Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking newfags
>tweet from May
s l i d e r s
k i l l
y o u r s e l v e s
106.9 million of those are here for trap porn.
>comparing old people who visit MSNBC vs younger people who visit Sup Forums
God Sup Forums public groups are pathetic. Might as well subscribe to the Sup Forums reddit
jap moot will sell this company for billions!
Guess what
There are retarded boomers here right now reading your posts
WE become what we hate
Lurkers of Sup Forums, why not visit Finland this year? See the pretty lakes, Space Elves and reindeer.
That's not a good thing, but most of Sup Forums came here from reddit in 2015 so whatever.
I know I am
but I literally need to f5 each thread like 50 times
107 million people to gas 12 gorillion Jews. I love those odds boys!
traps are gay
Update you nigger
The mass media complex is immunized against all dangers: one may call them Fake News, Lie press, government or NGO puppet, it all runs off them like water off a raincoat. But show them their traffic compared to the traffic some autistic basement dweller site gains and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured they are, how they suddenly shrink back: "We've been found out."
This post was paid by the Finnish government
we did it reddit!!!
>I stole the pic from the_donald
Yep, they truly did it.
Okay, but how many of those go on Sup Forums?
I'm here to go jerk off to traps on one board, and then come on Sup Forums and talk about how trannies should be shot.
Remember that time we blew up a van? Those were the days...
Yeah and 90% come here for porn and rekt threads.
reminder that people like you will go before the trannies
people dont exactly f5 msnbc all fucking day either
VisitFinland paid 30 cents on your account.
when do the girlfriends arrive?
You won't even know, because I publicly condemn them and keep my private life extremely private. Nobody knows what I jack off too, and everyone just thinks I'm extremely conservative. Plus, this is the only place I talk about this shit and it's totally anonymous.
>does mean WE are the normies now?
>literal pedo animu girl sock knitting forum is more objective than actual news agencies
Hmmm...food for much thought.
Anonymous people on the internet are vastly more interesting than writers who had to listen to lefty professors for 4 years.
Perhaps this a dumb question, but do page refreshes count as a "visit"? Because the nature of Sup Forums is to constantly refresh to see replies, which is not something the average user does on MSNBC for example.
Kek, that's only because it's highly entertaining to see trainwrecks like you post bullshit while hiding behind mommy's keyboard. trumpcucks like you are truly pathetic subhumans.
>nu media
>mostly culturally tonedeaf russians copy pasting relative unpopular content from Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>this thread
new niggers are worse than Jews
>>does mean WE are the normies now?
Not yet. They still have Twitter, Facebook, Buzzfeed and the rest of the Democrat media.
>this thread
Sup Forums the niggers of Sup Forums confirmed
hows life in swiss
see any sweet cars ?
thinking bout visiting how do locals take to mexicans like myself?
Fuck off we are full
It's about 60%. It was about 25% until a year and a half ago.
The majority of those visits are bots and larpers I.P switching.
Whoever runs that account makes me sick, as if he’s the spokesman of this board. E-Celebs need to be publicly humiliated.
Sup Forums does do a good job keeping me informed of the latest happenings across the world, but fake news is better for the day to day stuff when nothing big is going down.
Disgusting. Is it time for an even bigger influx of newfags?
Newfags get out
visiting you cuckhold
maybe drive some mercs or porsche in the Alps
would the locals spit on me?
All OPs who use the words "lads," "boys," or "guys" are shills. This is actually the main self-advertisement for shills. Shills are government employees or political activists who think we are teenagers and so it makes sense to them to talk like the bizarrely dressed roller-blading kids in "Hackers."
>1 post by this id
Even i, a swedish man am having my vacation in Finland this year, i prostrate myself before the moral, cultural, technological, economic, spiritual and sexual superiority of our honorable neighbors, when my own nation lies in ruins as a savage wasteland.
Oh god i wish i was a Finn so much.
t.sven svensson
>democrat memeflag
>1 post by this id
there's nothing wrong with fucking traps... in private. gay marriage is wrong. but fucking fags is a-okay. Sodomy is wrong all around, but if you're doing it for fun, consenually, then it's just like having a beer or smoking a joint.
They're shit tier newfags too.
I remember lurking for ages before regularly posting.
Do newfags even lurk anymore?
msnbc turned off comments because they can't even trust their far left userbase to recite the talking points.
Post webms of black people punching innocent people so they have something to feel bad about.
>Do newfags even lurk anymore?
Not lately. Shit needs to change.
>would the locals spit on me?
not as long as you are asian.
they will also make an exception if you are a russian or arab billionaire
Fucking newfag rats
Sage all of this shit
>getting famous now
>wasn't here in the old days when we were also getting famous.
lolol see here is the thing I look a bit asian
what if I roll up in a clk black series
Oh shit goys, all dem normiefags getting redpilled on big guys and 2hus
are you me
Holy shit. I thought Sup Forums was a fringe board. Everybody and their mom is on here.
It's so fucking high because the same people keep coming here
Take a look at unique IP visits and the number will be MUCH lower
Trap porn should have always been part of the media.
This includes the other large boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums. What's the breakdown board by board?
>what if I roll up in a clk black series
then you can stay out our country.
we don't need poorfags as tourists.
Ok gramps
And (((they))) will never own us.
It's not the portal that's the destination appeal, it's the shitposting and un-"curated" news commentary.
it's unironically a filthy kike
Rothschild hates us
Goyim, we have been among you all along.
We are of respectable manners, i have no idea what ya talkin' about
>turns out people prefer free speech to controlled totalitarian news outlets
well just imagine my shock
I thought they were shills, turns out they are just normies. Reminder to all Normies Hitler was the good guy
plebbit plz leave
/gif/ was a mistake
Neat they can all come here and witness nu/pol/ and believe what’s posted here is what is normal.
you know what this means...
time to crack open a cold one boys
we did it
what a fucking retarded tweet
people just watch msnbc on their tvs ffs
be quick about it; post something disgusting!
My god, the most powerful man in the U.S. will be Hiroshima Nagasaki, the keks are inverting into a Möbius loop.