This vile vampire just made a mess out of your bed. Punish her! You have a stake nearby, right?
This vile vampire just made a mess out of your bed. Punish her! You have a stake nearby, right?
Oh, I got a stake nearby, baby.
What is it with all these roleplaying masturbation threads?
>impale the vampussy with my stake
Lick it.
Sup Forums is full of 12 years old horny kid who don't even watch anime and just come here to fap.
I'd tell her to take her smelly feet off my bed
The stake was always a metaphor for a penis, even in Dracula. So yes, I have a stake nearby.
the mods are garbage and don't know that /e/ exists
visible sage
Having trouble thinking of a worst fetish right now and I've been on Sup Forums since long before it turned to shit
are you new or what? threads like this one have existed since the creation of this board.
No more Donuts. And no more headpats too.
i think i'd just cut off her limbs one by one and then leave her out in the sunlight
Board "culture".
No more headpats is punishing yourself. Keep it at no more donuts and reduce the sentence if she cleans up after herself.
Seeing how Kiss Shot begs for a headpat, I owuld say it's a punition too.
>What went wrong?
>Why is she so perfect?
>Would you a X?
>Everyday until X
>Daily Reminder
>You will never mumble mumble
>Mumble mumble Prove me wrong - You can't
>You have X seconds to mumble mumble - You can't
>What does X's Y smell like?
>How do we fix X?
>X a Y
>Which X would you Y?
>Sup Forums suddenly hates x
>Why is X the only studio willing to take risks?
>About to watch X what should I expect?
>Don't mind me, I'm just posting mumble mumble.
>There are people on Sup Forums right now who mumble mumble
>What the fuck happened?
>Mumble mumble when?
>What's wrong with VLC?
>Wake up, see this. What do?
>I'll just leave this here
>What's your excuse for not watching X
>X will save anime / I'm here to save anime
>What does Sup Forums think about X?
>What's the most boring anime you've ever watched?
>X is Love
>Haven't seen one of these in a while
>Is X worth watching?
>yfw x wins da y
>Mumble mumble thread? Mumble mumble thread
>What the fuck did I just watch?
>X confirmed for Y
>Best Key girl
>Why do you still watch moeshit?
>She sees your dick
>Why is this allowed?
>Which anime has the worst fanbase?
>What anime is this semen demon from?
>X becomes the MC of the Y. How fucked is X?
>Could X defeat Y?
>Your waifu's face when X
>It's time.
>Your waifu is now X, do you still love her?
>Was it rape, Sup Forums?
>Weekend waifu drawthread
>All your waifus are wonderful, Sup Forums
>You should be able to solve this
>Let's get a X thread going
>Do X if your waifu is posted
>ITT: overrated shit
>What an utterly useless power
>Date-a-live? More like date a slut am I right?
>I want to protect X's smile
>Why can't I hold all these feels?
>This is your X tonight
>Why did X fail/Why wasn't X popular
>what did he/she mean by this?
>what was his/her fucking problem?
>this is a japanese X
>Do you like girls (male)?
>Say something!
>Say something nice about __
>Describe Rin in one (1) word.
>What are ___ for
>My wife ___ is so cute
>I'm going to marry ___!
Ooh yeah baby. Does she like it rare or well done?
>offtopic shit is okay because the shit was always here
Just masturbate before you come to Sup Forums, can't be this difficult.
I'd imagine she likes it freshly killed.
I don't have any complaints, that's like 30% cleaner than usual.
That just means we need to lay closer together to avoid the mess
the whole point of image boards are meme threads like this one, faggot. it will stay that way and there's nothing you can do about it.
>haha dude Sup Forums is just for meme haha lol i use Sup Forums to shitpost while i go on reddit for intelligent discussion haha lol
>look at catalog
>it's full of threads like this
stay butthurt faggot
This is a Yotsuba B board, it's not for masturbation.
Sleeping on all that crap would be super uncomfortable. Just clean it off and lay close anyways.
Nobody is masturbating.
I am user.
But would you be able to resist if she begged for one?
>Not RPing with your long-time friends
>Not making friends with your long-time RP partners
You're missing out. Even ones with only occasional sex or lewd-free RP can fun is there's a good story tying it together.
tfw my waifu is an OC a buddy RPs for me