Ol' Bent Dick Billy hit with NEW assault allegations

New charges that Boomerang Bill has been rapin' more than we knew!

More women coming out accusing him.


Can a norbotnigger help me out with an archive?

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Americans are the worst at hanging their heads in shame. Fat overconfident pieces of shit

He flew on Air Fuck One.
Hillary wanted to hire "private detectives" to silence the women.
He's terrified of having to defend himself again.

Its over for him. He's done.

Look at the old footage of him denying shoving cigars up Monica's snatch. Fake. As. Fuck.

Says the society literally formed by ex-cons

Nordbro is kill

>he assaulted 4 women and an airplane

Jesus Christ, Bill

Dog blez fellow mutt.

Much obliged.

Is this what gets our week of happenings started?

He just couldn't stop. He was in a frenzy.


Saw this on Drudge, waiting for it to really impact. Hillary is going to wish she was on a different planet after this gets dragged through the mud.

Please, you dumb little shit, haven`t you kids learned your lesson from the Weinstein thing? How did that work out for us?

"Oh look there`s a woman screaming hysterically about how she was oppressed and exploited by a Powerful White Male and whoopee! the Powerful White Male is a Democrat / Jew / some other sort of Not Our Guy! Let`s spread this misandric dick-chopping hysteria around as far as possible and join in the chorus of liberal media pundits shouting about what poor historically disenfranchised victims women are."

Three weeks later: Powerful White Males of every ethnicity and political orientation are being forced to grovel and beg for forgiveness on their knees; the entire arduously-constructed Western system of justice and innocence until proven gulity has been scrapped and replaced by four million roasties screechng "me too!" on Twitter.

Three months later: President impeached for collusion in pussy-grabbing and failure to condemn his own gender loudly and repeatedly enough. Rose McGowan, Ashley Judd and various other cawing, sneering, whip-wielding feminazis installed as Provisional World Government By Virtue of Outstanding Victimhood and Aggrievedness. All men who have not reported for voluntary and enthusiastic self-castration herded into prison camps.

In other words, there is just ONE right response to Lewinski and her ilk, regardless of whether it happened or not, regardless of how much Not Our Guy the guy was who`s supposed to have done it to them:



Still angry about that election, baguette?

The usual response of a fucking idiot with no counter-argument: shit on the flag. (Particularly dumb in this case because I`m as American as you are and just happen to be in Paris at present).
And yes, I AM upset about the election of a globalist puppet like Macron because I care about Western civilization.
And that is also exactly the reason why I`m upset about morons like you saying "let`s pump STILL MORE ENERGY into the current mass movement of organized collective slander and male-hatred and give these masses of women who literally want to destroy everything men have built for the last three thousand years EVEN MORE POWER just for the lulz of seeing some clapped out lefty ex-president or some pathetic overpaid Hollywood Jew be ground into the dirt.

this is breddy gud. 9/10.

Oh Billy Boy has been added to the graphic

Congratulations, you brainless little shit.

When are you going to start compiling a graphic of all the liberals who haven`t shown the due degree of respect and support for Black Lives Matter?

Cos we can get them on THAT too, right? We can get them cos dey racisssssss... Cos we RED-PILLED so we against people being raped by having their asses lightly tapped at a cocktail party and we against gangs of racist white cops planning how many innocent black youths who dindu nuttin and who were just turning their lives around they`re going to shoot dead on their way home from the local library today oh wait.....

I only have to go four deep into your dumb stupid graphic to find a guy who has done more for the cause of saving Western civilization from degeneracy than you and Rose McGowan and the million other dunderheads screaming "rape" will ever do.

If you really think that bringing down Oliver Stone - a guy who has had the guts to stand against the vile hysteria of his own industry and half the fucking country to try to get out to the public a fair picture of Vladimir Putin, a REAL savior of Western civilization - is somehow a service to OUR CAUSE, then you`re either 12 years old, retarded, or serving a completely different cause from the one Sup Forums is serving.

>I'm a faggot: the copypasta

>tfw Democrats orchestrated a hit job against Moore and it backfired now that allegations have come out against Al Franken and Roy Moore

A new Franken accuser just spoke up today btw

Lol he should be the biggest pic!

An ethics probe he's calling for is the place investigations go to die. Out of 100's of cases, not 1 has produced any kind of punishment, or resulted in censure.

i'm still disappointed no one was able to follow up on Danny Williams.

Just imagine all the shit Hillary is throwing at Bill right now. She's probably in one of her screaming and crying fits of rage. Wouldn't want to be present. Lol


Didn't he "kill himself"?

The only reason she would be is for the negative press. I doubt he ever fucked her.

Yeah, it's not that he cheated. BIll's fuck up is that it comes out and is messing up her career.

Unfortunately, this is just shilling by someone for their new book

old but gold

1/10 for the effort
Shills will appreciate it.
Other then that fuck off and suck Hollywood and political elite cock somewhere else. Sup Forums is chaos. No gives a shit about your cause here. Fuck you and everyone of the pieces of shit in that pic.

>clinton tried to get his dick wet
no shit