>be American.
>see this at your backyard
>what do you do?
Be American
Other urls found in this thread:
Move because the neighborhood is obviously turning into a brown pile of shit.
Obama isn't president anymore, she and that baby are going straight back where they came from. ;)
Get her to a hospital, like a normal, non-nazi Larper
That's kinda hot desu
>be a spic that can't even speak spanish
what level of subhuman is this?
>be mexican
>take picture of wife giving birth
>at your backyard
shoot it
I would help her and if need be, raise that child as my own
Pick it up and punt it over the border like a football americano
Feed the baby to my wolf
celebrate the birth my child. viva la raza.
Call animal control.
Rush to her side and offer my hand in marriage. A damsel in distress cannot go unsaved.
Give her some scrambled eggs.
Pick up the dead fetus and eat the eyes first.
Then peel back the soft skull and enjoy a little brain
Might aswell eat the fetus while it's still warm and wet
shoot them both
castle doctrine
That baby is an american!
get the hose
Wonder what a spic is doing in my back yard, produce my pistol and shoot her and the baby, bury in my garden for fertilizer next year and forget about the incident.
Call an ambulance, get a towel.
EMS + ICE will handle the rest.
What will you do if you doesn't eat all of them?
she can't go home until all the eggs are eaten
Cut off the umbilical cord, get a towel, pick up the baby gently with it. Then phone the ambulance and give it to the first paramedic.
kys faggot
Pic related is what I would do immediately upon seeing that
Once I'm done with that I get my gun, point it at her, grab my phone, call ICE, and have her deported.
Now that's a real anchor baby
Huh my humanity offends you sincerely.
Lol, these. Why would you not attempt to help them?
"the anchor has reached the bottom, Sir!"
Mammals have the most disgusting and impractical form of giving birth. You'd think after 5000 years of evolution they'd figure out a better way.
We're almost there Hans, we're almost there.
>be german
>see this in your backyard
wat do?
>kill her with something heavy hitting her head
>burn the body
>dig a hole while that's going on
>take a hammer to the remains
>put it in the hole
>plant a pear tree, or something
That being the irony since mammals switched from egg laying to live birth. But arguably with eggs mammals wouldn't have developed beyond retarded Monotremes and Bird would rule the Earth.
Reminder artificial sperm have been a thing for a decade.
And then you go to jail and be anal raped by a bunch of niggers forever. Enjoy black cock losers.
the only logical answer here
>>what do you do?
Do 360 degrees, walk away.