>*breaths in*
Other urls found in this thread:
>mcmaster found dead in what appears to be a break-in gone wrong. More on this at 11.
good to see fair and objective reporting still exists in the year of our lord 2017.
Stop paying attention to Buzzfeed you dumb faggots
>Drumpf is a confirmed brainlet
>drumpflets start crying about muh Buzzfeet
there are 5 sources motherfuckers, you'd all believe it if it were about Hillary
Because it would be true.
Thanks for the news update, user
Send us a fresh pic, false flags need a new meme. Your name will be synonymous with ethnic cleansing.
>five sources
Okay, name one.
>Veautiful Joe
G-d you're a special type of goy
>meme flag
user 1, user 2, user 3....
>buzzfeed miss earnings target by 20%
>turn up the clickbait news to 11
McWho? I only know of Trump.
>((((((Joe Bernstein))))))
This guy deserves some extra parenthesis.
Gave up on his last one. Now One posts this one. He must live off of spamming.
Five sources
Nah. Trump doesn't roll like Killary.
Sure, but Hillary is a bitch.
Congrats. You got BTFO by kindergardener.
BTW Obama leaf - 20 trillion.
Good lord.
Why are you allowes to print something with anonymous sources? How much of this is just shitlib fanfiction for clicks?
>implying the US debt actually matters
Is this a serious question? I'm not sure how many people on Sup Forums actually expect news outlets to out their sources
>Claims there are sources
>B-but we can't out them
Fuck off you feebleminded whelp.
People don't get far when they leak the names of people giving them information in secret
And they don't even pass the smell test when they don't.
So take your credibility, your tiny mind, pack them both up in a tiny box and fuck off.
McMaster is a sneaky snake. He is a commie-globalist. I hope Trump kicks him out. And throws Javanka out with him.
And for the record if you think debt doesn't matter you learned fucking nothing from the housing bubble.
Debt is only valuable to investors when the presumption is that people won't default on them.
You're admitting Obama was the architect of a massive fuckoff bubble you unbelievably stupid mental midget.
Then why waste a breath on such a worthless bit of gossip.
How does McMaterbait know? Has he been running games on him??
Drain the swamp
this, they failed to reach their target and their public offering failed. This is how fake news gets made.
ah I see Beautiful Joe is back to his full journalistic capacity making that hard hitting news. clearly he is not a blockhead
pic related
There's a difference between the national debt, and private debt
ITT Trumpkin retards defending their daddy issues dotard
McMaster isn't the first one in the Trump administration to insinuate that Trump is an idiot, and he won't be the last
I will never not kek at this kike faggot interviewing /ourguy/
Final Boss of the Roasties
It's funny when people call Trump stupid when he has accomplished more than 99.9% of them ever will.
Isn't this the same soyboy jew who Sam Hyde fucked with in a phone interview?
There is, but when investors are aware that they're essentially propping up moribund industries being kept alive by fiscal stimulus that doesn't immunize them from being out-competed in the long term by more profitable ventures it forms the framework of a massive longterm economic bubble.
There is a relationship between government spending and the creation of large economic bubbles, you fucking weakling.
Mazel Tov!
What the fuck type of bullshit post is this ? Is this what pol has turned into ? And nobody seems to recognize a 1 post bu this id slide thread up in here anymore, wow! I hope everyone is at least remembering to write sage in options field. 9 gag is starting to look less random and more political than Sup Forums
Good thing US debt is the safest asset on Earth
Except that we're arguably in the middle of the "Everything bubble" and there have been many hallmarks of a huge bubble such as the recent exponential growth of the stock market.
So yeah, fuck you, blow me.
Debt only matters when the lender has power of you.
I am going to gamble that ghe Trump curse hits him. Maybe he will get bronchitis or something and lose part of his ability to talk.
Buzzfeed btfo
Sage and fake.
Guess what memeflaggot, he's still your president for the next 7 years. Now go protest him by tattooing his name on your asshole and jerking off to his fake nudes or whatever you dumb faggots do.
Of course there's a slice of pizza in there. I hope these people die slow painful deaths.
A few months back Tillerson reportedly referred to Trump as a moron and he didn't deny it when the media pressed him
They were fucking weren’t they
Whys cathy obrian coochie on here good read
Leftypol got nuked so they're all here playing both sides thinking they're master trolls.
Be careful for there are many lies...disinformation...misinformation.
Look for the truth.
Separate from "political parties" and try to prove what you know is false.
There is a war upon the people's minds and they do not know how deep this goes.
Mind Control is a very real technique.
If you do not think you can be mind-controlled, then you are most-likely mind-controlled. Understanding what is going on, makes one aware how easy it is to fall prey to programming techniques. Then one can protect themselves better..
It's beyond childish.
They're starting to stack up, they must be so so fucking sick of cringing while listening to his retardation. Look at this dead eyed autismo face, fucking freak.
I'm convinced.
Yeah, nobody here but your soyboy commie buddies agree with you. Go have bad teeth somewhere else.
>Leftypol got nuked
wait ..wut?
Three cliches in one line, good work
McMaster is now going to be fired. Another one bites the dust.
You are a walking cliche yourself, so fantastic job
15 sources confirm OP is a faggot
Sort of like Berenstain, but WAY less subtle.
The baby isn't even making a weird face
I thought the bad memes was just a stereotype
>Ancap meme flag
Kys user
Biden is such a BRO!!
the new york times will say hmmmmmm mhhhmmmmmmTHIS GUYS A FUCKIN IDIOT