Militarized border > border wall

i'm up for cutting of cartel routes, start bleeding them dry, once weak, we can take them down, confiscate their fortunes and build the wall you burgers deserve

so, this isn't a good idea?

bump, i thought burgers were based and ain't afraid of a fight

is pic related the reality?

fuck... so in reality burgers are just larping about mexico, they love their drugs and will leave Mexico to dye off as a narco country, so sad

helping Mexico fight off cartels and corruption will only make mexicans stay in mexico, solving your immigration problem, can't see why burgers aren't interested in this

how much can a militarized border cost in contrast with the military presence in the middle east?
you would rather go to another continent then take care of the murderous dogs in your back yard


burger military might, but cant control its south border... is this why everybody laughs at you?

You know that we have ID's right pablo?

yes, why? i don't get to bump my own thread? what does this id has to do with anything ive been writing here?

You'll confiscate their fortunes, have it squandered away by corrupt politicians and then build a shitty picket fence while we foot the bill for tens of billions of dollars to maintain an active military pretense at the border.

If I thought for a second that you'd actually do what you said in this post I think it would be a great idea, but we both know it'll never happen

Mijo sal de la casa y agarra un trabajo pa que ya no vivas con tus padres.

You have to go back.

if you take out the cartels, you take out corrupt politicians, its not a separate entity, they have to fall at the same time

why don't you come back and help make mexico great, fucking traitor

If our military cleans your mess, you will owe us even more shekels. The wall plus military services.

Nunca! Amigo gringo pelea pa tus derechos! Es okay ser gringo. Trump no puedo solo ser bimbolandia perron otra ves! Yo vote por el pa que se desaga de la plaga de los SJW y los putos

>i'm up for cutting of cartel routes, start bleeding them dry, once weak

rolf.. it sounds like you are about to declare the war at US state dep and CIA in a same time..

Yup. Pretty sure Trump promised your guy he would help do just that.

They tried by murdering a shit load of cartel guys but the human right fucks at the UN told mejico to stop it cause its "inhumane"

You take out the cartels you take away some of the funding from the corrupt politicians. The corrupt politicians remain and find a new way to fuck every one over.
We'll do it when you give yourselves a constitutional amendment to keep and bear arms so you can handle your own shit.

well, cia is funding most of these fuckers, or funded in the 80s and 90s, maybe this action can help clean up your country too

Only to tend to my weed farms that I inherited from my abuelo and to see donkey shows

there is one candidate for the 2018 elections that wants to give mexican gun rights, but we all know hes getting murdered because of that sentiment alone

>They tried by murdering a shit load of cartel guys but the human right fucks at the UN told mejico to stop it cause its "inhumane"
Well. if fucking commie Mexicants didn't take so much commie money from the World Bank, maybe they could tell the UN to fuck off.

i hope you get fucked by a cartel member, take your head and place it on the border to remind you traitors don't deserve to live

We'll be sending him back soon.

Nah mijo. We don't deal with cartel we just use it for medicina and sell it to the local islands and canada.

this is why these fuckers need to die, they don't like mexico, run away to usa and don't like burgers, try to make mexico 2 in california, i hope you get deported and fucked in the street of tijuana

I have a dumb question that's only semi-related to this. I forget where I read/saw this, but apparently after a hurricane destroyed the power grid in Puerto Rico, the government folks in charge of the power plants hired some company on the U.S mainland to go and fix it. But the company made them pay a ton of money and then the feds go involved. Anyways, my question is, why don't they just get the U.S Army engineering corps to go and fix it? I'm sure the U.S army has a bunch of reservist engineers. Wouldn't that be a faster solution? One time like 20 years ago we had a bad snow storm in Toronto and they called in the local army reserve to help clean up.

the border is ignored because we need ignorant Mexicans to come be economic wage slaves who'll vote for Democrats
come on in, the water's fine
we all float down here

because if they do that they cant give the citizens money to corporate lords that control their government

Puto I was born and raised here! I work hard, got a place for my parents to chill and relax for all the effort they did to raise me right. The farm thing is just a family thing I do on the side but I have seen how cali is getting fucking ruind by these sjw fucks who want to accommodate all the illegas and pussies with safe spaces. Sanctuary citys should be dismantled hard. I voted for trump cause I didnt want these freaks with hillary who support the whole 100 gender shit to be coming into my house and telling me how I should respect them! Fuck you! And this making cali mexi2.0 is worse and the beans are now jumping to oregon.

That's not a particularly useful answer. I get that that might be the reason why they did it, but it just seems like an inefficient method for solving a problem. Besides, if it was a government problem (i.e.: the Puerto Ricans' government managed the power grid), wouldn't it make sense to use government employees to solve the problem rather than outsource it?

yes, it sounds really obvious, the military has some really good engineers, but would rather spend more in private business then use its resources, i read somewhere that the contract with puerto rico is a sham, it has clauses prohibiting the us government to meddle in the business treaty

The ACE is not geared for that kind of op. DOD sub-contracts that kind of work. ACE is mostly trade-school-tier grunts, associates-level NCOs, bachelors-trained officers, and a smattering of senior / flag officers with masters doctorates. Moreover, when they do civilian relief, it's an emergency job, not built to last beyond the current emergency.
Next time I suggest Puerto Rico not be a goddamn hive of nepotism and corruption.

That's a fair response. But I wonder why they don't train them to be capable of dealing with things like that? I guess actual regular forces army folks don't require that much upper-level engineering skill frequently. But what do the trade school level guys do on a regular basis? If they aren't particularly skilled, surely they can't fix tanks or anything cool like that?

It's a good idea, but how do you get this idea to Trump and cause him to act on it?

they only way Donald will take another stance besides the wall is if the cartels make sa terrorist atack on us soil, but we all know that is not going to happen, they dont work that way, they kill you from the shadows and work to get around you, they only commit these terror acts in Mexican soil, where government protects them