>"Christianity is the greatest trick the Jews have ever played."
When did you take the iron pill? When will we purge Sup Forums of (((them)))?
>"Christianity is the greatest trick the Jews have ever played."
When did you take the iron pill? When will we purge Sup Forums of (((them)))?
You want me to worship a tree?
Why aren't you in Israel sucking kike cock?
Did you take the Aluminium pill to be this autistic?
JIDF out in full force today I see.
Sup Forums is a Christian board.
Don't worry, soon Jesus will return and take His church, then you can have it. In the mean time, deal with the fact that it is His.
Jesus Christ, only begotten Son of God & messiah of the (((Jews!))), died for your sins, was buried, and rose again as prophesied. Believe and live.
Continue pridefully holding onto your sin and rejecting Him, and burn.
Tip harder Christfaggot
Hahahaha ha get a load of this dummy
Shoo shoo lefty/pol/ you are fooling nobody by parroting the same old debunked nonsense
Varg Vikernes is cringey as fuck. Instead of getting actual military training as a young man, he played in a ((((((((metal)))))))))) group and made music that is about as melodic as a factory floor. Then he went to prison. Yep, he's a nigger.
So your whole argument for the Christian faith that if you become an obedient servant of it, you will receive a comfortable house arrest, and if not - an S&M dungeon for eternity - or at least so you say, because there is no manifestation of either Christ, or his house arrest or rape dungeon place. My god, what a pathetic faith you've god. Is that why you're christcuck too? You got bullied into fear of the eternal S&M dungeon?
Been saying the same thing for years.
Gullible Christcucks don't want to hear it. They're emotionally-invested in this moronic mythology; and mostly too stupid to understand science.
You guys already outed yourselves posting hard during the shitty raids the past couple of weeks and using canned, astroturfed memes. You fuckers are shills. And yes you atheist twits run around the meadows with oak wands up your ass and gay mistletoe garlands on your heads. Grow up shills.
Hahaha get a load of this jew worshiping christfaggot
>Lisped the nu male queer hiding behind his meme flag.
Take the cyanide pill, faggot
Back to /Leftyypol/ you go Christcuck.
go home vargfag. But I give you that (((they))) twisted Christianity to suit their needs
Whatever his history is, he lives a perfect life at the moment. In the meantime alt-right celebs are empty inside donation whores.
Triggered christcuck.
You fuckers were so humiliated with the fedora meme you use it incorrectly on your opponents now. Very funny.
God is to be feared, but not as you are perceiving it. Christ has told us to cast away all the fear you speak of. Why so angry, man? What is with the bitterness? It verges on the preternatural. God reigns, whether you like it or not.
I'm inside my home you christ-retard
damn, this one hit hard. I give you that. Damn.
>if I call him a Jew over & over again I make a legitimate argument
First off,you obviously have not a single shard of Christianity beyond "JEW JEW JEW" & low effort memes
Do you not know that the Jews you hate killed god himself in the flesh? Do you not know that they abandoned god himself? The (((Jews))) have been cursed,yet you play around this & spout memes
second off,what do you believe in? Odin? Thor? Kek didn't your kind learn that those are petty false idols when a humble monk cut down your god's priceless tree?
>hey you know that religion that got completely dominated by Christianity? Yeah we should go back to that! That will fix Europe
Pagans are pathetic & all they can ever do is shitpost on Sup Forums & be mad that Christianity elevated Europe to heights never imagined before
>inb4 low effort Christcuck comeback
You guys outed yourselves as shills last week. You even used the made up memes that were retardedly overused and obviously made for shilling. The anti Christian threads were flying left and right during the shill raids. Fucking retarded. You guys sound like a bunch of teenage cutters mad at mom and dad for "repressing" you and (oh God forbid!) taking you to church.
Go back to church faggots.
Keep hiding behind that flag pagan nigger.
>Christian degenerate thinks he humiliated right wing atheists and neo pagans with fedora meme
Being this retarded. Varg sure triggers you Jews worshiping faggots, doesnt he?
not the picture though, that applies to your pagan ways the same. I certainly don't take the bible in any way literally. For that matter, the Roman Catholic Church would have burned me for my Christian views and I'm still not sure if I might be actually auto-excommunicated (as Masons are, think about that)
The fedora meme seems to have played a roll in the skeptic destruction. You guys became a walking meme, so you pretend to be willow and fairy dust pagans while still being atheists, and ironically enough you then mock JP for the same shit you oblivious faggots do. Go back to leftypol, or what is left of it.
Unlike your shitty universalist religion, Paganism promotes homogeneity. Japan is the perfect example for pagan + rightwing atheist society. Thank Odin the Abrahamic disease never infected Japan. Niggers cannot be Pagan. You are fooling no one christcuck.
Yes, become amoral robot beings completely detached culturally from the great moments of history. Only be remembered for creating weird cartoons, passable electronics, and defeating the mongoloid Russians at Sea, something the Russians were never really even good at.
Sadly most pagans of today are fat 40 year old feminists with 4 cats. Though, oddly, none really worship Roman gods. Only the typical Marvel ones.
Japan is overwhelmingly atheist (surprise surprise no wonder they have sky high depression rates) & only practices they're rituals out of sheer tradition
>pagans lying as usual
I don't care about paganism: if you're gullible enough to believe in the Big Book of Bullshit TRULY, then you are an idiot.
What do you expect? We are the descendants of Vikings, raiding is natural for us whether it's a mixed race christian shit hole like Brazil or a degenerate christian thread.
Cucks shilling for christianity will be purged. More anti christian - pro white threads will be there. Also your nigger loving Tru Christian™ pastor Anderson has no place in Sup Forums. You can always take refuge in /Leftyypol/.
>Jewish plot
>not a roman plot
Japan isn't filled with niggers or muslim though. The depression is because of their work centered culture. Will you post based race mixing pastor Anderson pictures in this thread?
Penn and Teller are not very funny. Dawkins is a fucking weirdo. Grow up. It is not 2007 anymore. You lost.
The great apostasy is upon us. You faggots are pickers of bones. Also you guys are leftypol shills that have no home. Go away rats.
>The Jew cries as you strike him
Reminder that this guy is just 44 y.o but he looks like he is 70
Don't like those people. Don't even know who Penn and Teller are.
Seriously, give me one legitimate reason for believing in the Bible. There is absolutely nothing verifying it. Give me a straight answer rather than your MS memes and the old "read the Bible" shite.
Remember when you goys were saying the Church was horrible because of it's antisemitism.. Pick a lane
MS paint* memes.
>Paganism promotes homogeneity. Japan is the perfect example for pagan + rightwing atheist society
>Faggot can't even fucking larp good.
Communism sucks. Nazism sucks. Stop filling the God-shaped void in your heart with stupid political ideologies from the 1800s. They all lead to atheism and nihilism. Instead of being a slave to the state, or to cults of personality, or even to your own passions, serve God Almighty. Also paganism does not count so don't even try, especially if you are one of those atheist pagans.
Daily reminder that Pagan retards play right into the Jew's hands
>I have seen too much of that kind of people not to feel a profound contempt for their miserable play-acting. To the masses of the nation they are just an object of ridicule; but the Jew finds it to his own interest to treat these folk-lore comedians with respect and to prefer them to real men who are fighting to establish a German State. - Mein Kampf
In private, I'm pretty sure Hitler didn't like Christianity.
>"We demand freedom of religion for all religious denominations within the state so long as they do not endanger its existence or oppose the moral senses of the Germanic race. The Party as such advocates the standpoint of a positive Christianity without binding itself confessionally to any one denomination. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and around us, and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our nation can only succeed from within on the framework: common utility precedes individual utility."
- Point 24 of the 25-point Program of the NSDAP
Japanese suicide rate: 19.5 per 100,000
White American suicide rate: 18.1 per 100,000
Yeah, it's so much higher. kys retard
Fuck you and fuck your magical hippy rabbi
>meanwhile in real life
That's in public. He's appealing to the pretty much 100% Christian German public. The Nazis tried to subvert Christianity and turn it into an Aryan meme religion via groups like the German Christians.
Only kikes & shills race b8,like you are doing rn
Europe is filled with niggers & Muslims thanks to
>slow & steady Marxist subversion of the government bodies & states
>abandonment of the faith by a large portion of the populace/corruption of the churches
>race based shaming
Its agenda 21,ever wonder why leftist, commies,degenerates & the elite hate Christians with a passion?
But you blame this solely on Christianity
Have fun praising dead gods btw
no proofs other than the greatest story never memed?
Fuck you're retarded
>Hitler was a Christian
Haven't seen that. I'm not a Nazi, pagan or Christian, because assigning any one of those labels to myself would be low-key saying I'm retarded.
Unless you are Adolf Hitler there is no feasible way to know exactly how he felt about it. But what is known factually is that he was raised Christian, went to church, participated in choir, and never publicly denounced it from his own point of view or that of the NDSAP. So for all intents and purposes he can be viewed as indifferent at best, or in your case, positive at worst towards the subject.
You literally are part of a cult of personality, you stupid fucking retard. I'd choose my own people over God, you enjoy your mongrel kids.
Christ-nigger detected.
Do I need to bring up the image of you leftypol faggots discussing the use of antisemitism in your boards to try and fit in here?
My answers will not satisfy you, as I am not a wise man with much knowledge to help you accept the faith. You seem like a small part of you honestly wants to know the truth of it all, and you cannot just accept something because it feels good. I was at that point, but eventually came to believe it all true. There is another side to man that cannot be weighed or measured with human tools. It is easy to not see it, and it is very easy to grow completely blind to it thru our negative actions. It is faith, man. It is something received, not brought up by your own will. Some thru strange and dangerous practices can cause to reveal the preternatural, but this is extremely dangerous, as we have no clue what lies beyond our senses. You know that quote from Hamlet? I am going to butcher it. There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamed of in your philosophies, Horatio. It is that, man.
>corruption of the churches
Is this what right leaning Christians call following the bible?
It's not known what his true personal feelings on the matter are from himself, but it's inherently clear that the NDSAP and Hitler were not and never publically opposed to Christianity, and in many cases affirmed it. The only well documented case of Nazi leadership being opposed is Heinrich Himmler, who wanted Germany to return to its Pagan roots.
>Why so angry, man?
I'm not angry, but annoyed and bitter indeed, because you try to con and intimidate me (even if you don't see it like that).
>God reigns, whether you like it or not.
Maybe, maybe not. If he does, he's not the kind of god who you think gave you a promise to absolve you from eternal torture he himself imposed and let you enter an eternal soft-padded room if you are an obedient slave in mortal life.
Hitler understood that he needed the support of the Church. He also understood that ones own people comes before religion or systems of governance. The current state of Christianity is a poison.
There must be a good reason why they are so hated?
Tell me what made you accept it. I can't see any logical reason behind accepting it.
No, it's filled with Niggers because
>We are all one in Christ
Even the "Based" pastor Anderson sees it this way.
Low effort 2/100
>worshiping the flesh masses
Ooooohhhh fucking rekt broooo xddddd
What's the weather like in Tel Aviv today Rabbi?
Kill the Jews.
>Begone Cristcucks
"We will have to deal with Christianity in a tougher way than hitherto. We must settle accounts with this Christianity, this greatest of plagues that could have happened to us in our history, which has weakened us in every conflict. If our generation does not do it, then I believe it would drag on for a long time. We must overcome it within ourselves."
-- Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler; Speech to top leaders of the SS, June 9, 1942 Berlin
“National Socialist and Christian conceptions are incompatible. The Christian churches are build upon men’s ignorance; by contrast [National Socialism] rests upon scientific foundations. When we [National Socialists] speak of belief in God, we do not mean, like the naïve Christians and their spiritual exploiters, a man-like being sitting around somewhere in the universe. The force governed by natural law by which all these countless planets move in the universe, we call omnipotence or God. The assertion that this universal force can trouble itself about the destiny of each individual being, every smallest earthly bacillus, can be influenced by so-called prayers or other surprising things, depends upon a requisite dose of naivety or else upon shameless professional self-interest.”
–Martin Bormann
Many people due to misinformation, mistakenly believe that Nazi Germany was friendly to Christianity. This is not true by any stretch of the imagination.
Historians conclude that Hitler ultimately intended the destruction of Christianity in Germany or at least its distortion or subjugation to a Nazi outlook.
For those who are utterly confused, this ebook proves beyond any doubt that not only were the Nazis anti-Christian, but the Third Reich Leaders were actively working to destroy Christianity, both the Catholic and Protestant Churches.
saved thx
You see, I'm actually from 8/pol/. You're aware we don't actually like Christians over there? We basically view you as Jews, did you know this?
I'll wait for you to tell me how you're nothing like Jews, while you follow the Jewish God, cut your dick like Jews and donate a shit ton of Money to Israel. Also, pro-tip: /leftypol/ calls everything and everyone a kike or Jew as to discredit them, not to "fit in".
How about all those christians getting eaten by lions in coliseum? At least pagans fought back and didn't accepted their death like faggots.
Unironically ppowerful... I mean... well after effected.
>Das Schwarze Korps, the SS newspaper, in an article published in October, 1936, railed against the Church as follows: “It is the pestilential stench of a putrefying world; it stinks to heaven. We are referring to all those scandalous proceedings in those Church circles, both within and without the monasteries, in the midst of which not one crime is lacking, from perjury through incest to sexual murder…”
Alright I see where you are coming from. It is like the sjw subversion in media and in various institutions. After awhile you can immediately pick it up. Has got me very cynical and jaded before.
I posted here because I am a Christian and I cannot help myself responding to haughty atheists. I take the bait man. I shouldn't, though. Also it is what I believe, and many who discuss Christ (not all, some have rotten hearts) really spread the word because we believe it and know it to be the truth.
Marxism is the secular descendant of Christianity. Same slave morality: putting the weak on a pedestal and thinking everything that was good for master pagans is wrong:
New Testament says it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven
>accepting refugees, weak, and the foreign
Turn the other cheek, help those who seek refuge etc...
>never blame women for her actions
See New Testament where Jesus is reportedly said to excuse a prostitute. This is simialr to the "progressive", cultural marxist position of absolving prostitutes from any responsibility
>against racism, doesn't recognize racial differences
The New Testament claims there is no difference between the Greek and the Jew
>inb4 but muh synagogue of Satan!!!
Notice how the Bible doesn't condemn Jews or the idea of jewishness. It condemned specific "Jews" and called them "false Jews". The problem Christianity has with Jewishness is not the identity of Jewish, it's some Jews who are supposedly not real Jews. Christianity doens't see a problem with actual Jewishness, hence, it treasures Levantine semitism. For some Christians, the followers of Christ are the real Jews.
Christianity doesn't really oppose Jewishness, it just wants to adopt it to make it entirely theirs. Christianity is just in a religious conflict with Judaism about what it means to be Jewish. This is not a European thing.
>Ooooohhhh fucking rekt broooo xddddd
Not an argument.
If you keep using stale memes, you're literally shill tier.
>If you kill your enemy they win
It's literally the leaf of religions.
Why not link a source directly from a German living in Nazi Germany instead of relying on platitudes created by yourself based on quotes from members of the NDSAP who had no particular influence on religious matters.
I have never heard of this man
We are all one in Christ(in the soul) but that dose not mean you should open your borders & sell away your country & betray your people
europe was Christian for 2000 years & they didn't let mass migration happen,but now that subversive Marxist have open the flood gates you conveniently blame Christians for it
But pagans & Muslim/niggers savages aren't so different, you should feel at home with people who share the same values your "ancestors" had
>makes a meme tier reply
>tries to pass it as a argument
If Europe followed the teachings of the bible (king James for best effect) it wouli be in the mess it is now
>worshiping the flesh masses
>He cannot see the beauty of the human form
>He cannot see the beauty of his own people
>He lives not for this life, but for the next because he believes in the words some guy wrote.
>Doesn't realize Christians are the first Nihilists.
>in private
>cites their party program
No goy. You should worship the one nailed on a tree.
who here /cultistpill/
You'd think that someone who supports the Confederacy .. you'd have enough sense to be against white on white wars?
Then again the South isn't know for producing many "thinkers"..
>We are all one in Christ(in the soul) but that dose not mean you should open your borders & sell away your country & betray your people
Except, this is literally what the Church today is. Even the Pastors against faggots are pro race-mixing. Also, I don't worship any pagan gods. Allah = Christian God btw and I don't see the Church trying to go against the nigger hoards. The pope seems to love it, so do many pastors.
>Hitler understood that he needed the support of the Church
>He also understood that ones own people comes before religion or systems of governance
This is fallacious. Hitler loved Germany despite its associated religion. His system of governance which he created with the help of his directly supported his own people above all else. Those people were 99% Christian.
>The current state of Christianity is a poison.
You mean the state of the modern world is poisonous. In reality, the collapse of faith is a cause of our downfall. Faith binds people together spiritually, just as Christianity has in Europe for 2000 years. The Jew, the eternal hater of Christ and everything Godly, had made it his spiritual mission to destroy Christianity, and so far has done a great job at it. It is people like you who unwittingly help the Jew, because you fail to see the bond between Western culture and Xtianity. Xtianity IS Western Culture. It has been for millennia, and in fact, its even incorporated some of those precious "pagan" thoughts and practices over those millennia. The great philosophers of Greece and Rome influenced the very Christian philosophers that slowly replaced them over many, many centuries, but those people continued the use of their revolutionary thought.
TL;DR: Read a book.