what the FUCK is his problem?
What the FUCK is his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Borderline New Africa
>Professors suggesting a Sharia state to prevent civil war
>This autistic nordic cuck suggests France is perfect
Merely suggesting that France is respectable in any way should be dealt with with a bullet to the nuts.
where did he say that he hated brown eyed people? also he picked france for it's liberal laws
>meme flag
>thread = 1 sentence question
k i l l
y o u r s e l f
>what the FUCK is his problem?
medshitter detected
Also he moved to southern part of the country. Who just moves to others country and call the people "arab" and other insults?
varg's a retard. news at 11.
>liberal laws
kek, whoever made that is autistic too
Don't forget
>1 post by this ID
Because Neanderthals lived there and he thinks Europeans are full Neanderthals.
mental retardation
his daughter is getting BLACKED so he has to take it out on the Southern Euros
still asking question about the nonsense words and actions of the king of all the degenerate cucked snowflakes, Varg
>everyone in that pic is dark haired
>"Varg and the Arabs"
what a fucking retard man, ahahahaha
Calm down Pajeet
Varg doesn't hate Southern Euros, he just thinks that they more mixed.
Nice proxy varg.
How could he hate them if his wife is French you dumb Amerimutt
>implying the concept of pure race exists
>implying he belongs to the pure race
this is what i call autism
What's her instagram?
Yes pure races exists. most Europeans are 100% European, going back to Paleolithic doesn't count. also he doesn't say that Blondies are pure, just that they are less mixed.
Thanks. I also find this instagram.com
I wonder what she thinks about her father
His "problem" is that he wants to homeschool and properly raise his children. You cant do that in Scandinavia.
She probably thinks he's insane, being that he killed a man and is extremely racist by todays standards. She grew up without a dad and it shows.
Someone in a thread mentioned to me that Varg actually use to comment on her videos.
>"""german""" Greek poster
>calls others autistic