Red pill me on places like Minnesota, Maine and Oregon, Sup Forums. These states are vast majority White but vote for the party of Islam/Open Borders/high taxes, etc.
Why are some White states blue?
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Because voting asking racial lines isn't something white people usually do.
Large portions of their populations living in big cities who have been brainwashed and societally engineered to accept "diversity" as a great thing without second thought.
They are affluent and sheltered from the effectes of their votes. Diversity is something only the lower classes has to deal with.
no nigs and flooded with Cali libfags
few nigs, minimal but hipster cucks
Nordic blood, says it all
Vermont-NY transplants after 1988
Maine-Fishermen unions
Delaware(yes, they are majority white)-Northern industrial areas home to many companies who believe they're better off underDemocrats
Oregon and Washington-After 1984, a large portion of liberal Californians started to move up there. True to this day, and their children are no voting
Colorado-White Claifornians for dude weed. Boulder has grown, but has been blue for like 35 years.
Virtually any state that has a respectable tax base and doesn't rely on liberal tax dollars for sustenance generally votes blue.
The most telling statistic is that counties that voted clinton account for 2/3 of american GDP.
Nordics are so shit.
They're only blond because they stole and raped German and French and Anglo hotties.
Three pure races: Prussian/Teutonic/Lithuanian, Saxon, Low Dutch/Frisian - and their "anglo" cousins.
This,Op literally just go into any city, and actually talk to some of the people, they believe in multiculturalism, they believe in what their Marxist universities teach them. And some area's like oregon can have a good rural white populace outside the city, but inside is where all the lee minorities live.
Speaking as a Minnesotan.
>large urban centers, take up most of population composed of left wingers
>shit ton of immigrants coming in, largest amount of Somali and Hmong diaspora in the world
>midwestern "quirkiness" attitude fuels things like NPR, microbreweries, theaters, and other left hotspots
>local news making a huge deal about minority groups achieving things. See: first Muslim in state legislature and a tranny in city council
>people not confrontational in person, reserve their opinions in online echo chambers
>people content with having second highest state tax in the country despite infrastructure failing (yeah let's spend over a billion on a fucking sports stadium)
>very prominent and active Black Lives Matter branch
Yeah it's hilarious how red states where they whine about welfare and desire small government rely on tax dollars from blue states. Kansas shows what happens when that funding is cut off.
>what are military bases
Don't most of those red states have money sinking into their urban centers? The majority being southern states, and considering the demographics of the cities there are rather.... interesting.
And last I recall, Illinois and California are absolutely horrendous at managing their money.
i lean liberal on many issues but Sup Forums doesn't realize that liberal != bleeding heart. i feel strongly that legislation should be introduced to limit federal funding to be proportional to what as state contributes, with perhaps a couple exceptions (military for example). let those faggots fend for themselves. it's fun to imagine what places like Massachusetts could do with that extra money considering theses places are prospering even despite shipping 20+% of our tax base down south to the conservacuck parasites that infest the US.
People in Minnesota and Vermont have never met a nigger, so their image of them comes from media. Same shit during abolition; the northerners who had never met a slave advocated for their freedom.
this is a silly myth. it almost always works the other way around. cities make up huge chunks of the tax base and essentially subsidize the rural portions of states. NYC for example is the only reason NY state doesnt look more like west virginia (though they seem to be trying their hardest).
Northern states were largely settled by Germanic peoples (Puritans, Etc) from East Anglia who subscribe heavily to universalist ideologies that are exploited by ethnocentric particularists like Jews.
Clannish Scots-Irish of the South wouldn’t put up with that shit.
See this video for helpful background:
Concerning Minnesota, the DFL has quite a lot of influence in rural working class areas because they represent the interests of farmers and miners in western and northern Minnesota, or at least it used to. Outside the twin cities, it's pretty conservative culturally speaking. It's for this reason why Minnesota almost became a red state last election, as all the white working class people voted for Trump.
You've never been to Illinois. Our taxes downstate are funding fuckers in Chicago. Funding their infrastructure and their schools, etc. The state has been in debt to downstate for a very long time.
If it wasn't for Chicago, IL would be a red state. I think it may end up being a red state anyway in the next 10 years.
Our 100+ year old schools down state haven't been remodeled until the past three years, yet 15 year old Chicago schools end up getting torn down and building new ones for 15 million or more a piece before downstate is taken care of.
California is in a very similar situation.
Seriously though.
Oregon = highland Scots from Canada.
Maine = Irish.
Minnesota = Norwegians.
The rest of white America is either Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, or Scotch-Irish/Ulster/Lowland Scot.
There are huge ethnic/cultural differences, and genetic differences, here.
So does that mean Democrats are literal cucks for keeping taxes high?
You only have to control or cheat in the central population centers to dominate the entire state.
>republicans are such socialists for spending all my tax money
>oh republicans want to get rid of welfare? Not so fast, your gonna take my tax money you fucking commies.
The I5 corridor in Oregon is cancer the rest is whitetopia
It's gerrymandered to make as much of the rural vote not count
Portland is still mostly white but they get their news from the lying Jewish press.
Which really boggles my mind when I see so many Democrats complaining about the electoral college. Considering that the system goes by weight of votes, it's why cities in swing states are so critical. They have effective control of cities through tactics like bussing people to polls (super simple with efficient public transportation) and urban people generally being more diverse in general voting for them. They're asking to throw away their own power.
What's funny is the total federal spending in 2013 is Cali, Texas, NY, Florida, Virginia, Penn, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, NC, Maryland, Georgia... Anyway, point is it's mostly based upon population, but mind that your graph is wrong.
You also have to consider that federal employees in those states are considered a deficit. The list isn't terribly different.
Is there a more accurate chart to study? Not shitposting just curious
The big cities, they are suburban and inner city retards.
>counties that voted clinton account for 2/3 of american GDP.
Not sure why libtards are so obsessed over GDP, is it just a lack of economic sense?
Of course a county that has a metropolis inside it is going to have a higher GDP than a rural one, simply because it has more people.
they have yet to be red pilled about shit skins
Just search federal spending to revenue ratio by state
Thinking deeper about it makes sense too. Considering poorer people are more likely to spend money on necessities and urban areas have a higher margin of people in poverty, that added velocity inflates their GDP.
these kinds of mental gymnastics are hilarious. it's honestly entertaining to hear trumpcucks like you rant about 'niggers and spics' as drags on society and then turn around and apologize for white rural conservacuck parasites. kill yourselves.
DO you know what the word "Gross" means in GDP?
It doesn't seem like you do. You sound like a nigger and/or spic tbqh
I mean, there's a difference between subsidizing farmers in an area suitable to grow food and feed the country and benefit programs given to people who don't do anything to contribute to the economy.
NH user here, why is NH blue? Live free or die?
They're liberal because they're 95% white and homogenous. They don't understand what a plague of locusts nuggets are. All the niggers they know were selected for college which bolsters their stance.
When people is Massachusetts vote for liberal candidates, they are voting for social liberty and big government social programs because everyone is white. This means 1) there is a basic level of trust and conformity in the community, so social liberty is far less abused, and 2) all the social programs go to little Timmy O'Reilly the Irish catholic boy in South Boston. Their vote goes to secure the marriage of their gay doctor who graduated from Tufts and the excellent public education for Timmy, who goes to an excellent technical magnate school and the to UMass Dartmouth to become an engineer. Their system WORKS because it is white. To vote to reduce these systems is looked down upon because "to not want to contribute to this system would be deeply greedy and selfish. We should build up a strong society together."
Contrast this with Georgia. In Georgia, niggers ruin EVERYTHING. Parks, schools, welfare, lenience in the criminal justice system, all of it is ruined by fucking niggers. So the white people in Georgia vote for privatization, because "government doesn't work and the poor are generally stupid, criminal, and lazy. Just take care of yourself."
The quoted sections essential to understanding America, as those two positions make up the two wings of the status quo regarding government involvement in he economy. Social programs are successful and supported in white states and failures in nigger-plagued ones.
Do you understand this? Niggers being fucking disgusting vermin are destroying the bonds between white citizens of the greatest country on earth. We should treat them like the pest they are.
kys welfare soyboy
The most liberal state in new england is conneticut, hands down.
a better question to ask is why white people don't want to live in white states like Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.
>agreeing with user against some soyboy's chart
>"wut the fuk is dis gui talging abbout?"
This is 100% correct. I'd be very liberal if I was guaranteed a white utopia. Since I'll never get it, libertarianism is the way to go.
>Im white
>Im in new hampshire
>Black people are also in new hampshire
>No real racial tension, as far as I can see
>will fight to the death for our 1st and 2nd amendments.
>Dont tread on me isnt just a slogan, its a fucking policy.
1. Find out what is covered by federal expenditures.
2.Look up what kind of expenditure each red state gets
4. Fucking niggers ruining everything
they don't know what GDP is. Brussels has by far the highest GDP in Belgium, yet its inhabitants are the poorest citizens here.
It's not the only issue. Giant douche and turd sandwich, etc. Swing state here.
I would compromise with the liberals if we made a white-only, or National, Socialist system. If you said that would be my stance 3 years ago I would say you were trucking crazy but here we are.
Hit the nail on the head, Bingo.
Have considered that not everyone votes in terms of skin color?
11/10 post
This. Previous poster on suicide watch.
Can you put that in laymans terms please?
>all the social programs go to little Timmy O'Reilly the Irish catholic boy in South Boston.
Boston is roughly 1/3 black, and that doesn't even account for other minorities. all cash being flooded into the boston public school system predominantly benefits these minorities. in general, massachusetts schools as a whole benefit immensely from their respective town's local taxes, so in reality the poorest rural white towns tend to see the lowest funded schools in the state.
stop talking about things you dont understand. it's clear you live in a gated community with mommy and daddy. your shit logic also doesn't account for conservacuck states like WV and KY that are just as white (as a whole) as new england. stay in school little guy.
not an argument. pathetic.
See, I dont have a problem with minorities. I have a problem with assholes who also happen to be part of a minority. It doesnt mean I think everyone who is a part of that minority is an asshole from that point on. It just means I go on not liking that particular asshole. I could not give less of a flying fuck what other people wanna call themselves, believe, or do. At the same time they must also understand that I will not obligate myself to play along.
Because they are white niggers...
These states live the "utopian" progressive dream of living in high tax states that they get to deduct. This is a lot of reason why red states have high welfare recipients because they're blue, lefty neighbor sponges off their red state neighbors...that's why we are going to have Senators like Johnson from WI, and Collins from Maine vote against the tax reform bill that will no longer allow these high tax states to write off their taxes.
Union bums and cucks. That’s all there is too it.
I'd like to point out something to you ignorant conservashits psychopaths.
Blue states aren't commies, we aren't even socialists.
We are complete capitalist except 1 thing:
We give a shit about our fellow citizens.
That is the only difference between blue and red.
Oops, did I hurt your widdle feelings, shill? Or did I not sufficiently adorn my text with the superfluous extravagance of academic diction? Fuck yourself faggot
I'm not making policy argument here. Im not saying the funding actually goes to only whites. It doesn't matter because most people don't consider their opinion on social programs based on federal outlays and accounting stats that you post. They make an emotional decision about their communities and vote based on their feelings. Because MA VT NH ME etc are all 85-95% white, they are far more likely to support social programs that they go to their perceived homogenous communities. It's the same reason socialism works in Denmark and used to work in Sweden. Everyone was of the same blood and so they were happy to build institutions that benefit essentially their extended family.
In fact, your example of money transference from Western MA to 1/3 niggerized Boston is the example that proves the rule. Whites vote to help their communities and niggers, with their insect minds and gorilla aggression, suck up all the resources and will eventually destroy the bonds of trust that make New England so willing to help them. They will see one day what the South has seen since before the founding of this country: that niggers are a fucking plague and that they cannot be helped, only controlled or eradicated. Let's hope for our sake that it happens when there's still time to redeem America.
You give a shot about your fellow citizens because they are mainly white. You actually live in a National Socialist paradise in all but name.
If you only saw and truly experienced the rot that comes with the Nigger, you would know why the red states vote the way they do.
60% of taxes are payed by republican though. So while those states might go blue, the majority of producers in the state are republican.