Black Nurses Ignore Dying Whitey

>A World War II veteran’s last breaths were among nurses who were secretly filmed laughing and failing to adequately perform CPR or call for help in a timely fashion, a disturbing video shows.

>James Dempsey, 89, was residing at Northeast Atlanta Health and Rehabilitation Center in February 2014 when he repeatedly triggered his call button while gasping for help, video recently obtained by WXIA-TV shows.

>Roughly eight minutes later, a nurse comes in, raises his bed, turns off his call light and then leaves the room. Nearly an hour later, nurses called 911 but by that time it was too late.

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dammmm, that outfit is my fetish. shame this nigger whale is wearing it :'(

You americans should go out and lynch her. Every single one of you fat fucks that isn't willing to do this should get publically executed too.


It's okay, she is going to owe her life to his family now.
>no amount of her future job as a dishwasher will ever be able to pay the debt that a civil suit will award

In the end he got what he fought for.

This happens often in nursing homes, it's where you put your family if you don't love them for revenge.
They threw my grandma on the bed and immediately turned sadistic when they pretended to be a resident in the bed next to her, I caught the nurse in the bathroom with an insulin syringe full of ammonia and air and reminded her articulately why she shouldn't mess with vulnerable people.

Why are they laughing, though?

I don't wanna watch user.
I can watch a lot of things but when I see old people like that it's worse than a child.

> tfw you realize most of us will die alone in a nursing home staffed by minorities that hate us

Hitler wouldn't have let this happen.

Too bad somebody went over there and fought to destroy Hitler and everything he was working for.

Not unless we kill them all first

Yeah, no. I'm going to off myself before i'm defenseless and dependent on some muzzies who hate my guts.

There needs to be a crack down on nog nurses in hospitals. They are the fucking cancer of the hospital system. Ask any non-nog nurse and they will confirm that they are all lazy, ignorant, obnoxious catty pieces of shit.


>I don't wanna watch user.
grow a pair faggot

It could have been worse
> A 20-year-old man accused of beating and raping a 101-year-old woman in her home


>when they
>When I.
Sorry, I changed it and left out a lot that could be incriminating or lead to who I am.
I promise I'm not an EMT and I would never sneak around old folks homes pretending to visit (and actually talking to some of the people) to find the sadists and scare the nigger off them them. Promise.
>it's not always but usually it's the niggers
>paki nurses are generally based as fuck, albeit hardasses who woulda thunk

If I had a choice between saving a rat or a white "person", I would save the rat. Just how it is.

>Expecting niggers to be competent or have empathy


If I had a choice between hanging a sadist nigger and shooting a sadist nigger and lighting it on fire, I'd do all three.

That's why we hate black people.

>show 10 second clip of guy screaming for help
>cut to 10 second clip with a nurse laughing

Really made me ponder

>White liberals are willing to risk their parent's safety and their own in order to keep alive the Jewish created idea of equality

In clown world, Having standards is "racist" because any standards reduces the number of blacks and latinxs who do whatever it is you have a standard for. So in the end you get results like this of Niggers representing their lack of altruism and patience.

Looks like a robbery commited by a nigger...again

Niggers being niggers.

This is what boomers deserve for selling out our country to neocons and letting commies destroy the traditional family. This is the future for every narcissistic hipster faggot who is too busy getting tattoos and piercings to go get a job skill or have children that will love and take care of them. This is exactly what they deserve, neglected to deqth by the very niggers and spics you gave the country to.

I don't think you know what boomer means.

>implying niggers know how to save anything

I wonder if he realized that he fought for the wrong side

46-64, obviously WWII isn't a boomer but they're next. Should have worded that better. But boomers will get and deserve this exact treatment

Boomers didn't vote for the Hart–Celler Act, their parents did.

You realize that the commies are the ones behind class, generational, and race except niggers disunion in our country, right?
You would probably have turned out like them if all you had was the idiot box and the libraries were infested with ghetto niggers looking at porn.
>you don't have to burn the books, just surround them with untermensch who don't read them.

Worked as a CNA here in Georgia about a 45 mins south of Atlanta. It's exactly as bad as you think it is. If you ever get a nigger nurse or CNA, request a new one. You have that right to do so, for any reason you see fit. If they refuse, demand to speak to the DON (Director of Nursing). If they still refuse, demand to speak to the facility Admin. If they STILL refuse, threaten to call the state. I can speak from experience that when we know we have state coming in for evals EVERYONE is on their tip top toes and making sure all the T's are cross and i's dotted. Any other time and it's just w/e.

That's the only way they give a shit, is if you go after their money.

omfg the horror stories I could tell, all of them, in some way involving a nigger nurse or cna

thats low
even for a nigger

No, the boomers didn't the democrats did.

ie the american cancer jew.
Ask any boomer who isn't a democrat, they hate the jew cancer. Ask any male older than 65 who doesn't live around them every day. They know.

He might have
> 'This isn't the Britain we fought for,' say veterans of WWII
> They despise what has become of the Britain they once fought to save. It's not our country any more, they say, in sorrow and anger.
> What is extraordinary about the 150 replies he received, is their vehement insistence that those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the war would now be turning in their graves.
> Many writers are bewildered and overwhelmed by a multicultural Britain that, they say bitterly, they were never consulted about nor feel comfortable with.
> 'Our country has been given away to foreigners while we, the generation who fought for freedom, are having to sell our homes for care and are being refused medical services because incomers come first.'


This is literally why conceal carry exists. this shit right here.

Not to mention rabid animals.


That's was an Asian shopkeeper you stupid nigger.

And we keep being told "Things will be fine when you're made a minority in your own country"

It's fine (if you're a minority to whites.)

>WWII vet
Literally fought to be treated like shit by foreigners. Good riddance. Rest in piss ZOGwarrior.

Niggers have no low, they jus keep digging deepa.

>She was probably more American than he was
Burgers actually believe this.

We fought on the same side Russia, and you spread Marxism like a virus. I can't believe you see no irony in this.

This. He got what he fought for. Hope they pissed on his corpse too

>be white male in the 1940s
>good economy, stable family, pure cutie blodies everywhere
>britain starts shit with germany AGAIN
>germany reks britain AGAIN
>britain CRIES for help AGAIN
>get sent to fight le ebil nazi bigots
>friends and family die
>but thats alright because i saved a couple of jews
>bomb my ancestors hometown to rubble
>come back home from the war
>niggers too my jerb
>lynch em lol
>jew judge grants niggers equal rights
>have PTSD
>receive less welfaee than tyrone for some reason
>have daughter
>she has mixed kids and dumps me in a retirement home
>die at the hands of niggers
i cant think of a more fitting death for those who fought nazi germany

The old man who died was a WW2 vet who killed Nazis. But Sup Forums supports Nazis. That means that old guy was a faggot and these black nurses are based. R-right?

No I have children and am raising them to not be pieces of shit and I don't live in a nigger-hole like Atlanta

Whats this? A nigger acting uncivilized in modern society?

In other news: Waters wet.


And russia is a very conservative country, indicating Marxism is obviously a weapon they utilize.


you reap what you sow. This is the society he fought for.

edgy ;D

that pic made me think

He probably wouldn't had he known where it lead



Nursing homes are an important part of the Democrat machine in nearly every state. All nursing unions support Democrats. Black nurses will fill out your loved one's absentee ballots for every election. Those deemed healthy enough are shuttled to the polls where a nurse "helps" them vote.

I know all this from my mother who works in a shitty nursing home. They steal elections this way.

remember the every 3rd generation rule.
>vet is cool
>His daughter is less cool
>Her daughters are nogs
>Their daughters will be slightly better
>Their daughters will be probably a lot better because grandma is a piece of shit

Someone needs to gut them in prison.

No you dumb nigger
Ww2 very were tricked by the kikes
From his perspective he was fighting for the US interests. FDR and Churchill sold the west to kikes

>Mfw my great grandpa fought for Finland
>Mfw my family didn't contribute to the degenerates

>survives Normandy
>battle of Bulge
>Cold War
>Civil righted to death by dindus
>last face he sees on earth is hideous Shaquanda, cackling in ebonics

stop being a degenerate jew I promise it will shorten your life expectancy to less than a year.

he is a faggot but these nurses are neutral. he simply got what he fought for

fucking thief

You can't make a post like this and not throw us a couple stories.

You're gotcha question does not take in the fact that white American vets did not advocate for anti white Jewish dominant power in their institutions. These men were fighting for nation aka common race and culture.

>rule of 3 even applies to generations
It's true, though. If a wealthy man suddenly goes bankrupt, he himself will be unlikely to do drugs or have an otherwise fucked up lifestyle. His kids will be slightly likely, and his grandkids will be highly likely.


well, your a racist piece of shit.

Fuck that. When I go out, I'm taking a lot of you with me.

this is known as being a faggot, go fuck yourself if you hate life, the rest of us have shit to do

tough talk for a germcuck

Wonder what pol will do to the lives and families of these nurses, likely nothing...


Same times a million buddy.


Alright, I'll throw out a couple.

>Very old patient that was immobile.
>Must be turned and checked on, by law, ATLEAST every 2 hours
>Also mentally gone but usually sweet old lady
>Wheeled out into what I would call our "main area" for other residents to socialize because it helps them emotionally in a huge way
>I get on duty
>Doing rounds before I start my shift
>Patient has been left, soiled, for hours
>Patient was left without oxygen machine even turned on let alone hooked up correctly.
>Patient missed two meals, breakfast and lunch because no one fed her because she has extreme difficulty in feeding herself to the point where you have to do it or she doesn't eat.
>Nursing staff I'm relieving busy on their phones, laughing, not being where they need to be, etc.
>Nurse over her care was nigger
>CNA I'm relieving, nigger

>This is always the case

The rage of a thousand suns.

The civic nationalist dream

because they're filthy animals that have no capability for abstract thinking

Fuck those animals

You are as deep into this shitshow as the rest of Europe.

Was with you until the final edge, things aren't that simple.

Screw getting the DON, I would probably go call the abuse hotline have them both stripped of their license.

That's a good idea, being up for peer review. Do we have their names?

That was my first facility job out of school. I worked myself to death. I took every extra shift I could, which were many, because niggers either failed to show up to work or called out all the time. I was working anywhere from 60-80 hours a week.

>hurr durr I remember my first job

Fuck you faggot. This isn't easy work. It's back breaking and mentally exhausting dealing with people who have severe physical and mental problems all the while people who are on your "team" are goofing off, at best, and failing their job and duty to the point of criminality at worst.

Best part? It rarely does you any good to report any of it because they're niggers and rarely get written up for even the most severe cases because the company doesn't want even the allegation of racism.

Just thinking about this makes me want to cry from anger. These people don't deserve this. The only time my day wasn't complete hell was when I wasn't working with niggers. Yeah, there were a couple good ones, but they are the exception, never the rule.

Thanks boomers. You sold us out for sex, drugs and some shitty rock and roll.

It's better to go from least intrusive to most because if you start with that they're going to give you EXACTLY what is mandated by law. Nothing more, nothing less. Trust me, you want to remain in the good graces of the nursing staff as best you can, especially if you don't have many options, which most of the people I worked with/for didn't.

Don't blow your load the first time you push in.

When will people realize, fascism is the way to go.

breed with them

Here's a better pic for you to use.

is the pay ok

So this is what you tell yourself to feel better. How cute.

cool, photoshop filter and big red text that adds no value and is completely lazy

thank you, I will treasure this always

This veteran fag would love to take some headshots on these niggers. Should have lynched them all. Hang them from the tree like burnt Christmas ornaments.