Is this guy a plant?

Is this guy a plant?

How did he become so famous in the space of 1 - 2 years?

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>meme flag
>thread is only 2 sentences long
k i l l
y o u r s e l f

He was well known a few years before that. He's worked at infowars since 2002. He lives back home in the UK now, and is an editor. His stuff just started to go viral in the last two years. Its the political environment you moron.


>talk in the most obnoxious, condescending way possible
>switch to alt-right agenda because it's getting popular
>get subscribers from stupid teenagers and self-hating adults

literally what all youtubers are doing

idk but he is not a smart person



OP. Kill yourself. Please, just do it right now. It's for the best.

>Worked at infowars

By which you mean he co started the entire thing with Alex Jones. He is the founder of prison planet with AJ and his brother, who used to write articles for infowars/prison planet and has small parts in the early documentaries.

he's been with infowars for 10+ years. He didnt get famous in "1-2 years" idiot

Newfag detected, he has been Alex Jones right-hand man for at least 15 years. I've known about him at least since 2006 when he was in Terrorstorm.

>Info Wars
>Is this guy a plant?
Fucking really? Alexs own lawyers exposed him as a shill actor during his divorce. Anyone associated with the show is a shill

why would anyone in their right mind argue with that fucking autist?
what a fucking sperg with the lmaooooopepe11!! profile picture lmao


He was a writer who was too shy to go on camera before Alex Jones coaxed him. He's the Robin to AJ's Batman

he is sneaking redpills into young kids who were just mindlessly watching random XD things on youtube minding their own business

He was super anti Trump the Summer of the campaign calling him a Hillary plant
Then did a complete 180 when he saw Trump was winning

>How did he become so famous in the space of 1 - 2 years?
no idea but faggots like you posting 'thoughts on pjw?' threads every 6 hours on Sup Forums probably helped get his name out there

Kill yourself. Have you ever seen the inside of a divorce courtroom? Obviously not.

He works for Infowars so ofc he is a plant, he never talk about Jewish problem (just like Alex Jones). Look what he is saying he always talk about reasons of issues but not who caused those events and issues (jews)