Enju is best black bullet

Enju is best black bullet

That isn't Tina Sprout

All BBs are cute though

Tina is cute but Rabbit > Mantis > Spider > Cat = Owl > Dolphin

I want to touch Enju's enjus and Tina's tinas!

I want to fuck Enju and Tina

My favourite Black Bullet loli is all the dead ones

Tina is literally my daughterfu

your daughterfu is addicted to caffeine

Would you kill a bunch of inhuman lolis with a pipe bomb?

As long as she grows into a respectful lady and becomes a top tier wife for Rentaro.

tell your daughterfu to put panties on when she cosplays

Post more Enju smugs

>black bullet loli

This anime sucked but I still love the ED

please post the Enju towel webm and the bathtub webm

I have a gif





That would be Tina. Enju is the worst girl.


How about this bullet?

>user posting a bait thread gets a (you)

2nd column, 3rd row is my favorite

I have seen this shit so many times but it still makes my blood boil. Why the fuck does he not slaughter them on the spot? Or atleast let us see them getting killed by the monsters.

>Dolphin last
She was the true hero.

>Why the fuck does he not slaughter them on the spot?
Because murdering people in a public place is a good way to get arrested.

Who gives a shit, he's a murder cyborg with 2 to 3 unstoppable murder lolis at his disposal.

Atleast hit them in the face or tell them to fuck off. Isn't he supposed to be the savior of the lolis.

So in the anime we got to see that Enju is already close to become zombie loli. Anyone wants to spoil the LNs how it's looking there? World still standing? Romance with the boss girl?

Shit writing, dumb drama and hiatus.

Pop quiz, which one has a boner?

Answer: Rentaro



Your shot of love?

Black "bullets" inside Enju.

Your daughterfu is my waifu.

>2 to 3 unstoppable murder lolis
Fuck I want a murder loli

But that's not Kisara.

Would I get some horrific disease if I fucked these lolis?

The angry mob probably did it without any repercussions. So maybe not.

Not enough raping in the show

Post more Enju.


Like this?



So nobody liked Midori?

She was sort of cute for five minutes and then she died. Those aren't circumstances that will let you get attached to a character.


In the LN's Rentaro has already banged Kisara though?

So who's who on this spectrum exactly?
From what I can gather;
Rabbit = Enju (twintails for rabbit ears?)
Mantis = Joker loli (anons filename earlier in the thread)
Owl = Tina (always up late and sleepy during the day?)
Cat = loli who spilled juice on her head resting against the tree (catgirl?)

What do the numbers mean? If its a roll thing then its bullshit because the chances of rolling that moon rune for Enju are quite low. I'll still try though.

yandere loli is best

spot the main character.jpg

i want 6

How about a crying Enju?

I wonder how many people picked this up for the loli suffering.

>11 hours ago
>58 replies
This is supposed to be a black bullet thread on a weekend..

In a show with a million lolis it's pure poetry that best girl is the only one who isn't a loli.

Nigga what are you saying? Tina is clearly a loli.

She is a loli, but she's not best girl.

I wanted to marry dolphin. She was so perfect.

>tfw all of them are gone

She reminds me of the sniper girl from the last episode of Izetta.

>obligatory post about dolphin vagina

Did she get more screen time in the LN?

Not really. She's pretty much there to die and show off how edgy and serious everything is. Rentaro does have a few brief flashbacks to her later on in the series when he remembers she was the first person who had ever asked to be his friend, and that even if he killed her 10 seconds later, that still meant a lot to him.

yes best girl who will be villain

Who or what would you murder with a murder loli?

Anything you god damned wanted to.

she didn't deserve to die alone like that.
at least not until I had made love to her for a couple of years.

She has Nadeko hair
I should watch this soon

It actually refers to what animal DNA is spliced with the loli.

Enju is a type rabbit, so she has crazy leg strength and kicks. Tina is owl and she has super nightvision. Kohina is a mantis and she is a beast with blades in close combat.Spider is that blonde girl who uses the wires. Dolphin was the girl in the first arc who held all the gastrea off and had to be put down. Cat was the cat girl, obviously.

She wasn't alone, she was with a person who treated her like a human and not a weapon.

I would have totally joined these two. They were the only ones who were correct throughout the whole series.

Seitenshi is the correct one though. He wants to destroy the society to make way for survival of the fittest with his daughter. Seitenshi wants to intergrate teh children back into society while still allowing it to exist.

But Kagetane also recognizes that society is flawed and humans will never accept the children. They'll always be viewed as just a half-step from turning into dangerous monsters. It's only after society breaks down and the children are only thing that stands between humans and death that humans will be willing to accept them.

That sounds like a great idea until one of the children's caretakers forgets to take her for treatment and she turns into a giant spider.

It's not right to make them live in rubble and treat them like objects, but truly integrating them is impossible.

>be an edgelord
>receive a loli
>become her onii-chan
>must protect all lolis
This show was so bad and so good.


posting best girl.
don't mind me.

I did.
Good shit.

I dropped the show at this exact moment.

Sorry for your loss.

Yea, I was not dissapointed.

I just wished there was a season 2.

I really liked this scene, thought it was super touching and nice. Especially since you would have thought the roles would've been in reverse.

Yeah, definitely the best one in the series. It was nice seeing how Rentaro had slowly been growing more jaded and used to killing over the course of the series, and then he suddenly remembered why it was important to remember human lives. It really helped redeem the series in my eyes after how unnecessarily dark and edgy it had gotten.