What does Sup Forums think about prenuptial agreements? Should it become compulsory for every white family to sign it for securing the best future for ourselves and our children and avoid typical scams and frauds which women often love to perform or maybe it is just another jewish trick to gain more shekels from goyim and to seed the mistrust between soon-to-wed couples?
I assume less than 2% of Sup Forumss population:
1. Are married
2. Will ever be married
They don't matter in the end, because a greasy enough kike lawyer can always find a loophole or two that will nullify one.
>I assume less than 2% of Sup Forumss population:
>1. Are married
>2. Will ever be married
Sup Forums blames cultural marxism for the fact they are burger flippers or NEETs who would never be chosen by a woman anyway
i hear (in america at least) a post nuptual agreement holds more weight in court.
Not worth the paper they are printed on.
And one of the reasons for this is feeling of insecurity in relationships. I suppose a lot of anons here are not complete autists, many of them would like to build a great and strongly tied family, but they are feared of alimony frauds by women, unfair marriage laws and many other things. In Russia almost 99.9% of children stay with mothers after divorce of parents, even if mother is not capable of getting herself from the pit of life (i.e. is alcoholic/drug addicted). Also alimony spendings are not controlled here for real, for example, so-called "mother" can spend all money on her own while the child gets nothing.
I guess it is one of the main reasons (with, of course, the unattainable cost of apartments) why many young men in my country prefer single life to settling down and having good family.
Really? I never knew that. If both people agree and sign off on it then what's the problem with upholding it?
All a divorce lawyer has to do is demonstrate that the pre-nuptial is either "unfair" or was "signed under duress". The wife can claim she was distraught, didn't understand it, or felt pressured to sign and a judge will toss it out.
Wow. That's absolute bullshit. I guess their really is no way to protect yourself from getting fucked over. Except don't marry.
You have to have a very good lawyer draft yours so it's leakproof, costs $.
t. Lawfag
I'm pretty sure anyone who has saved as many frog pics as you doesn't have to worry about getting married.
Fairness is an equitable doctrine for contract rescission, modification, etc, that the judge is free to do given the other party can show such a need. While the relief is extreme, women can usually satisfy the threshold
fincancial/educational status should be considered when dividing the spoils, regardless of gender.
but only if children are involved
there is no need for prenup without any children, in which both parties go their own way, and spoils are divided by proof of purchase.
unless the marriage specifically prevented anyones personal development, in which would be a special case requiring arbitration
most can be thrown out in court years later under the pretense that she 'didn't know what she was signing"
>his ass
Not true, there needs to be more grounds than simply she didn't understand. If the husband got her an attorney of her own to bargain, which is what you should do, then you're pretty much fine and it will be upheld
If you get a prenup signed make sure it's done while being video taped with a lawyer present, maybe even two lawyers. Hers and yours
Married and work in divorce law, AMA
Lol touché
I'll bite
>(((Marxists))) literally replace the nuclear family with (((degeneracy)))
I would say kys, but I'm sure your arse flu will take care of that for you.