Military members of Sup Forums unite.
>Your branch
>Your job
>Reason for joining
Air Force
Missile Technician (pic unrelated)
Was bored
Military members of Sup Forums unite.
>Your branch
>Your job
>Reason for joining
Air Force
Missile Technician (pic unrelated)
Was bored
Other urls found in this thread:
>Was bored
cool thread
air force 2002-2008. signed up sept 2001. 9s100 wizard. i worked in a test squadron working on special access programs.
NASIC for 7 years. 9S's are weird as shit, but they're alright
Needed a job and the asvab was super easy
National guard
Kill me
Oh so you're a SSGT 9-level?
>US Regular Army
>Signal Corp field tech
>Learn a skill
>See the world
zzzz any Rangers? Tranny here. I wanna swallow your ranger cock
Army Natty Guard
Also Infantry
Muh Freedoms
I noticed that as well. OP is a Chair Force newfag, probably still a 3 level.
>clean the floor, cut grass
>obligatory service when i was 18
Ground control
Really needed to lose weight
no kidding
>ITT braindead (((ZOGbots)))
Us Army media relations
Shilling for the joos
Jews promised shekels
I'm going to keep this pretty vague because I'm an officer
Chair Force
System analytics (fancy speak for supervise a bunch of retards that supervise a bunch of "communications")
Signed up to pay for Grad school.
Us Army 12B combat engineer family tradition plus explosives ya know
with this attitude you not getting anything.
I just want to take a minute and thank you all for your brave cervix fighting proxy wars for israel
Exactly. I left when my time was over because I could not longer digest the fucking bullshit narrative that Israhell is out ally. I would keep bringing up the USS Liberty and it did not sit well with top brass.
Every time you meet a US military fag, ask them why the dead soldiers of the USS liberty were never honored, ask them why that shit was buried to protect a terrorist state.
To impress girls, stop NK from nuking Japan (muh animu!), dat sweet sweet retirement pension, and I didn't want to get a real job. Then I found out I got ABM not pilot and all that went out the window.
>Air Force
>Security Forces
>needed a job
you work on nukes?
Oh, I am fucking done with that shit. The second my time was up, I was gone.
I can't be part of a bullshit military that cherry picks honor and makes up fake allies. Fucking disgrace of a military force.
We were attacked by a terrorist state whose soldiers need to wear diapers into battle so they don't look like piss ants.
topjej huehueanon
E-3 Maintenance
Hated the libcuck college I was in
>Hello awacs brother 150222900
how a propos, an israeli using a pirate flag HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
using wifi at my hotel. In Brazil on business. Where you at? international waters you fucking faggot coward piece of syphilitic shit?
Supply.Sm boats,Sm arms
To bring the boy's home from Nam
US Air Force
Intel Officer
I joined because of Stargate and other Air Force sci-fi shows
>hated the libcuck college I was in
you seriously fucked up not getting an associates in some STEM field and going to OCS for the Navy or Air Force.
>air force 2002-2008. signed up sept 2001
le cheeky patriot xxDDDD
You're retarded if you answer this shit.
>chooses to join the chair force
do you want to be more bored?
No who do you think would actually be truthful in a response to a data collection dweeb
Not like anyone is going to know who you are from answering such a vague question.
Chair Force 03-07
Ground radar maintenance
Wanted trade skills and money for college
Would do it all over again
Data mining thread...
Damn, Look at all these fucking chairforce fags hahahaha
>military will accept 5ft 2in 300lb manlet weebs
They must be desperate
I'm LARPing, no need to fuck with me, but if you do by any means intrude on any channel you'll be violating several federal directives including national security and could be up for treason. This includes any military personnel or Federal employee.
There, fixed.
Daymn nigga relax. I said it's noice post.
Love Death and Destruction, also fun as hell
Data mining...
Most likely. Trump is trying to figure out how to up the number of the "good ones" for the tussle we're about to get into with N.K. (not saying that we're actually going to get into any conflict with N.K., just speculating on the possibly of this thread's existence is for being data minded.)
Hospital Corpsman
I wanted to be a soldier from the time I was a very little boy.
Air Force
18X - RPA
I really wanted to fly shit and kill brownies
We need more white nats in the military, particularly in high ranking positions.
Not the f22... way to be a betacuckboi user.
Pic related
Aircraft Crewmember
I needed to sort my life out, military offered me that chance
put a bunch of 17-20 year olds through the roughest time they've ever seen in their lives.
Expect them not to bound, despite color, and background.
White nationalist...
The only people who ride through "training" are alphas who's only concern is themselves, who enter their branch with no fucks given about anything but their goals.
RPA's kill way more shit than any air to ground pounders do right now, and 90% of my fiscal year went on to air transport anyway.
US Marines
1 Star Gen
Dad raised me good
Y'all need new a commander.
My company was garbage, always going to the middle of nowhere and doing battle-drill 1 in the freezing nights.
We got a new CO who was prior enlisted in active duty and he has been cutting out all the bullshit, chaptering out shitbags, raising standards, and giving NCO's more freedom. The training schedule has changed massively, as we're finally learning engaging real world stuff in preparation for deployment.
Weather 1W0X1
Was bored with college, didn't know what to do in life
Ended up doing eight years, got out because my career field was run by the most incompetent retired-military civilians you cold ever possibly imagine, along with noting a steep decline in the intelligence and forecasting capabilities of the newer incoming airmen. Whole career field is headed for the shitter and I'm genuinely less miserable flipping burgers for the time being that dealing with that bullshit
...and I bet basic bitches take way more selfies than KK, but why is she the only one winding up in magazines user!?
Almost an F22 Jokey here, almost. Still need to do something things and other things. Again can't get specific.
Air Traffic Control
Needed healthcare and direction in life
>generals browse this board
you're a legend, sir
Not military but contractor faggot.
>first Army, then AF
>cybersecurity/information assurance. Also sysad
>Nobody ever gave me a real chance aside from desktop support. Army contracting did -- in Iraq. Went even further in Afghan and Kuwait. Four years in that sandbox.
At some point, we all need a paycheck and the chance to prove ourselves. Only the military offered me that chance.
I'm still waiting on the IFT backlog ;_;
It's not about color you low IQ pleb. It's about social cohesion.
Here is what ignoring race gets you:
Fighting for the wrong side.
dat's a lot of ass for such a little dick user...
>We need more white nats in the military, particularly in high ranking positions.
>College money
Are you saying this would be a bad thing?
That's what the nation was founded on. The founders were white nationalists, it's only when jewish bankers took control of the USA did this change.
Us army 13F
Spent 5 years with the 173rd. Came to Bragg a year ago. Hate my fucking life now.
Logistics, but was Panzergrenadier till 2012
I do everything ammo related
The Bund was the only guys in my life who treated me like a human
>Welfare Queens unite!
>white nats
>It's not about color you low IQ pleb.
I'm born and raised Dixie user, I'm partial to being white, but understand that competition comes in all colors.
Do you have enough money to worried about Jewish bankers? If you're so intelligent, why don't you take over their industry if you know all their tactics?
They got one over you, deal with it...
>rocket forces (strategic makes more semce in english)
>maintaining engines on ICBMs
>kinda get forced into it, nonody capable of doing it was busy
Because we need a revolution, and we need good men in the military to back us.
Deal with it? We are dying out. You will have to come to pick a side at some point. The jewish banker system which uses you as a tool and doesn't give a fuck about you and sends you to secure their heroin poppy fields for the cia to sell, or people who care about you and your family's well being truly.
This is where you prove you have honor. If you choose the jews and their cia pets who have been sending Americans needlessly to die for drug and weapons selling degeneracy, you will die and go to hell rightfully.
If you want to grab a glimpse at what happens when you become a minority in your own nation, take a look what is happening to the South African farmers. Them and their children buried alive by rabid niggers.
air national guard
life experience
fuck, shoudn't have write that. I'll probably end up in "buža" again because of it
Look at all the OPSEC breaches I get to enjoy.
>Croatia. Rocket service tech.
i.e. bottle rocket salesman
I'd be busy too if I was Croatian... you're women are only second to Ukrainian women.
they can reach afrika and asia, they are intercontinental
>US Army, active duty
>19A, Armor Platoon Leader
>Joined cause I love my country and I love being apart of something great
Exactly. And all these Reddit fags willingly giving away their information.
I don't want to accuse you in anything, but to my knowledge Croatia has no ICBMs. What type of ICBMs you talking about?
Stop replying to CIA niggers
Hello Mr. President
Traffic warden, council. I have the highest clearance of any outsourced parking enforcement officer.
U R me.
I have already said too much. And you're russian, sooo, let's just say JNA didn't picked up their equipment in 1992
US Army
Wanted respect, gibs, chance to go die honorably somewhere instead of disappointing my ancestors.
Got redpilled by being around niggers.
Pic related, my old unit. 372nd did nothing wrong.
Show your flag user.
>If you want to grab a glimpse at what happens when you become a minority in your own nation, take a look what is happening to the South African farmers. Them and their children buried alive by rabid niggers.
That's the honest truth. But REALITY is STRUGGLE, you can either blame others.... or yourself for your problems and overcome them. Then when you get to be the Jooz, you get to say what's what. It's not by blaming others.
I can't blame whites for hating blacks, or blacks for hating whites. All I can do is step back and say, my family, friends, and anyone I SEE worth is shit is safe as long as I'm alive, well, and by their side.
No you are with those doubles.
You're the kind of small-minded brainlet that allowed this to happen. There is more than your immediate surroundings at stake here. You are too self-centered and blind to the big picture.
Huh. Okay then.
>chair force
>welfare queen
>fighting for the kikes
personally I prefer russians over americans but I'm not in power to decide anything m8. I just polish rockets in underground bunker
>Former Navy
>Construction Mechanic
>Always wanted to join
>Your Branch
Navy Seals
>Your Job
Top sniper in the entire us armed forces, gorilla warfare
>Reason for joining
to wipe your miserable ass off the face of this continent
I worked at AFTAC for a few years. I always wished I had gone 9S. Seems like an "interesting" job.
Look, you fight your fight, I'll fight my fight, as long as we never see eye to eye with opposing views your safe from me. I'll say out of your way, do your buttstuff bro.
I have good black friends who'd agree with me that black/nigger culture in America is terrible and regressive... what do you want me to say? Kill all black people?