Should obese people be allowed healthcare benefits?
Should obese people be allowed healthcare benefits?
Fuck no
Only for end of life needs.
If by "healthcare" you mean euthanasia, then yes.
>Step 1: grow beard to hide double chin
>Step 2: ?
>Step 3: Weight loss.
They deny me healthcare, even when I have money and pay out of pocket, because I smoke. Fuck fatties.
Obese people should not be allowed at all.
He's lost over 100 lbs so far.
That beard looks repulsive. Someone should tell him to shave it.
>growing your beard to hide your double chin is considered "progress"
What did he lose 5 pounds? Good for fatty.
His wife is spending progressively more nights at "a friend's" house so he doesn't get tendies cooked for him as often
Fuck off boogie
>Millionaire Youtuber
>Wife a gold digger who gets dick on the side
>Basically treats his wife like a mom
>Plays video games in his 40s
>wants the government to take care of him
Face it Boogie is basically a child who can't grasp personal responsibility. This is how he got so fucking fat in the first place. He lives in a weird bubble, but found a nice niche with youtube.
Honestly some of his videos are ok - but jesus fuck his personal psychology is scary to ponder. This is a man who never grew out of his 12 year old psychology, and he has no ability to take control of his life. No we should not be paying for boogs health care... I mean even he didn't give a fuck about it his whole life... so why should other people pick up the tab now?
Why does this fat guy and that 5'4 autist get shilled here?
how is it a journey to get your stomach stapled to physically force you to eat less?
how is that being called a journey?
adjusted for the heads to be the same height/angle
that goes to show you even when he said he was trying he was just being a lard ass and lying while polishing off 2 boxes of joe louis
>Boogie had to have a 60,000$ surgery done to go from 600 pounds to 500
>He's proud of that
No (I am obese btw)
Yes, but they need to pay more.
No one should be allowed healthcare benefits
if he was sumo olympics champion, what would you say then ?
Nah he's really lost weight, watch some of his videos on JewTube
Exactly. He's lost a lot of weight. Clearly he's trying.
>Should obese people be allowed healthcare benefits?
how can you stop them in a free market ?
oh wait, yer a left wing jackass who assumed tax dollars and national gibs for healthcare
I agree.
Daily reminder Boogie won't make it, his goal weight is 240 (he will still be considered obese)
The only reason he's losing weight is because his colon was bisected and grafted to a small portion of his stomach, so he basically only gets 1/3rd of the calories from food he eats now, and will vomit if he eats more than say 8-10 cubic inches of food (at least until he stretches it again).
So he's still eating 6000 calories per day, but he's shitting out half-digested food now and only getting about 3000 calories from it.
Also, he's on about 8 different supplements for the rest of his life.
>They deny me healthcare, even when I have money and pay out of pocket, because I smoke. Fuck fatties.
>But MUH OBESITY is a DISEASE you fucking bigot!!
Put down the fucking shovel and back away from the buffet, fat asses. I don’t care if it is ‘glandular’, there’s no excuse for being morbidly obese.
>implying booger was the one that paid
I un-subbed him when I learned he was stuffing his face full of mayo on day.
I subscribed to him with all my alt accounts when I saw how much weight he lost.
You should all subscribe to him fellow Anonymous.
and flying squirrel mode
If he didn't have his hugbox he might have realised that it's all FUBAR and topped himself decades ago
By the way, boogie paid for his surgery out of his own pocket.
wow, he's so devoted to weight loss
His beard is fucking revolting and he needs to shave it off.
He inspired me to lose weight, and the Francis routine is getting funnier.
No, he didn't.
He paid his insurance deductible. He relies on Obamacare's mandate to force insurance companies to cover him.
No, they already fucked this far. Prepare for cremation.
no, all socialized hellcare and all those hat have taken our money slaughtered in the streets for recompense
>t. Boogie
could this behemoth be the commie red pill for capitalism
best argument i've heard so far
>Also, he's on about 8 different supplements for the rest of his life.
how the tards put themselves in such a position is beyond me
do they have a pickup truck for groceries, or is it a walled delivery truck ?
if he shaved his beard how would be hide that double chin?
Fuck off shill
He had a very expensive surgery done so he literally cant stuff his face more, paid for by autismbux from his fans who are somehow proud hes less morbidly obese. He isnt working out and is teaching his subs that the only way to lose weight is surgery which the gubmint will end up paying for in the future.
No one should recieve FREE healthcare, at taxpayer expense.
Likewise, no one should recieve free food or housing at taxpayer expense.
how many refrigerators and freezers are in the household ?
are there multiple ovens ?
he cannot wipe his own ass, right ?
who has that job ?
Yeah, because obesity is a disease.
If they pay for them, just like everybody else.
He got rid of 80% of his stomach because he could not stop eating throw him a parade.
what possible computer chair can sustain the crushing lbs per square inch when fatass alights upon it ?
an african village of how many dindu's can be sustained on his calorie intake ?
Maybe you should actually impose some food health and safety regulations instead of allowing your people to eat shit that's not even fit for animal consumption.
There's a reason why a ton of your foods are banned in the EU.
But hey, that's the power of the free market I guess.
I'm obese (even that I am working on loosing weight), I know lots of people who are thinner and more healthier than me and still the last 17 years I have not been sick at all, never used a sickcall or sick note from doctor or been away from work because of illnesses.
I know people who are supposedly more healthier than me fall short and be sick alot more than I have ever been.
this is too much information hahahahhaha
Obese people should be sent to labor camps. It's free health care.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand paying for Boogies healthcare. The benefits are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of obesity politics most of the payments will fly over the typical tax payers head. There is also Boogie's overweight outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization- his BMI draws heavily from McDonalds and Jars of Mayonnaise epic trans fat count. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike paying for Boogies surgery truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Boogies existential catchphrase “My wife had an affair with a black guy." which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons tossing their salaries away in confusion as Boogies bellyfat unfolds itself on their tables. What fools.. how I pity them
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Boogie tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 500 lbs of boogies weight (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Who gives a fuck if their employer or they pay out of pocket
>Should obese people be allowed healthcare benefits?
Why not? I know you idiots cherry pick Boogie to be you bad example, but my mother is overweight. She managed to quit smoking, never got diabetes, she rides a bike every day but she's still a good 60lbs over normal weight.
There are things we can do to slim down America. What we need is to put the "food" industry on notice that we do not want High Fructose Corn Syrup added to every goddammed product on the store shelves. We need more fiber and less sugar, meanwhile they are adding sugars and eliminating any fiber. Remove the federal subsidy on milk, but let families with kids under 12 get a discount.
Let's pool our best ideas to reform the system, not just shame the obese.
Everyone, skinny people included, should pay for their own healthcare. However if you're a socialistcuck who thinks healthcare is some human right then it makes sense for boogie to get it, given what he earns and pays in taxes, and the extension of his life the surgery will give him, he'll pay off that cost and then some more.
How about we just kill all the fat people, and use their lard to make soaps, grease for machinery and flavoring to food?
>What we need is to put the "food" industry on notice
"It's the food industry's fault"
"I can't stop cramming my fat jowls full, I dindu nuttin !"
All of them
>We need more fiber and less sugar, meanwhile they are adding sugars and eliminating any fiber.
My state is putting a measure on the ballot for a sugar tax. It's the only one I've actually signed my name to in the last 10 years. We already tax cigarettes, pot and booze and sugar is just as, if not more, addictive than all of those.
Yes. Healthcare should be a basic human right, no matter how self inflicted a person's injuries may be.
If a person's injuries are self inflicted they are sick in a different way.
Anybody that claims "well who is going to pay for it" is a sociopath. You are going to pay for it.
the moronic commie justifies his tyranny
t. Fat fuck
I literally see no difference between the two pics, other than a longer beard to hide the rolls lol
His face does seem slighlty less round but that could be because his face is further away from the camera and the beard.
it's like a pedo or a rapist
"i just can't control it !!!"
so instead of getting their dick cut off, they get half their stomach chopped out
in our sick world, this thread included, this is praised , including the 8 pills a day for life add on, and the fat fuck is still a quarter ton
no, they should have to join a mandatory gym
I work for a health insurance company...little insider knowledge- all the insurance companies are working on finding ways to exclude fatties from healthcare legally.
The most likely situation is that they'll start offering gym memberships to their customers, and start giving heavy discounts to people that stay in shape while maintaining a very expensive base rate for people who don't take steps to be healthy. They'll also be forcing people that are pre-diabetic or fat to start using personal 'virtual' trainers- basically fat accountability coaches to shame them into taking care of themselves. Insulin is expensive as fuck as well as long term care- so it's almost cheaper to just pay people to workout.
it's cheaper than simply not covering them bc they will still go to the hospital in emergencies and drive up costs for everyone.
>Anybody that claims "well who is going to pay for it" is a sociopath. You are going to pay for it.
Communist projection, everyone. You are the sociopath for wanting to keep the fruits of your labor - but the communist is not a sociopath for completely disregarding your natural rights by invading your home or land, demanding your energy, currency, or labor, all in the name of "healthcare" which is a masonically controlled industry anyway designed to slowly destroy and eat away at the fabric, health, and wealth of a people.
>pic related is you
That's like what, 45kg? Gee, sure sounds impressive when you have like 300kg, I'm sure those 45kg sure are showing. Let me know when he's under 100kg, fuckoo
It's the bard..
there is no way he makes it to 60 years old, calling it
6000kcal per day
>MFW I sometimes go with zero for 48 hours... >Biggest intake during the last 2 years was 5200kcal, that included big brekki, decent lunch at a restaurant, birthday party, BBQ dinner party and heavy drinking. Every time i ate until i was full, overdid it at the parties.
If y'all knew what he has been through then maybe you would have more respect.
I hope you realise that changing flag does nothing to change your ID
>The moronic degenerate wants to destroy themselves with drugs and food then get "fixed" at taxpayer's expense.
Pic 2 has a beard covering the neck fat, makes it look slimmer than it is.
Haha I know right, sick people whose injuries are self inflicted totally deserve to die and anybody who disagrees is a Commie.
Guess how I know you're underage. The answer may surprise you, okay. It's because you've clearly never had a loved one who has fallen into a pit of despair completely incidentally. You only claim this because it doesn't immediately affect you.
Has he posted any actual numbers of his loss?
If he gets to normal weight 50-60 of that will be excess skin. He could in theory force his body to consume the skin through autophagy, but that requires 36-48h water fasts 2 times per week for more than a year = That piece of shit will never make it without plastic surgery.
If he keeps the weight off I'll be impressed. If fatfucks want to lose weight and actually do they should be commended
Also it amazes me that ultra conservatives still believe tax payer money is their personal piggy bank just because they pay into it. Taxes are there to make fucking sure you don't just get to decide who lives and who dies because one day you might not have a job and in your ideal utopia that would mean you are sentenced to death.
Why are neckbeards a thing? Like what the fuck causes a man to just grow hair on their neck?
He looks the same. Kek
>Trying to lose weight.
>Goes to a restaurant where he most likely will pig out.
Only if they spend 25 minutes a day on a treadmill.
>communist projection, everyone
Which is funny, because communism was founded on the idea that it's not cool of the bourgeois to steal the fruit of other peoples labour, yet they demand everyone to sacrifice the fruits of their labour or get shot and dunped in a pit