>When a gate to another world suddenly opens on Earth, Mikado City is invaded by strange creatures known as "Neighbors," malicious beings impervious to traditional weaponry. In response to their arrival, an organization called the Border Defense Agency has been established to combat the Neighbor menace through special weapons called "Triggers."
Reminder not to post spoilers until the entire volume is done.
So without further ado, let's start.
Vol. 1 Vol. 2 Vol. 3 Vol. 4 Vol. 5 Vol. 6
Daniel Taylor
Jaxon Lopez
Chase Ramirez
Leo Green
Benjamin Hill
Jaxon Anderson
Samuel Robinson
Sebastian Foster
I like Konami's uniform design
Jackson Perez
Jeremiah Stewart
Austin Wilson
Grayson White
Ryan Murphy
Ryan Foster
Connor Bennett
Isaiah Jackson
Christopher Ross
Blake Edwards
Tyler Brooks
Parker Jenkins
Parker Torres
Sebastian Sullivan
And I like both of her hairstyles, or to be precise I actually like every girl's design. There seems to be a unique charm for every of them.
Oliver Scott
Lincoln Murphy
Charles Johnson
Julian Allen
Aaron Miller
Agreed This is just unfair
Levi Lee
Anthony Evans
Dominic Allen
Evan Morgan
Brandon Campbell
Henry Gray
Julian Price
Nathaniel Cruz
Noah Brooks
Cameron Thomas
Benjamin Collins
Jason Watson
Man after this I remember Border's regular triggers fucking suck
Adam Brown
Easton Miller
Nolan Brooks
Landon Bell
Mason Cooper
Anthony Martinez
They're up against a war country with technologies from multiple neighbors thanks to it's previous conquests, basically iron vs steel. Still the media conference at the end of that arc reminded me of how OP border can actually be.
Henry Garcia
Adam Thomas
Liam Edwards
Aiden Johnson
Kevin Martin
Jeremiah Moore
Jace Myers
Liam Hill
Liam Evans
Nathaniel Myers
Adrian Powell
Zachary Cruz
Henry Clark
Oh look at those 2
Joshua Bailey
Oliver Williams
Julian Taylor
Easton Turner
Levi King
Jace Baker
Jaxson Edwards
Angel Reed
Robert Martin
Austin Jackson
Joshua Davis
Ayden Clark
Robert Phillips
Mason Cox
This fight is so onesided
Ian Robinson
Schoolgirl Usami
Jeremiah Turner
Eli Jones
Camden Anderson
Kevin Lopez
Henry Roberts
Elijah Sanchez
Carson Price
Damn this fight is so much cooler here than it was in the anime.
Bentley Thompson
Cool i made it on time for one for once.
Charles Diaz
Nicholas Scott
Logan Sullivan
Blake Thompson
Hm, when watching it I thought the anime handled the fights in this arc really well.
Especially Lamvanein's fights, barring that Yoneya scene but it was pretty funny anyways
Hudson Walker
Never noticed that his scorpion is broken in half in this panel. I love rereading to find stuff like this.
Asher Bennett
James Nguyen
Lincoln King
Enedora is so cool, even though he's insane. Especially since he's insane
Charles Thompson
They get cooler profiles too
David Kelly
posting the color page instead of volume one since you guys might want to see their colours.
Also because I like this one
Kevin Kelly
Ryan Evans
>Kazama is older than Enedora
let that sink in
Sebastian Bell
Jonathan Reed
Jose Ward
Benjamin Cruz
Joshua Morgan
this is funny
Jaxson Ward
>know the enemy is waiting for you to go full retard to attack >still goes full retard He deserve to lose