Which country in Europe is going to have Sharia law first?
Which country in Europe is going to have Sharia law first?
Probably yours, mine or Germany.
Actually scratch that, I completely forgot about France. France is alarmingly close to this scenario already, and they have the worst demographics in Europe.
>Romania with muzzi flag
Explain yourself bong.
Probably Sweden. Effectively it will be sharia but it will be passed as feminism
Probably France. But I really want it to be Britan.
>is going to have
Implying that cucked countries like UK, Germany and Sweden don't already have Sharia Law.
France, they have very close ties with Africa and a shitskin enclave in South America thats legally part of France. Oh and a cuck deepstate centered in that self-serving shithole Paris.
>inb4 Amerigoblin le 56%
Doesn't detract from anything I've said, you don't want to be us.
Poland ofc
I think the moment one country accepts it, it'll spread like wildfire.
France will be the first, then the UK and Sweden will follow.
Germany before uk/sweden if Merkel somehow gets put in charge again, otherwise after those.
Benelux will follow shortly after.
Probably not mine , France Uk Sweden and Germany maybe , the rest is pretty based
Don't you lump in based russia with eurocucks.
As dear leader putin said:
>russia doesn't need muslim immigrants, they need russia
Well there is already Shariah Law in your country, I thougth my country would be second but Germany and Sweden are really masters in the art of submitting to muslims
Islam in romania would literally save the country, no more drunks retards, no more rampant race mixing and jews wouldnt control the government as they do now.
Hope it wont get to that point
>add le star and crescent to it to make it muslim
reminder that *r*bs stole our epic symbol
>they have the worst demographics in europe
What are you saying? We have the best demographics in all of Europe.
Romania 0.3% Islam
France, Sweden, Germany or England (note: England, not Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland).
France wanted war with Germany more than Britain did (France was the most harsh in the Treaty of Versailles and also literally invaded Germany in the interwar period).
Only Ireland and Luxembourg have better demographics
>France birthrate is 2.1, highest in all Europe
You know who is bringing that number up, Pierre
Now we know where the real whites are
Russia already has Sharia law in Chechnya.
When this actually happens, will it be too late to do anything?
What happens when Islam gets nukes?
Kill yourself you fucking faggot. How can one be so delusional.
> "we"
Are you black?
Still, the indigenous population is still among those that reproduce the most
do you mean 0.3% white
Obviously sweden.
what else would fix our country except sharia law?
all the youth are leaving romania, gipsies breed like africans and there will be conflicts in szekelyland soon.
We have to face the fact that christianity has lost it's vitality here and a replacement is needed, Islam is clearly the superior choice
Until last week I would have said Sweden, closely followed by Germany. From now on I bet everything on France since they already started talking about creating a muslim country by splitting France's land.
Nah closer to 30% white,but dropping.
I know you are trolling...
>a jewish sponsored troll said it, therefore it must be true!
Slavic intellectuals.
I hope it's Sweden
You'll be dissapointed, son.
Algerian education everyone
The simple fact that he would dare say such a thing in public means that they are so comfortable in their efforts to eradicate you that they know you are so far lost that they can spew shit like this and actually create discussion with no negative consequences for him personally.
It's already done
French intellectuals.
>french education
Anyway France,Germany,UK and Sweden will hit the grad of islamization at about the same time(somwhere in the 2040s),also by then US will be a nonwhite country.Kek the future looks bright....
You should see the fucking state of Paris.
I've never seen so many black people in my entire life.
>romanian can be triggered this easily
you sure are funny gipsy
Should be Albania or some shit from the Balkans after them France ofc
UK, definitely. They're the most sheepish.
>Islamist party JaSin wants to enter 2018 election
>Muslim brotherhood has infiltrated S
>MP are now open border islamist party
>V is very pro-islam
Please do share your thoughts on why you think its wrong to assume Sweden will be the first to fall
>not a muslim shithole
Spanish education everyone...
>pointing the truth is triggering nowadays
wew lad
Your capital city is more dangerous than the most infected shithole of a gypsi neighborhood out of the whole Eastern Europe.
Pretty sure he is right - Romania isn't slavic, it's gypsy.
You shouldn't call yourself Romanian, your ancestors are probably spinning in their graves right now
Islam wont stop gypsies from breeding
Islam wont stop the youth from leaving
Islam wont fix anything
Islam will bring the problems of the middle east to where ever it goes
Kill yourself, weak minded coward
It sure as shit won't be Poland
no no,Romania is magyar clay ;)
Not even god can help you now , pray for Sweden everybody , the first victim and the first success of modern feminism
>romania, are you slavic?
Sharia isn't in all the muslim countries you retarded gypsy, that's why I said a full muslim country
Sweden, France and Germany
>moor triggering 101
>MP will probably not even be in the fookin riksdag after the 2k18 election
>JaSin will be completely irrelevant and not get any mandates either, IF they even get to enter
>V might also lose their position in the riksdag
Oh, I've seen it. I've also been to the suburbs nearby, which were even worse. Had to travel through them a few times, was pretty fucking bizarre.
I know it's you Nigel
Hans, I... I fear that it's inevitable. And it's sad. Same as Sweden. But with you, the German collective guilt and post-Nazi shame (Vergangenheitsbewältigung) has made your people particularly susceptible to the exploitative nature of Islamic invasion. Childless Merkel went full cuck on her open door migration policies. Unless you deport en masse in the next few years, it might be over. I wish you all the best. The stats just look diabolically grim.
I hope it happens soon so i can buy a cute Swedish sex slave
Finally a muslim political party, cant wait until ((S)) will loose their newly imported voter base and go down the shitter towards sub 10%
either france, the uk or sweden
None of the countries in that fucking map will imply sharia in our fucking lifetime. Saged this fucking slide thread btw. Waste of fucking time and pointless religious bravado disguised as realpolitik that is void of any cognitive substance. Again, SAGED THIS CRAP!
France, then Sweden, then UK. Canada at some point in the future, eventually the US. If white people stop breeding, ethnic change is inevitable.
Literally russian republics.
Forgot Germany in with a bullet at No 4.
>France before the uk
Your capital has a white minority.
>also literally invaded Germany in the interwar period
Because Germany refused to pay debts
>Dat greentext
Son, you are very optimistic about the election.
I suspect V will get above 10% and MP will stick around close to 4%, its the cockroach that refuses to die.
Boy or girl?
if you want a girl then bad news, they are already taken and are leaving like mad
If you want a cute boy...sure we got tons of those
S will NEVER lose majority, people just wont stop voting for these useless cunts who do nothing but soak up tax payer money.
dont know anything about Jasin but if they are like S wrapped in Islam they might do very well at the expense of S
definitely UK
>excluding scotland
>including wales
literally no one wants to come here (for many reasons), i think we'll be safe
Trick question, the UK already have it
Putain faut arrêter avec les mensonges qui rassurent.
>Mfw romania gets bullied
Retourne sucer des queues dans les caves de molenbeek le wallon. Votre pays est une blague.
Doesnt parts of Britain already have sharia law?
there is nothing wrong white Sharia
Ahh true, I remember that.
Sorry, my diggs speak the truth. S is well past their prime and will loose out to Jasin. the Ådalen screaming aftonbldet reading retads will realize they look like retards when S tanks below 20% then they will race to the bottom like inner city Stockholm apartments.
UK or Germany
double that and add France
France, Sweden, Britain, Germany and then Russia. Thats top 5, you can even screen it for our childrens
>Boy or girl?
It's the same. They are Swedish, there isn't much of a difference
I hate the way Islam ends up changing a flag.
It's sick. And there's so many of them because they breed like lunatics.
Fuck Islam, hope North Korea misfires and hits the Middle East.
We've got only two options: first nuke the cube or second do a crusade again. Both would be fine too. We have to take out this religion
No, it is white-majority, just white-Brit minority.
France, Germany, or Sweden
France/Belgium, then again Chechnya in russia pretty much have it in practice lol
True that, my Taff brother.