National Socialism General

>This is /name/ before he was removed from Norway. This is /name/ now.

Is it not the right thing to help yourself and you own before you help others?
The "screw our poor people, let's help these poor people eleven countries away from our own" mentality has to end.

I find it very difficult to read what scandanavians have to write. Why does their sentences always seen to be jumbled up or written backwards?

this, I have no idea what OP is trying to say.


did that help?

How did you fuck up so bad, Norge?

I understand as live opposite Norway. OP is saying we should look after our own people first not immigrants.

The state extort so much tax from the public, that in order to justify keeping it up, they need to import poverty.

Are the guys in the OP the same guy? And is it white or black?

same guy.

Dat pic


The editor of that publication did a terrible job at checking the headline for grammar errors desu

see Its a before/after pic

I was about to say only oslo west faggots say slik, but then I realized it's used in ie hedmarks dielcts and so too

many spoken form of that here
slik is written form in båkmål while såleier is nynorsk

slik < sånn

Can't you guys just have one language?

it's many people that really do need help here too user, but they aren't getting any.

These leftists politicians however, they want to import votes to get in power. Just as with labor in the uk I might add, those leaked documents show that they have been doing it for that reason since what was it the 70ies?

>why does their sentences

why DO*

Glass house my nigger


It's your damn fault we speak this way.

No, and you can thank the black plague, germany, sweden and denmark for that.

Oh okay. Can someone tell what happened?

it's actually very confusing tbqh, most hate their 2nd written language.

We have so many dialects you know, nobody speaks really like neither bokmål or nynorsk either. The latter is hard for most I guess as stated there are so many dialects to pick from, so you just try to do that on gut feeling and then it just fails miserably.

All the jr high school kids got a book that says, spynorks mordliste, that is a modification from nynorsk ordliste. You won't find one single book that doesn't say that

Most of the time, it's because Scandinavians know a lot of English vocabulary from having watched a lot of English TV shows and so on.

Your average normie Scandinavian can't put together a correctly structured English sentence to save their life though. So they just stick to to using Scandinavian grammar and substituting in English words.

Scandinavian grammar is generally pretty close to English grammar, so you end up with something that kind of looks like English, but is sometimes difficult to make sense of. Most of the time this is good enough, so Scandis don't bother improving.

tl;dr of it is that the guy got deported back to Afghanistan, but he's got a mentality of a child (labeling him disabled).

Thread edit: Language and Grammar General.

I was wondering about this too OP.

The text in the image says
>This is how Atiqullah looked when he was forcefully expelled from Norway.
>This is how he looks now.

Typical leftykikes kiking and trying to appeal to womyns muh feels

I find it laughable that we're taught if you happen to speak in dialect form, you use that dialect to write your nynorsk assignments and still you'd fail cus there's a "consensus" thanks to Ivar Aasen on how shit's suppose to be written.


ah okay, I see where this is going. I didn't check all the papers, but this is probably from today with these lefties going
>muh afghan """"children""""
fucking niggers held a demo in oslo today for this shit, it was on the news earlier

>boo hoo I have to learn some linguistics/history in middle school
Is anyone who complains about Nynorsk over the age of 14?


I quit reading the papers months ago. Wouldn't know much of whats going on this case, but my assumption is that this will likely end up with a retraction and getting the guy back by the states expence.

I don't, and I've got family all around with different dialects. Its only petty south-east cunts that'd complain about muh second lingo. Immigrants don't need to take the course, and will be excused, surprisingly..

you stupid if you don't think that's a valid complaint

Du også dum. Hvordan jeg snakke norsk? Hjelp, ikke jeg vil få lav karakter på min ungdomsskole. :(

It's just as useless as all the other things you learn in middle school. So who cares.

Not really, the idea is to kill you all off through systemic racial replacement, that's the Kalergi plan.

Greece is broke as fuck and buried in debt, yet it has the most niggers.

This is the kind of shit that appeals to women who aren't married with children and a husband or soylads.
>Yes of course this person should be taken care of by the state.
Ridiculous. What is so wrong with his country exactly?
>Less welfare laws probably.
Also having two sad selfies and suddenly it's a humanitarian crisis is blatantly manipulative media practices.
>Don't care about this person at all.

they are given an IQ test upon arrival. If they are below average they are in some cases viewed as slow or dim witted. Which again can be used on paper as mentally retarded to gain financial support and exemption from work etc.