smart black man. In all likelihood, you probably have something like three 'smart' genes and one 'dumb' one. Because of genetic recombination, it's possible that your child might inherit a mix of smart and dumb, only the smart genes, or only the dumb genes.
When blacks marry other blacks, the possibility that the dumb genes are the ones that get inherited increase because you're both carriers for the idiot genes. Meaning that while you and your black wife might be smart, it's pretty possible that your kids will lose the lottery, regress to the mean, and be stupid niggers.
The only way to avoid this would be to racemix with a smart asian or smart white woman. But this runs into a different problem. Being with black men is - despite the meme of BLACKED - something that's only done by stupid women. So you married a white girl to try and keep your bloodline intelligent, but your halfgroid kids end up stupid anyway.
I do base it on IQ. If you have a high IQ I don't hate you. Problem is your kids might revert to the mean
if it was based on intelligence, rest in peace your race buddy.
You should be neutered anyway just to make sure your offspring isn't shitposting on degenerate korean imageboards.
>I know I am smarter than most of you.
Said no actually smart person ever.
Nigger skin, timestamp, diploma, on the same photo.
LMAO find some sources nigger. All the white girls that I talk to find niggers repulsive, and that they have their own certain smell. White guys are generally stronger, smarter, and more attractive. Also weathier while having a disadvantage academically because someone thinks equal acceptance in Universities is more important than qualifications. In reality though the hispanics and asians hate niggers more than white people.
people like you will be the first ones to be killed. you're loud, stupid, and you make threats.
Isaac Newton, a white man, was a superior scientist to you my friend
>violent anti-social behavior
Has nothing to deal with being an actual warrior. What a misleading and unfitting name to an actual subhuman gene.
no because you are an outlier, your children probably wont be as much of an outlier as you. if you want to go full super eugenic you select a race and improve that
>If your racism is based mainly on IQ distributions, wouldn't it make more sense to send the dumbies to the death camps rather than just minorities?
my racism is based on aesthetics
If what I'm doing is 'shitposting', what you are doing is at least an order of magnitude worse.
What punishment should be allotted for resource consuming, society disintegrating, knuckle draggers like yourself?
It's true, brown people are almost all horribly repulsive to look at as well as painfully stupid and irrationally aggressive.
Prove your claim, faggot
Also a year of finishing uni will be hepful. With all that nigger quotas and actual privileges I strongly doubt that this nigger have a real PhD
Then what does pol complain about, you permavirgin?
I was just joking you thicc plebgrellus.
>Didn't post a single threat against anyone.
>Still makes people offended
I'd call that a win myself, and no, no one is gonna get me. If you can get passed my intensively trained skills of consistent accuracy at 900m with a .308 then you will have 4 100 round drums of 5.56 to fend off. I've seen guerilla warfare in real time. The faggots who make threats on the internet just make me laugh.
interesting larp
sage though
bitch I’ve alrwady accomplished more than you and everyone on this board put together. You guys are some epic fucking losers be real with yourself
>T. kissless virgin
>t. ESL student also
yet here you are, here with us
stfu leaf
Use some of those "smarter than my oberservation skills" I'm half german, and your' bleedingly annoying ignorance is enough to make me ignore you. You nu-Germans are pussies who can't even draw the swastika without being arrested. Even though the symbol itself is a symbol of peace.
Imagine there being many other traits, other than IQ, that influences how much I like a person. Imagine the possibility that all those traits are found in higher proportion in people close to me biologically. Because they think like me, feel like me, they see the world with my eyes.
>What is regression to the mean?
It's more efficient to get rid of all the lowest race, and Then the retards of the higher. Also more long-term solution.
good proxy amerigoblin post, almost fooled me
>>Didn't post a single threat against anyone.
you're talking about death camps shitlet
like I said, you'll be the first to go. in real life, nobody lets this kind of stuff go. you are going to be murdered if you continue to play this game.
>Because they think like me, feel like me, they see the world with my eyes.
this remind me of one of Rudyard Kipling
Not having the warrior gene turns you into a cuck.
I mean, that's kinda just how leadership and bell curves go? I don't really think the skinny white fag that serves me a burger at mcD's as being worth will to humanity.
Smart people create opportunities and use dumb people, that's true for Nigger-Americans and the 56%
>implying grinding school automoticly makes you smart
I wouldn't mind taking out all the bastard children, regardless of color.
ya got free time for days. im getting paid while posting here, you’re just wasting your life away
>not knowing what affirmative action is
>smarter than most of you
Pick one. A Ph.D means fuck all. What STEM field? If not STEM field go fuck your terrible mother.
>This supports the hypothesis that niggers are genetically inferior subhumans.
implying violence is bad ,
>I'm black, a Ph.D,
I've never heard of someone being a Ph.D before wow thats intresting
No one is advocating killing anyone. Sterilization maybe. Is your entire family as intelligent as you are?
Prove that and we can talk
>im getting paid while posting here
I agree with all of this, except 100IQ is too low.
Move it to 117 and I'm on board.
it was originally called the asshole gene, it doesnt actually help you fight just encourages you to fight when you shouldnt
>PHD holder
>On Sup Forums making threads posting pepes
The larping never ends.
low IQ dumb dumbs of any background could serve as a drone class, they could even have their own ghettos and such until their roles can be fully automated.
regression to the mean and having an ethno-state has plenty of advantages beyond the IQ
I don't read hip hop.
It’s not a gene for literal warriors. It doesn’t make you more “aggressive” as much as it makes you incapable of getting along with others.
It’s the tard rage gene.
>Sup Forumstard pretending he's read a scientific paper or ever tried
Lmao who is gonna have the grit to come out to my ranch and try to murder me? You? Like I said I have extensive training in warfare as well as dead accuracy almost triple the average marksman. You'd have no chance even getting within earshot. Also I didn't bring up death camp nor threaten anyone with them. I made a statement that I like how people are getting concerned with them AKA they aren't gonna happen, and I enjoy the hype. Your' retardation must be your' worst enemy huh user?
Taliban were more fearsome than your' unintelligent self. I'd also point out you're the illiterate son of bitch threatening people not me.