How did this gorilla become a star?
How did this gorilla become a star?
Malcolm's death was what was holding up the biopic
Scott, George and Malcolm died....Brian is out. Original drummer going to jail. Phill Rudd is livid about this.
Only one left is Angus.Movie is a way to release all unreleased tracks on the soundtrack.
Boyega will likely play Angus or Johnson
Believe it.....its going to happen
Jesus this is retarded
I guess you could say they're back in black
this will bomb so hard
they won't even make 10% off this movie
Thats what they said about Black Panther, but its already sold out tickets in China
All of you are dumb faggots.
This is fake.
>black panther a fantasy story
>AC/DC movie telling the story of the actual band
you just have to be a nigger...
Its a long way to the top (if you're a nigger)
Hes never fit in any role hes ever been given. Hes just the result of blackwashing.
Chinese eat up the shallow superhero movies. They're a better source of revenue than Americans are at this point
Oh (you)
Is he going to play a drunk abbo?
its like they want the movie to flop at the box office. not only is he black, but he's your stereotypical ape looking black. more ape looking than your average black.
>Hes never fit in any role hes ever been given. Hes just the result of blackwashing.
I think they picked the least threatening, most "likable" black actor they could find and now he's their magic negro
he's also sensitive and stupid enough to earnestly think everything is racism
>black tom cruise
So you're saying he's one of The Monkees?
How the fuck does casting even work?
Boyega is British right?
So they at least got one thing right?
Nah he a member of the Gorillaz
There's going to be massive chimpouts in China over this, I'm positive the movie was not marketed with the black cast.
Is he Australian at least? Aus Bros should chimp out over this and demand a true Aussie play the role of your national treasure.
Plus he's not a very good actor. Loved him in attack the block but he's been unremarkable in everything since. I get disappointed when I hear he's in a movie. At least get a black who can act like Michael b Jordan. Creed was a fantastic movie.
No, he's British I'm pretty sure.
>be so mad at tyrone that you make fake news 4FREE
You are totally a cuck , an americuck
Aussies = criminal descendants
All niggers = criminals
Did....did Hollywood get it right?
This is a fucking joke right? I mean, how would nogs feel if I cast pic related to be the star of a ROOTS remake?
>How did this gorilla become a star?
I don't watch movies anymore so this doesn't phase me but it will be amusing to see lefties have to suppress their initial reactions and pretend there is absolutely nothing out of the ordinary by casting a black person to play a famous musician.
audible kek
>a black who can act like Michael b Jordan
Are you serious? That cunt sucks too.
Cant wait to see the adaptation of the 2019 (IT)
King will star in the bio pic about his life.
Nude scenes and graphic rape will also be done live for viewers appeasement.
Eddie murphy will play Heather O Rourke.
>aussies on suicide watch
Are they trying to enforce a mass poker face? Everyone realizes how contrived and forced random blacks in white roles are.
why the fuck do (((they))) do this? An average fan of the band is will be excited to see a movie about AC/DC, they will see it is not historically accurate a blatant affirmative action black wash. This will bomb.
i dont think you understand how popular AC/DC is in australia
Oh , also forgot
>dude i hate fake news , fuck CNN
>post fake news
No wonder why every board laughts at you
>Make obvious bullshit post
>Everyone falls for it anyways
Every single one of you retards should just go back to wherever it is you came from.
Butthurt Stormweanie detected
LOL. This is FANTASTIC. Do you realize what will happen when rock fans get aload of this?? AC/DC is pretty much everything anti nigger. When this BS hits the screen, rock fans are gonna go nuts. Another flop. lol. But its a good thing. It just makes America hate niggers all the much more.
>fake pic, fake link, retards still fall for this stuff
Did AC/DC even have slaves?
>Boyega will likely play Angus or Johnson
Is it possible that they have forgotten that Boyega is black? Am I the only one that still sees color here?
I don't get it. All I have seen of John Boyega is Star Wars. And he was not very good in it at all.
Yeah but they hate black people. Or so it was thought. So its a big deal for Black Panther to sell out. Didn't they cut Boyega out of the chinese TFA poster?
You people are fucking retarded. There's probably half a brain cell between all of you. In ten years you'll be old enough to vote and it makes me sick.
Try and click the link. See where it takes you. Then do the world a favor and sterilize yourselves.
No he doesn't, he's a great actor. Name one thing he has been in that he was bad in.
He's obviously playing the abo that consistently siphons their gas tanks to huff all their petrol.
>boomers show up to the theaters to see what the big ruckus is about with his much ac/dc biography.
>o-oh my...well its "there turn" now.
> young people everywhere losing there shit laughing non-stop at the desecration of boomer Americana
>old people realize they are now old and obsolete, there only task left in life is to die. they no longer hold the cultural power of being the primary demographic anymore.
W-we saved the planet! Feed africa! import refugees! :') *gets eggs thrown at him*
I am eagerly waiting for the Martin Luther King biopic, starring Michael Cera
You had time to type all this out, but not to click the link.
I ain't clicking that shit
Also jokes on you I've been voting for over 30yrs now
the thing is, this is not a matter of a fake link, but that people actually believe this could happen
prove me wrong
jewllywood can pull this off, and even give the guy an oscar
My dad was already racist but now he's going to go full KKK because of this horseshit
I guess you can say they are back in black
You're absolutely right. A fake link is just a symptom of a much larger problem. Sup Forums could believe it, they'll believe anything.
OPs image could say that Angus Young will be played by a flying, fire breathing donkey, and they'd believe all of it.
Take my upboat
Top kek. How messed up is it that so many find this believable? I know it's offensively retarded, but even I think this could happen irl in pedowood desu.
I'm glad Justice League is flopping. Even though they'll probably blame it on have too many white men (one shitlib white man with terrible dialogue who is drunk all the time and hates his job) and not enough diversity or something in it or something insane. G-d I hope that whole shitlib, perverted town goes down.
Corporate interests conspire to get a fresh black face to the front of hollywood politics (and influence normies) and subvert culture
Its gotta be the jews
Makes sense - start off the set with Jailbreak
You do realize this a real thing though?
Sjws made captain America a nazi and silver surfer a faggot
Hamilton is portrayed by a gay black man
So why would t this be possible, nay, incouragred for die-versity?
Leftists get off on pretending. So while this is fake news, it's exactly what happens with the left. They have some sadomasochistic drive to force cognitive dissonance.
Is that pic a man?
It looks like a man
I guess you can say hes BACK IN BLACK
So the link in the OP 404's. So does any other of the handful of links that pop up when you google this. Try searching for the screencapped articles and they don't exist. You shit eating cunts have fallen for FAKE NEWS, braindead retards the lot of you.
Dude do you know how many people live in China? Even if the movie was sold out in every cinema for every screening for lets say a week and no one would watch it twice, it would still be less than 10% of the population
(((they))) can do wonders with makeup nowadays
Chuck Berry?
What the fuck are you talking about? Silver Surfer just went through multiple timelines and dimensions in a monogamous relationship with a white woman.
Shut it, gabagool
I'm old enough to Remember when they said there was going to be a girl Thor and black (heh heh) Valkyries.
Fake, they said
Fucking ridiculous
this better be bait and not real
being this upset
Apparently, there is a movement that is claiming the Young family learned music from aboriginals from the Outback. Maybe thats the story Ooga Booga Boyega is going to play
another movie that will flop and he will call the critics racist. lets point and laugh anons
>The Faily Least
Don't fall for it!
This happens sometimes. It never goes farther than a thread or two. There's no shame in being bamboozled if it's only temporary and nothing comes of it.
Couldn't they find an aboriginal to play the parts? I find that rather racist.
So they could call you racist if you backlash.
Well, this. Just don;t go and watch it. They will call you racist either way.
This is fake right ?
Please tell me it is fake ?
I'm not used to POL/ humor. Fake right ?
we wuz thundastruhck n sheit
This type of shit is precisely why more and more bands are releasing their shit themselves without some big ass label. The label owns the music, if they want to use it for laundry soap commercials or shit like this they just go ahead and allow it, that means more money in the label's pocket.
If you start a band, release your music yourself and stay away from the audio jew
to avoid the autistic responses, you of course expect liberties to be taken with any historical themed media. but to outright pervert it like this is truly disgusting. imagine if you watched Silence and the two Portuguese jesuits were niggers. it'd completely wreck immersion. this lack of integrity in casing and sticking as close as you can to the source material is ruining film.
This shit wont stop. Pic related, in norse mythology, Heimdall is known as "The whitest of the gods"...
That ugly ape has been sucking anus and penis all over town
how sad that I even felt the need to confirm it. fucking clown world
Why is this thread still up
This is the defintiion of fake news
I'm starting to think there's a whole discord of lisbhits and commies making these just to trick you faggots