Just another day in Trump’s Amerikkka
Just another day in Trump’s Amerikkka
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And apparently niggers been standing on corners like this the last fifty years
we wuz hussler and shietz
I like how niggers even write in their terrible broken English.
Stop acting like subhumans and this would stop
WTF now I love Drumph. Guys with guns standing on street corners in high crime areas. Who woulda thought thats a good idea?
This is the result of America's weaponized Autism.
>chimpout free zone
Leave those chilrens alone. Iz sho dey on dair way to church. They didndu nuffin!
would buy a coffee and chat with / 10
Where? Post fucking context or at least a link.
Cops still keeping the black man down for thrills. This is why we need to remember black lives matter and why neiling at the national anthem is so important
>functional meets casual tactical urban blend cargo hoodie combo
>sensible amount of surplus energy reserves to go for long periods of strenuous activity without need for immediate nourishment
>proper trigger disciple and barrel control
>eyes focused on the street ready with the heat
They need to quit having the police do the National Guard's work.
> lor scoota
Good. Baltimore needs it.
Hopefully that gun gets some use. Need more deadnigger.jpg for the collection.
nigs are unable to nog due to police presence . textbook racism , good work burgerinos
That's America? That used to distinguish us from Europe, that we didn't have guys with military hardware just standing around.
>neiling at the national anthem
*kneeling. I guess someone hid your dictionary under your workboots.
>Want a bigger government
>Hates the police
What do commies mean by this?
shouldn’t you go back to losing a civil war
sounds like more of a problem with right wing media.... you actually believe the shit they feed you
Keep up the good work cops
This is a great idea. Post armed cops in high crime areas. Now bring back stop and frisk, and hangings for violent and repeat offenders.
the eternal conundrum of the hypocritical
Do you realize how meaningless and vapid this sounds? You could use it as a response to anything.
we wuz street kangz befour orange hitler stopped us
I was merely pointing out that you think the commies want "big government" while also hating the police. "big government" is a propaganda phrase that the rights media made up.
>nigger account
Every time.
What's the problem?
I wish we had that in Germoney.
>This is a great idea. Post armed cops in high crime areas. Now bring back stop and frisk, and hangings for violent and repeat offenders.
Let's do that for corporate America, too. If they want to be better than people, they can be put in prison for breaking the law.
Shut up commie.
>rule of law shouldn't extend to corporations
best synopsis of the 44th United States Presidency I've ever seen
in baltimore recently a detective was shot dead with no motive: or rather as part of a gang initiation. if you think that the police are going to tolerate that then you must be a retard.
communism is literally state control of every single industry and piece of land in a country. plz keep your mouth shut if you dont know your arse from your elbow.
Think about it from they point of view
How else dem boys gonna get clothes to go to school?
Baltimore user here. Anyone that defends the actions of blacks on this board from this city needs to live here, go to school here, attend social events here. Then tell me your opinion. Go ask your artist friends who attend MICA how they like being robbed at gun point 4/7 days of the week they attend class. How their school text blotter mirrors the police blotter, how their girlfriends like being groped and eventually raped. You liberal faggots are so delusional it sickens me. You'd walk w/ wide smile to the gallows as long as you remained "tolerant". I hope you all die of AIDs that those buttfucking baboons give you. This city is literally a fucking war zone. You either get guns and survive or die, you liberals don't stand a chance.
Big government has to be ineffective and costly, leftists hate effective and efficient police forces. They want them bureaucratised, diversified and completely ineffective. Have a look at Chicago, Detroit or London for examples.
*smacks lips* if dey didnt sell peoples dem heroin den how dey gunna afford skool supplies?
Please don't use that word.
Whats worse:
Baltimore, or Detroit?
They just be firebombing entire neighborhoods right now.
niggers mad the police is showing up before the chimp out
I've never been to Detroit I can't comment.
Nigger. Coon. Jungle Bunny. Monkey.
Killin nogs is a key way to make America great again.
>See police officer with machinegun on street corner
>Think twice before getting up to some illegal shit
This actually happened though. Lulz where had by most.
He obviously hasn't done a pull up in years.
Detroit has fairly concentrated war zones
Baltimore has a more dispersed nog infection
What neighborhood or area within the United States doesn't have a you put it a police "occupation" force?
I live right next to one of the wealthiest ZIP codes in the state and guess what they've got police just hanging around doing nothing too. The police also have guns there
>shouldn’t you go back to losing a civil war?
>Be Gangbanger
>See adequately armed police on street
>Decide crime isn't such a good idea
>Police preventing crime is racist
And now the normies realize that Blacks are admitting that violent criminality is inherent to their race.
What's wrong with corners?
Do you get aroused lying to yourself?
Theres no possible way those brave men make enough money. Why they continue to work those "neighborhoods" is beyond me. They all deserve to be millionaires.
how will the darkness ever recover
Exactly. Go live in black majority area. Quit larping social justice from your gated communities or all white strongholds.
living in these areas. Redpills people quick.
think he means fifty!
America is in good hands
Well they don't talk that way to be cool. It's because they're fucking idiots.
seems shitty but truth be told, that's why they work there. They are needed in places like tha tmroe than anywhere else, and they offer the most experience and challenge. The cops that work in these places tend to be much different than your typical suburban sunday morning donut shop cop
Fucking good. You know they sit in cars like this all the time. Why not put them to use and show people that they're there instead of sitting in the shadows? They should set up camp at every major drug corner. Eventually war will break out and they can justifiably clean it up.
Catalonia flag, fin flag, fag flag, and some meme flags, spamming nonsense all over the fucking place. SUPER heavy since last Friday.
Pay no mind anons, nothing but slides.
lets take all the police away for a week and see how long you survive.
>american brainlets
Major cities would resemble Johannesburg after the fall of Apartheid. Niggers would be chimping out on top of the dead and mutilated bodies of the liberal scum that now defend them.
Baltimore is like if you took the worst neighborhood of Chicago, but made it 60% of the city. It's like the worst of the nogs are all concentrated there. I used to repair the cities crumbling water pipes; I've seen some shit.
>if you think that the police are going to tolerate that then you must be a retard.
Too kek. If you think the black politicians will allow police to do anything you are completely deluded. Cops will cry, get a pay raise, and go on ignoring black on white crime. They may catch the nig but the court will just let him off.
i found this in the OP's twitter feed
The most ironic thing to ever happen in American history.
>The union wins the war just to have plans to ship all the blacks back to Africa.
>gets shot by southerner
>now we have ghettos.
>lets take all the police away for a week and see how long you survive.
They did that.
IIRC this was after Freddie Gray? It was a big media frenzy about muh rights.
At the time it was a black president, black mayor, black chief of police, black victim, black DA (IIRC).. virtually every fucking person involved in this was black.
And yet white people were to blame. Somehow. Magic?
For real though. In cities like Oakland, I'm suprised there isn't s cop like this on every street corner.
Remember, guys: A race war in America makes America weaker and Europe stronger! That is why I love it, oh yeah!
If America is weak then so is Europe you big dummy
Fell better with 'Moon Cricket' or 'Spook'?
The only problem is that the cops aren't legally aloud to shoot any shit skin on sight
Someone post black crime statistics.
What, you mean niggers? How about porch monkeys? Pavement apes? Coons?
>fbi table 43