Get Them Fired for breaking theirbown rules campaign

Okay by now I'm sure most of you anons have seen the recording of Laurier University marxists berating a young woman for daring to show an opinion that does not align with the Frankfurt Schools cultural marxism agenda.

The next campaign will be for college age anons to use their own hate against them. This is basic JUDO. They are pushing their agenda with so much weight they can barely control it. It is time for anons to infiltrate school administrations, either directly or by spending more time arond faculty asking questions, joining clubs..BE CREATIVE. Spot those pushing any marxist agenda, focus on these targets, befriend them if you have to. RECORD YOUR CONVERSATIONS WITH THEM AND TRY TO GET THEM TO SLIP UP BY THEIR OWN LEFTIST STANDARDS. This can be as easy as filing compaints against them using a wrong pronoun. Maybe a microagression?

Remember this is not illegal, and do not do anything illegal. Use their standards against them. They will fal from their own weight. Make a scene administratively speaking. State you feeel threatened by them. Say you will tell reporters they are not making a safe space.

Go anons go

what the fuck does this have to do with judo?

Judo is a metaphor here for using your opponents weight against them moron

What throw is this? Not sure what he is exactly doing. I can't remember a throw with both arms on the same side like this.

bump, this is a good idea IMO

getting slid hard

jidf shills already spotted trying to change the topic

this might work well if its done by many anons

but moron, thier arguements dont have any "weight". is a bunch of memorized platitudes that have no basis in reality. sheety metaphore.

This is literally the left's playbook and how they operate.

The Rules[edit]
"Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."
"Never go outside the expertise of your people."
"Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
"A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
"Keep the pressure on,"
"The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
"If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside"
"The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

All you have to do to fucking freeze them out is.
>Be fit
>talk about only the things you know.
>Be clear and concise with what you say, don't let them add on interpretations to your meaning. Basically just keep saying no, that's no what i said.
>Don't give any ground.
>Don't take it personal.

That's it. If you just be a rock and do 5 min of research then all their shit falls apart.

Holy fuck idiot, its about using their own campaigns against them. Those assholes made so many social rules they slip up too..thats when you strike and take them out as admins. Do this often enough and you put fear into them, they will fear what they push knowing it can come back to bite them

Kek. Just wanna know the throw. At least im bumping the thread.

Not everything is a fucking jidf shill you fucking moronic cuntfuck of baboon arse!
Jesus holy christ

lol u the idiot. weight is proven measurements. none of this tranny, gender fluid crap can be measured in any way. how do you argue with someone who thinks a biological male could be female just cause they claim the opposite gender. It is about communist ideas of getting people to believe anything the state tells you.

you're right, jidf probably has a little more emotional control. You must be some leftpol soyboy

I'm on my way to pro jewjitsu OP.

now, jewjitsu is a better metaphore

Ha, jokes on you,
is jidf really

no, you are the idiot, stop shitposting

Stop arguing with this fool. It is a good idea, he is just trying to get you riled up and distracted in minutia.

By majority vote, we henceforth order this faggot to STFU. You lose.


No true rightist believes in voting.

I've noticed today that there are a few posters accusing everybody who disagrees with them of being jewish. I know it's always gone on, but it seems to be more prevalent today. I think they might actually be jewish.

>inb4 Schlomo

Is this the most boring marvel show?
I honestly wouldn't care if they killed everyone and brought in a new cast. Fuck Ben Aflack was better.

Yes, they don't. Your average person isn't interested in hearing about us rant about a "Marxist agenda" though. It automatically makes a you sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist and turns them off. You break the cognitive dissonance and they suddenly care when shit like this comes out. This isn't some infographic or quote over a picture of some old kike. This is easily digestible and from their own mouths.

It's essentially the difference between me describing to you a painting and hoping you'll take my word for it how awesome it is. You might actually trust my judgment on paintings but it just doesn't make the same impression as just showing you the painting. We can call these people out all day for their craziness but it's much more effective to just show the craziness. That video of the Missouri professor asking for "some muscle" to remove a guy just there to ask questions politely was a red pill made for mass digestion.

Bad strategy.

First of all, their standards are contradictory by design, so they can be inconsistently applied and there's always another angle for them to take. Are you really prepared to try and posture as the shrillest victim, the most offended and fragile, to build the network of allies to support you and add their voices? It won't be convincing unless you do some real damage to yourself.

Secondly, by trying to apply their standards, you're reinforcing them as valid standards. You're lending your void to their cause. They don't need you to accept their values into your heart, they only need you to wear the mask.

Have you ever heard, "Don't argue with idiots, they'll drag you down to their level and win through experience."? These people have chosen to be idiots as a strategy. They have not just the experience, but the numbers and the infrastructure.

Remember: Trump got elected, and he is tearing up their power structures. The fight is not so desperate that we have to become Stalinists to beat the Bolsheviks. We just have to keep the moderate right from being lazy ratchet conservatives (resisting the progressive agenda weakly, resisting rollbacks of previous concessions to the progressive agenda strongly), and make them reactionaries, actively pulling the system back toward intellectual honesty, natural justice, and cultural self-respect.

All that needs to be done is to remain polite and nonconfrontational as they pull their lefty hysterics. You don't need to do OPs stuff for every reason you said. Some of the best stuff for showing normies who these people really are is on YouTube where it's just a bunch of hysterical leftists shouting about dead cops, people being attacked for wearing Trump hats, or liberals screaming at the sky for hours on end.

(Sorry, this is off topic, but I fucking love judo.)
>I can't remember a throw with both arms on the same side like this.
A lot of throws have variants with different grips. The basic way throws are taught is generally the safest way for beginners, but in competitive judo grip-fighting is huge, and you have to learn to throw with whatever grip you get.

Also, there's often a continuum between two or three throws. The best throw in a given situation is usually somewhere between two or more textbook throws.

This looks to me like a throw that was started as a two-on-one-arm tai-otoshi (body drop), which turned into some kind of hip throw when the bodies were too tight together. My "The A -Z of Judo" seems to label it as "kata-eri-seoi" (single lapel shoulder throw).

Morote seonage

I don't see the point of LARPing IRL, just makes you look like an ass. Just be unapologetic and lead by example. I think that's a better alternative than stooping down to their level.

Its about the momentum of their sjw campaign in society. Weight in this case does not mean intellectual clarity or authority.

You can reasonably put it in that category, but the textbook form would have the right hand on the other lapel, and the feet together.

That cat looks scared, and a cat should not be eating spaghetti.

Communists goals aren't as simple as to get people to believe anything the state tells them. In the soviet union, they would have people profess their love of the state and its policies loudly and strongly, under threat of punishment. The idea is to force them to state strongly the state's propaganda when they they don't believe in what they are saying.

Saying things you don't believe does something to you. Over time it becomes easier to start believing the lies yourself than to repeat things you don't believe over and over.


Ravioli then?


Here's a nicer looking version. He's spot on as always.

A variation of tai otoshi (left leg stretched give it away). If it was seoi nage the opponent (blue gi) would've been thrown over the executioner (white gi) head and both executioner feets would be parallel and his knees flexed.

Cool tidbit user!

Tai otoshi variation.

Sure \m/

this is dumb, just identify commies and pay niggers to bash their shit in.

capitalism at work


Also, I would like to mention the Judo principles (by its founder Jigoro Kano),

1. Maximum efficiency, minimum effort.
2. Mutual progress.

I have lived under these words for almost 20 years since I was 7 y/o.

If we lived under these principles, those lefties (and even some of us) would be working on a solution, instead of only making everything harder and fucked up.

I know is not related, but wanted to share some simple, yet powerful words that might help us deal with the craziness of today.


Sigh, the stupid, it hurts.

A predominant principle in Judo (Sport of gentleness) is to use your opponents energy against them.

Tell the truth.