McMaster Called Trump an ‘Idiot’ and Dope’ With Intelligence of a ‘Kindergartner’

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It's over, boiz. Pack it up, we will never recover. I'm a Hilldawg now.

lol nice

Over a July dinner with Oracle CEO Safra Catz — who has been mentioned as a candidate for several potential administration jobs — McMaster bluntly trashed his boss, said the sources, four of whom told BuzzFeed News they heard about the exchange directly from Catz. The top national security official dismissed the president variously as an “idiot” and a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” the sources said. - Buzzfeed & sources said. How embarrassing for you Obama leaf.



He's on the Soros payroll. Why should we give a shit about what he thinks or says?

Barack Obama doubled the national debt.

no surprise obamaleaf getting his dick hard over "allegedly/reportedly"

>according to five anonymous sources with knowledge of the conversation

For a second I thought you meant McMaster University
Wouldn't surprise me either.

seems to fit a pattern of people close to Trump

pic related

Sigh. Just stop leafy. We know its you.

Dont forget the Bob Corker daycare comments.


Nice pic

Where did I deny it?

Yes just like the pattern of Canadian currency shitting the bed under Trudeau.

Oh noooo, not another devastating "unnamed source"!

It's gone up under Trudeau.

You must be thinking of Harper.

Holy shit, pack it all up boys, we're done! gg it was good while it lasted, don't know what I'm gonna do with my life now.


Can you tell me what year it currently is because according to that graph it thinks it's midway through 2016?

It's current year. I was showing you the entire decline under Harper. When did Trudeau take office?

>everyone I don't like is on Soros' payroll
damn, how can you constantly pay millions of people millions of dollars yet still be a billionaire?

That's how (((they))) become billionaires. Soros has just given $19Bn to do exactly that. Being the kike he is he has put forward that amount, he will not use much of it at all.

Trump is giving Soros a big fat tax cut

Yes but it declined under Trudeau also which is why you are selective with your graph.

It's gone up under Trudeau.

It went from $1.07 to 75 cents under Harper

Harper sent our currency into freefall

Catz is also a moron. Oracle was a joke of a company to work at. Also "buzzfeed and sources" probably not a reliable source.



Soros has his business offshore, he doesn't pay tax.

Lol it's gone up under Trudeau, but i'm sure that's a bad thing now

>With Intelligence of a ‘Kindergartner’
insulting to the kids to compare them with the retard in chief

He does pay tax. But now when Trump's tax cuts come thru


nigger you seriously have 30 drumpfette+turdeau pictures??? absolute madman

It went up and down under Trudeau like it has Harper but overall is still low. Thats my point.

>It's gone up under Trudeau.
Then post a graph for his entire reign.

His business is registered offshore, he simply has additional shell companies abroad who buy stocks - does not pay a cent in tax.

>Yes but it declined under Trudeau

but *not*

>tfw obamaleaf has no king nigger to defend anymore, so he resorts to making threads about things no one cares about

>Then post a graph for his entire reign.



31 to be exact

I've literally never heard of this site.

>Then post a graph for his entire reign.
What i posted is his entire reign. It's gone up.

Man you are fucking retarded.

It went from $1.07 to 75 cents. Fucking freefall. Yet he's a conservative economic genius.

It went from 75 to 78 cents under Trudeau yet he's the worst ever.

>Yes just like the pattern of Canadian currency shitting the bed under Trudeau.

just admit ur wrong, retarded and move on

bitch pls

Dopey Dotard is an expert on dopey stuff

he's in his "pretending" to be retarded phase

you can't even afford to buy a house in Canada because of the mass migration

It went from $1.07 to 75 cents. *under Harper*

>kys, my man

>It went from 75 to 78 cents under Trudeau yet he's the worst ever.
Where did I say he was the worst ever? Why are you a child? My point is he didn't fix anything it's still down.


All those proxies, what a sad specimen you are. DOTR


u didn't. lots of right wing retards do

>Yes just like the pattern of Canadian currency shitting the bed under Trudeau.

just admit ur wrong shithead

ur embarrassing yourself


i don't use proxies u butthurt little bitch

He hardly touched the faggot, what a faggoty faggot Justine Castro is.

>u didn't.
Why are you claiming things I didn't say?

>just admit ur wrong shithead

How am I wrong?

>BuzzFeed report

Totally accurate reliable news source.

fuck off back to R*ddit you waste of oxygen

Do u admit the Canadian dollar is overall UP under Trudeau's reign?

Safra Catz is an Israeli-born American business executive. She has been an executive at Oracle Corporation since April 1999, and a board member since 2001.


your country is unlivable

The ultimate humiliation, a fucking Plebbit leaf


wow look at this. a image reply only 80 seconds interval between posts. amazing since you didn't have that screenshot all loaded up and ready to hit submit

Colour me surprised, 'the club' rewards it's own.

it's over
druympcf is finished

No it's still down from when he took over compared to when Harper was in power by a large margin.



Burger flipping is not as fun as it sounds when it comes to Obama job fillings

I'm notoriously fast with my images when im into a thread fuckhead

Lol you're wrong. When did Trudeau take office and what was the CAD to USD on that day?

Don't denigrate the only job you're barely qualified for, right wing retard

Shareblue says what?

why r u so triggered by me?

ur fucking obsessed with me

watch. u won't leave this thread for hours. you'll sit here in this thread for hours to be with me

>Believing Mediate
This is a new low for you, Obongoleaf.

Cambridge Analytica says what?


Wow five (5) whole anonymous sources said this to buzzfeed , it surely must be true

No date on the screen grab, sloppy work, sloppy work

If you look at a graph that includes Harper's reign and all of Trudeau's reign, something you are leaving out you would see it's still down today by a large margin. This is why you pick and choose and selectively use only a part of Trudeau's reign.

NBC - lol, Obama leaf follows faggot Griffin - hahahahaha



Obama reduced the budget deficit by 2/3.and was the slowest spender in 80 years

Please explain in your words why did the debt go up

this butthurt british retard is madly deeply in love with me

every fucking day with this obsessed loser who has a crush on me

Lol you're wrong. When did Trudeau take office and what was the CAD to USD on that day?

please explain top me to why the debt went up 20 trillion under Obama
