White people are fucked

First of all. Their big secret is out. Their matrix is crumbling. Whats that you might ask? Are you ready to be in denial? Im speaking of course of the cover-up. Whites are nothing more than the descendants of albinos. Albinism, coming from the latin word albus, literally meaning white. They are bipedal great apes blinded by the illusion of a disease. The work of the Devil himself.

Let me go on. Do you know why Whites became respected? What happened to let them come to power? This was of course, their greatest asset. The beauty of the white woman. We see it when we go to any large social gathering. Basic beckys caked with makeup stoking the fires in mens loins. Such power. Nations topped for such aesthetics. Even today in the illegal sex trade industry, a white woman sex slave is worth more than her counterpart.

How ironically did white men mange to uynhand their own queen. They took away their womans greatest weapon, her make up.

Without it, its obvious what you've really been all this time. Simians. Monkeys larping like they are something more.

Soon, the baby boomers will start to die. The larpers on this board will start to realize the grave consequences of pissing on the masses from their ivory towers. How the mighty will fall.

Other urls found in this thread:


It was a good run. Impressive. Nice larp. But its time humanity woke up to the truth. I will be at the forefront at this next stage of history.

I will shine the light of truth into the blind eyes of humanity and spark in them the realization of reality.

Are you ready? You will be.


is that so?

>its another episode of dindus larping as moors

Oh look a real moor.

Good luck :)

I'm white and not albino. This makes no sense. Go fuck yourself.

Thank you, but I wont need it. This is destiny.


Sup bitch. Take this!

Muslims believe the word Allah was used by Jesus when he hung on the cross. The Bible records that Jesus said "Eli Eli lama sabachthani", but you say Jesus really cried out to Allah and said "Allah, Allah lama sabachthani" My question is: Would you please explain why you would use this argument when you don't believe Jesus ever hung on the cross? And second, since Jesus was quoting Ps 22:1 on the cross, isn't rather unlikely that both the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament are wrong using Eli, a Hebrew word, rather than Allah, an arab word?

Your religion is built on a web of lies, with information stolen from the greeks who knew about everything claimed to be discovered in the Quran, about a thousand years before your book existed.

Suck my cock. You only wish you could be white.

Whites arent albinos, merely their descendents, merely ashamed of it. Nice birthmark. Ever wonder where you got it?

yeah, just like all the other times you failed.

Do you?

If that is what you think white people look like then I have bad news for you. Your not white.

> whites wiped out
> world explodes a week later

have fun nigger.

The motto of whites is to live fast and die young. Because after 30 the affects of not having melanin begin to take their toll as you rot into ghoulish pale creatures. Without the beauty of young age, youre nothing.

No, I dont want to be diseased. I dont want to be deficient.


Youre just ashamed but its okay. Its in your blood to be weak.

We will not be compelled to leave the scene, niggers. And deep down, you're terrified of what this shithole would look like without us carrying your sorry 55% asses.
Ooga booga

??? truth hurts i bet.

Why would you leave the scene? You are made.

>implying op talked about islam
>implying muslims believe jesus was on the cross
>implying allah doesnt mean god in arabic
>implying christian and jewish arabs dont say allah when they pray to yhwh

>thinking religious books are historicly accurate

Well the internet changed the game.

Is this an attempt to provoke me into calling you out for what you are, then you will just end up upset about yourself. There is no reason for you to be here besides you being insecure about yourself, and that is why I don't really think you can handle what is inevitably coming for you. You already know what I think of you, so I don't have to tell you. There is good reason why we don't want people like you in our countries, and you can never escape from that. Stop poking the bear, you are about to provoke your own suicide.

Lolz. Context is everything, is it not?
Just as you lack the context of that reference, you have no context for your own pathetic existence.
Just enjoy the technology we let you use, and stand the fuck back.
Two kinds of people, the producers and the consumers. You bottom feeders will never produce a fucking thing. Nothing. Less than zero.

Everyone on that picture looks equally bad.

Fuck, I love seeing old-school paintings of white women being bred by black males.

Post more. White boys always loved seeing their women get bred by darker-skinned males.

Who said anything about wiping you out. Unnecessary.

Your ancestors.


You fuckers are so ungrateful. We should have left you to die in filth and disease in your "beautiful" homeland. You are built for little more than labour, so if we're gone, you're taking orders from the Asians.
And I think they hate you even more than we do. So my advice to you is suck up. Act more white so your neighbourhood full of your illigitimate children doesn't get fully anthraxed during the race wars.
Yeah racewars I'll hopefully see you there

sure? if thats what you need to tell yourself

Why? Do you hate your own people? Are black people not suppose to mate with other black people?

I just have the 1 but you can add this to your collection.

What does those pictures tell us? That black women are undesirable?

Is that why niggers are eating the albino niggers in africa? I heard it gives them special powers to eat a white nigger.


Even after the white nigger is dead you can dig the bodies up and get the white privilege .

I don't see white people doing this. At no point in history have we been doing that. Even dogs dig down their own shit.

>Arg! dont make me use my biological weapons


Nice freckles. Wonder where they came from. Kissed by the sun you say?

Tells me emmett til didnt die for nothing.

What goes around comes around.

Yeah this is your legacy


You mutts are so jealous of white people that it's actually pathetic. Your soooooo fucking concerned with the purity of whites because the superiority stares right at your brown mongrel face and reminds you of your inferiority. Just by EXISTING, whites make you question what the point of you even being ALIVE is. The answer? There isn't a point. You're a waste of cells. You're an inferior redundancy of consciousness.

its okay I have a white gf. Do you?

Never used to use /pol, wondering where all the white people are.

Jesus Christ, I miss my people. You blacks are even unpleasant on the internet. Never thought I'd say, definitively, that I truly hate black people, and I won't, because you're not people.
You're our demonic cousins who failed to evolve civility. It will show in the race wars. You'll be in hordes, we'll be in ranks. You'd probably eat your young and your dead raw.
Black people are the most racist people. Avoid black people. Don't let your kids have black friends. Destroy black neighbourhoods. Arrest black youths and pin them down until they suffocate.

Aww like all the other incels on this board, youre lonely =( Words you will never hear beta, not so deep.

See, I get repulsed from looking at that picture. You will never get that. It's like looking at someone with warts or leprosy in their face.

lmfao. son im not even black. Youre just afraid. Its jut the beginning. You can cry all you want, but you will die alone. No one will ever love you enough to give you a child. When white women dont wanna fuck so you call it genocide.

you cant even get white women in your homogenous country sven.

Fuck blacks, they made their choice

>white people fucked
>because white women stopped wearing makeup

Low quality bait. Think of a better plot before you type a tl;dr


??? where have you been? Youre simian

At the end of that laugh there is only silence and emptiness. I'm going to leave you alone now. There is one way you can help us, and help yourself. It will end your pain. Just think about it.

Not really. I have a latino friend that's albino, and he's a scientist. So is he bad too racist?

Pic related is why you have a white gf but conveniently won't admit.

bye faggot

I bet your friend looks just like a white person.

You assume im black because youre afraid of them. Nice fear.

>posting pictures of albinos
> saying white people are albinos
> no white people look like the pictures you posted
>your an idiot
Even if white people all die out they will still be better and accomplished more things than nigs did.
What are all you niggers going to do when white people are gone ?
Play sports amd make music ?
Who is going to run all the factories so people can get stuff.
Whos going to grow and make all the food ?
Thats something niggera cant do.
I hope asians genocide niggers when whites are gone.

lol I grew up in the hood. I'm not some cuck suburban white. You on the other hand date women from the very race you called inferior albinos lmaaaoo.

And what does it matter if he looks white? That's what albinism is idiot. Are you misappropriating his race because of a condition he was born with? My how inclusive you are.

Youre afraid of reality. Priceless. Worth it. Top left david duke.

Show me where I called you inferior albinos?

Race doesnt exist, you live in the matrix you ape.

This troll again?
Extremely racist left winger thinking "albino" matters?

Sub par trolling, if you are larping as a hypocrite lefty you are doing a good job, but all you do is show how your side has zero standards, and its not about stopping racism rather about power/getting back at whitey.

Your joke is that tan skin and dark hair are a sign of wealth because youre ancestors were working in the field everyday
My joke is that pale skin and light hair are a sign of wealth because my ancestors were working in the field for a small part of the day, got their work done quick, and were able to get back to the cave
>you make a joke of yourself every time you promote dark hair and skin as an ape

>Whites are nothing more than the descendants of albinos. Albinism, coming from the latin word albus, literally meaning white. They are bipedal great apes blinded by the illusion of a disease. The work of the Devil himself.
>lol I didn't say albinos were inferior just said it's a disease!

You're IQ is clearly sub 100.

>Race doesnt exist, you live in the matrix you ape.

Yeah, and there's race-centric haplogroups that get diseases easier than other races. You're living in the matrix where everyone is allegedly gray blobs.

No you are afraid cause you know niggers cant substain life for their people. You dont care cause nigger mentality is live in the now and worry about problems later. Actually niggers are such shitty people that , when white people are all gone and its just niggers
Left when you all starve to death and die out or the whole world is in chaos cause the top niggers are hoarding everything you will be happy and say you won cause you beat out white people.

why do POC have such a tendacy to rape and molest "albino" people so much more then vise versa.

Guess being albino is pretty great!

its almost like evolution is a thing!

Aww whats the matter? Its like you cant handle the taste of your own medicine? Muh tolerant left.


IT is a disease, sorry facts hurt your feelings. Google is Albinism a disease?

All that IQ and you cant get a girlfriend lmao.


reminds me of Josef fritzel, a proud european.

Worth it. You guys have it coming and its obvious youre gonna get it. Its out of my hands now. This is between you and karma. You asked for this.

When this happened media tried to white wash it and actually hide it. Canada is so bad they are like a fifth as bad as UK and that is pretty fucking bad

You literally just showed me a pic that just describes the gene that makes melanin that ALL races have. Tards like you don't have mental fortitude to distinguish what a disease is if you can't differentiate this.

Let's go to a club, and I guarantee you I pull more pussy. Bring your sister too, and I can show her the BWC.

nahhh, its delicious, means you are desperate.

You as a poster are indistinguishable from either a real leftie or a satire of a leftie just shows how sad and pathetic that group has become.

Its why even fags like me are leaving and fighting for the right.

You claim white people are """albino""" but I can tan if I want, the reason my skin is white is I have to stay out in the sun less, hence I have wealth my work is done I can go home. Your skin is darker because you need to stay out in the sun longer to get your work done, the reason your skin is dark is you have to stay out in the sun longer, hence you have no wealth your work is not done you can't go home you have to stay at work. Albinos??? HAHAHAHAHAHA MORE LIKE I FINISHED THE MATH TEST TYRONE WHY U AT PRE-ALGEBRA 4th PERIOD STIEL ON A FRIDAY @ 8:05PM TAKING A MIDTERM STILL WHILE YOUR AZN TEACHERS GETTING IMPATIENT CUZ YOUR LIKE 5 HOURS LATE ON FINISHING YOUR EXAM AND SKIPPED LUNCH TO "GET SHIT DONE" WHILE I FINISHED 4TH PERIOD AT 2PM AND WAS OUT HAVING A FRIDAY NIGHT WHILE YOURE STILL IN CLASS SWEATING AWAY WHILE THE SUNS GOING DOWN PLEASEEEE DONT MAKE ME LAUGH AT YOU ANYMORE YOU MAKE IT UNBEARABLE I HAD TO STAY SOMETHING

Nah I doubt it. The only reason you have any semblance of game is because you got to hang out with alpha coloreds who showed you the ropes.

You claim white people are """albino""" but I can tan if I want, the reason my skin is white is I have to stay out in the sun less, hence I have wealth my work is done I can go home. Your skin is darker because you need to stay out in the sun longer to get your work done, the reason your skin is dark is you have to stay out in the sun longer, hence you have no wealth your work is not done you can't go home you have to stay at work. Albinos??? HAHAHAHAHAHA MORE LIKE I FINISHED THE MATH TEST TYRONE WHY U AT PRE-ALGEBRA 4th PERIOD STIEL ON A FRIDAY @ 8:05PM TAKING A MIDTERM STILL WHILE YOUR AZN TEACHERS GETTING IMPATIENT CUZ YOUR LIKE 5 HOURS LATE ON FINISHING YOUR EXAM AND SKIPPED LUNCH TO "GET SHIT DONE" WHILE I FINISHED 4TH PERIOD AT 2PM AND WAS OUT HAVING A FRIDAY NIGHT WHILE YOURE STILL IN CLASS SWEATING AWAY WHILE THE SUNS GOING DOWN PLEASEEEE DONT MAKE ME LAUGH AT YOU ANYMORE YOU MAKE IT UNBEARABLE I HAD TO SAY SOMETHING


Also there's a difference between a lack of a chemical reaction and a race of people

No one cares milo. You were so pathetic at life, you had to turn down your birthright, ie sleeping with white women. and settled for getting fucked in the ass by degenetate white men who will fuck anything including dogs.

We never needed you and we never will.

Karma isn't real. If I break your pencil in 2nd grade you might want revenge you might not, but obviously you're angry. Common sense says you might punch me, common sense says you might do nothing. BUT KARMA SAYS WATCH OUT I MIGHT GET HIT BY A LIGHTNING BOLT FOR THAT. ya fuck your subconscious inferior passive aggressive karma nerd bullshit

You spent time typing that out. Get a life.

Youre not albinos, youre their descendents. This is why you can tan.

>Worth it. You guys have it coming and its obvious youre gonna get it. Its out of my hands now. This is between you and karma. You asked for this.

LOL such desperation, you really want this to be true dont you?

Notice how ever since the right started fighting back, somewhere around trumps election, that the left keeps getting more and more desperate?

From ganging up on MAGA hat wearers, to throwing antifa thugs at everything, then the right fought back once and they are scared shitless.

Bring it on, maybe over hype another nov 4th then never show up again?

oooo so scary

The left cannot meme because they broke away from honest interpretations of reality.

The left cannot fight effectively for the same reason.

Bring it on man, we are all waiting, what is stopping you? Sure seems like you are just too chicken and can only rant behind a keyboard "lol I trolled Sup Forums, IM WINNING!"

>nice birthmark

Pack up lads, we lost

It is real. What are you some kinda aheist? fag.


No it's because I go up to girls I like, they grind on me, see my face and ripped physique, and it's to the hotel after that.

Why do we have to do anything? We are already winning lol. Youre the ones crying for the ethnostate. Lets see you make it.

>sleeping with white women.

I welcome all colours of dick in my ass cause im not a bigoted racist like you TYVM

Also you seem to think white women are superior to other women... better hide that from your lefty friends. Or cut that part out of your larp, it breaks the 4th wall and gives you away.
The left cant meme.

The left cant fight.

Karma is for passive aggressive people who are too pathetic and weak to carry out their own revenge so they project their need for it for society to take care. Fucking 1st grade level sad.

Grinding? you mean youre appropriating black and latino culture? Are you from Atlanta lmao.

Your mother filed for divorce and ruined your life kid. Theres your karma.

You missed my point where you were the monkey and I am the human. Try again

lol ok my nigga I'll give you that one lol. I did tell you that I grew up in a ratchety place. Point is that I would go with black dudes that are good looking, and I'd still get more chicks hitting on me.

Try not to kill yourself when you get aids.

crying for an ethnostate?

Im confused, isnt your whole premise based on the western states ALREADY being white supremacist ethno states?

Besides colour doesnt matter, ideology does, every nazi on this board is a larper like you, half the IP's are just spoofed anyways.

"waaaa I cant succeed in america, despite every advantage over white people"

"waaaaa cops is raycist, cant a brother rob a store in peace?"

its so funny... you amuse me, keep it up!

Youre just a larping great ape.
>Im hueeman guiz
>definitely not some disease affected monkey