ISIS is defeated, the country is now safe enough to send the refugees home.
What will the new narrative be to keep them coming?
Pic unreleated.
ISIS is defeated, the country is now safe enough to send the refugees home.
What will the new narrative be to keep them coming?
Pic unreleated.
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"Syrian" refugees. Right. 80-90% of them are not.
Seeing as most "syrian refugees" in Europe are actually from Afghanistan, Iran and north African countries, this victory makes no difference.
>"Syrian" refugees
You really need the quotation marks on "refugees" too. Most are economic migrants looking for German and British gibs. Refugees are women and children who flee from war (in which men should take a side and fight for their country); the migrants in Europe are mainly male, because they're not fleeing war but rather looking for gibs. It's an important distinction. Never let someone tell you that they're "refugees." Fight back every time you hear the word.
Im not saying they are, the left is saying they are. Now we can say that its safe enough for returns.
Noted, i thought in this context it was fine because it uses the lefts language against them.
Migrants don't have to return home after it becomes safe, refugees do.
They are ISIS sympathizers that will be persecuted by Assad
In fact, you need to send planes to evacuate ISIS remnants from Syria and resettle then in Europe. This will make the world a safer place.
I wouldn't put it past them to actually argue this.
They'll make some bullshit that they've already Integrated and won't be able to get used to their Homeland anymore will probably throw in some PTSD bullshit about being victims in their own land so they can't go back cause they'll get triggered.
I think its more likely they will say Assad is what they are running from as well, and until he goes they are not safe to return.
Actually, refugees don't have to go home if they can show that they fear persecution from any element of society when they return to their home country.
The rules on refugees were written in the 1950's to facilitate letting Jews move around (before which time the whole "refugee" thing was a non-question). They UN documentation accompanying the convention even explicitly excludes Palestinians from it: they get the ultimate shafting from the UN. See
Aren't they already doing this? Housing ISIS fighters and giving them free housing in hopes that they change their minds and stop committing acts of terrorism.
This. As long as they can claim that they'd face "persecution" (even non-governmental) in Syria, they get to stay in their host country. Refoulement is forbidden.
This is what I fear they will claim, in which case they can claim status indefinitely. Just have to keep pushing the SAFE NOW narrative
Permanent resettlement was always the intent.
They're not refugees but I want to make it clear that they aren't Syrian.
I don't actually want them to go. The presence of migrants is forcing Europe to wake up, and the more migrants there are the faster this will happen.
Accelerate the shit out of it while these countries still have white majorities.
single quotes IMHO as not a direct quote but a euphenism?
>leaf wants shitskins to stick around
France is non ironically doing it for "french" isis djihadi.
This. Never accept the narrative. Even if they were refugees, they have no place in Europe, they do not adapt to our culture, they cling to the culture they are supposedly running from.
A fucking leaf.
You think the actual conflict matters to these people?
In 1997 there was a hurricane in Central America, and temporary protected status that bars deportation was granted to Hondurans and other Central American illegals, under the logic that it's wrong to deport people to a disaster area.
This temporary protected status has been rubber-stamped for renewal every year since and it is only thanks to the Trump administration that it was finally ended. Let me repeat that, the fact there was a hurricane TWENTY YEARS AGO is adequate justification in the eyes of leftists to block deportation.