This is a what a true leader of a country looks like.
This is a what a true leader of a country looks like
He really made multiculturlism work in canada. I give him two thumbs up
They get punched in the face?
Why isn’t Fidel’s son running Cuba?
Same leader of country just proclaimed Canada isn't a country.
You might as well have posted a white background and France's national anthem.
so progressive
>pic unrelated
we're a deformed state
ahahahahahahhaahhahahah i was waiting for someone to say that!
Holy shit surely just lying and making up a number would have been better for him than this fucking shit show
>be American politician
>make eye contact with a woman for more than 0.5 seconds
>get called a rapist, lose your job, be investigated for rape
>even if you face no legal consequences, your reputation is ruined
>be Trudeau
>manhandle and elbow a cunty bitch
>other politicians cry wolf
>nobody cares because Canadians realize women sometimes need to be put in their place, and he didn't even hit her with a closed fist so it's a non-issue regardless
>the entire fiasco is already forgotten
>at an event, when you hug your wife, you openly grab your her ass with BOTH hands
defend this
>true cuck
>he? or (((them))) with the help of his jew loving cuck father?
see these
lol he beat the shit out of that failed conservative senator
I'm not going to defend it because I'm not a shill. You wouldn't defend this, either (unless you were a shill):
Dropped like a faggot!
>implying we're even a state at this point and not just a caliphate for muzzies, breeding ground for pajeets and slush fund for the chinese
very bad spelling errors
lol why would i defend canada shitting itself