Why are Christian conservatives always the biggest faggots?
Why are Christian conservatives always the biggest faggots?
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Staged, happens too many times to be real.
Because the fear of homos is in reality the fear of the homo within yourself. Even if you hate homos there is literally no rational reason to hate them since it has nothing to do with you personally. Unless it has everything to do with you personally.
Because Freud was right about everything.
Same reason male feminist are groping and molesting woman. Accuse others of crimes you've committed. Straight of if sal alenskis book rules for the radicles"
You're conflating fear and disgust, nigger.
Because Christians are semites in spirit.
>homosexuals dont secretly hate themselves.
Tell it how it acrually is, homosexual.
This is just further proof that liberals and kikes are infiltrating the right wing movements to sabotage them from within.
Obviously the faggot who ''makes anti-gay laws'' doesn't actually want any of those laws to pass. This is why every single right wing law gets shot down, they were never supposed to pass. These people are just liberals who take your vote, they play a little theater making you think your vote mattered, and then they fail on purpose.
There is only one party in US, it's the Israel party.
Thats right, the desire to be free from faggot propaganda, is really just a lust for cock.
This is why people throw faggots off of buildings instead of engaging in reasoned discourse.
Let me guess. Republican.
Why the homophobia?
Nah he is right, hate and love are just two sides of the same coin. Don't get me wrong you can feel disgusted by gay sex, but to feel strong emotions towards them? That is way different
Freud was a wannabe motherfucker who thought that since he was a wannabe motherfucker everybody else must want to be a motherfucker
Sad but true.
There's a thin line between loving white manhood and loving men.
>Implying he is actually christian and wasn't just lying the whole time like most politicians.
yeah, but always right
> I don't like definitions of love and hate being diametrically opposed, therefore I'll introduce my own nonsensical reality.
Yeah, fuck that shit. You're retarded too.
If you like sticking your dick in men's shit holes, well - have fun faggot, I still think its disgusting.
Unironically this desu. I am disgusted by cis hetero males of all colors and dubious persuasions and I dont hate them or think about them ever except when forced to.
Eg: look at this burger ad and a nearly nude woman eating it sloppily wasnt this great cis hetero propaganda go buy burgers
>vehemently anti-gay
If by "vehement" they mean he was against homosexual marriage...
Really coddles my coconuts.
He was just demonstrating how evil it was.
Islam allows you to butt fuck little boys until they reach puberty, then marry an 8 year old girl. ??????????
Because it's the biggest reason being a faggot becomes a big story. Otherwise people wouldn't write about such a personal thing when it didn't involve large scale political hypocrisy which is the real story.
You could start psycho-analyse why a gay would work an anti-gay agenda but it could very well just be that GOP is all anti-gay and there's always a chance of a gay person sneaking in there and being fine working against gays because his own kink is more of a hidden away personal thing. Not sure if it really means anything.
I agree.
Am conservative. Could care less who fucks who and who marries who.
never trust somebody that smiles like that
Why are feminists always anti men and trying to ruin sex for eveyone? It's the same thing hun
Autism, nationalism and conservatism are three words for the same thing. Prove me wrong. You can't.
Muh homophobia repub is a fag meme
You all still live in the 90s abd believe the memes they fed your parents. You need to catch up
>You could start psycho-analyse why a gay would work an anti-gay agenda
No need. The answer is Asperger's
what kind of world do we live in where a faggot who tries to live a life of christian virtue and morality, albeit without total success, is somehow more reprehensible than a faggot who wears a skimpy leather outfit and swings his dick in front of little kids in the streets of San Francisco?
the man is being lambasted for what exactly? for actually having a facade of decency and moral righteousness, instead of flaunting his deepest degeneracies in our faces? what kind of fucking world has it come to when being a "hypocrite" is somehow worse than being a total fucking public degenerate?
What are you conserving then?
Why are faggots LARPing as Christian conservative legislators?
Damn never thought of it this way. At least Goodman tried to do the right thing and fought for the right thing.
republicans are all child rapists
>the man is being lambasted for what exactly?
For being a dishonest shitbag.
And if you weren't a drooling autistic, you'd be able to figure that out in a second.
>Mstr Goldstein, please, teach us, your good gay goyim, how to cheat society!
>all right, boys - let i show you some (((our))) tricks - just put one of your brothers in power as christian conservative lawmaker - let he became a famous homophobic republican! In second - he is doing come-in-out like he dont want it. So - society start thinking what all anty-gays viewers is gay
>thank you, mstr Goldstein!
LEL thanks for the laugh today. Queer.
>the man is being lambasted for what exactly? for actually having a facade of decency and moral righteousness, instead of flaunting his deepest degeneracies in our faces? what kind of fucking world has it come to when being a "hypocrite" is somehow worse than being a total fucking public degenerate?
It further proves he's a bitch. He didn't have the courage to tell the world he's gay and be a faggot in public. Instead, he secretly blew guys in his office. That's what I call a bitch.
And there's the fucking Russian professional double thinker pretending everyone else are the bad guys. Your country is the fucking Mount Olympus of autism.
>le epic San Francisco exhibitionist gays meme
Because faggots love to infiltrate right wing movements.
ah, so if someone's afraid of spiders, they actually just want to fuck them
makes sense
>all these repressed homo trumpcucks on Sup Forums
no surprises here.
it's a meme
first of all, by your logic, he's both a total fucking degenerate AND a raging hypocrite.
the issue here of course, and the reason he's being lambasted, is purely for his hypocrisy, not because he is a faggot in and of itself.
Christianity is evil
Who caught him, his boyfriend?
You are such a fucking arachnophobe, fucking neck yourself.
You are just a stupid straight-thinker.
So none of the anti white, anti straight people, are white or have straight sex?
They same reason i was a rabidly devote christian when i was younger. I went to church every sunday from before i can remeber untill i turned 18. I just could not believe most of this shit they said actually happened and i had a ton of doubt. I was so ashamed of this doubt i over compensated with religious zeal so no one could tell that i felt like it was kind of hokey. This guy is gay and ashamed of the fact that he's into dicks so he overcompensates by coming down on gays so people wont suspect he sucks cocks. Pretty simple really.
There's nothing wrong with being gay as long as you
A. Don't make it the sole or defining facet of your personality
B. Focus on having healthy relationships rather than unsafe anonymous sex.
Hell, B applies to everybody.
AH, You stupid fucking retards, there's literally nothing wrong with being attracted to a man, being trans, and the same to be soon with having pedophile feelings. You're literally all just biggots on this echo chamber who need to get with the times. Do you think black ppl are going back in chains.......Nope same with us, we're never going back, the best day of my life was getting married to my husband. And the look on that preachers face, i knew he hated it but fuck him, and fuck you retards!
>avowed feminist gets caught cigar fucking an intern in white house.
>refuses to resign.
really makes you think, donnit?
I'm more interested in finding out why gays and pedos account for a disproportionately high amount of politicians and people in power.
>conflating fear and disgust
>ignoring the reality of the faggot agenda
Faggot detected.
Read A Queer Thing Happened to America
> allegedly
Are you trying to win the title of king cuck?