If Mexico elects Taco Chavez, we will have to save the northern states making them Unincorporated Territories
If Mexico elects Taco Chavez, we will have to save the northern states making them Unincorporated Territories
if you take northern states you cut off cartel routes and push back on those murderers, round them up and nuke them
>Chihuahua is a real place
I liked the others Región Norte flag I saw that was black with a white bird and a coat of arms.
Anyway, the North is rightful American clay. If you get rid of the spics and mestizos and keep the Castizos and the white we can probably bring you in the US with a good looking wall too.
This flag btw
You think the US has the $capital$ to take on such a task? Give me a break, you idiots are still in Iraq and Afghanistan and took on a 2.4 TRILLION dollar debt hahaha a military attack and sustained military presence in Mexico will bankrupt USA you fucking idiot.
No thanks
Who is Taco Chavez?
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
Proclaim the Republic of Thedeland on Baja Peninsula. Basically an Anglo-Indio colony with permitting immigration from Britain (Indigenous British only) Peru, and Guatemala as well.
Oh, are you a subhuman?
Can anyone who speaks spanish help me out? Do I have these words right?
I know-lo se
I don't know-No se
te conozo-I know you
Hasta Pronto-See you later
Como va-Hows it going
And is estupendo the word most spanish speakers use for "great"?
Do I have these all right? And how do you say "are you ok/alright" in Spanish?
Lots of dogs breeds are named after the place where they originate.
>Great Dane
Yeah they're correct
Estupendo is indeed great, but genial feels more natural.
Are you OK? = ¿Estás bien?
Thakno you. One more question please
OK=Asi Que?
Así que? would be more like "So?"
OK is a word used in a variety of context, please clarify what do you mean with it
Like aggreeing with someone
Go to bed -response"ok"
Go to school-response"ok"
eat your dinner-response "ok"
"get a job"-Response "ok"
Like ok I understand
> being this fucking retarded
Northern Mexican states are where euro-descended Mexicans live.
Chihuahua has a big af Mennonite Colony and City.
I think there are about 100,000 Mennonites living in Chihuahua, they farm and create the delicious Mennonite Cheese.
There are also Mennonites in Durango, Sonora, and other northern Mexican states.
Pic related is the famous Mexican Actress Aracely Arambula, her family are Mennonites.
If only these types of Mexicans immigrated to the Usa, instead we get the filthy Amerindian mestizo scum.
Then it's be "está bien"
I am ready to kill regios
Our lord and savior Amlo will win, maily because the PAN is selfdestructing and its entirely your fault
ANAYA el CANALLA is going to win
How come spics don’t kill off cartels and clean up shit country?
Cómo te va
Como is "I eat"
Cómo = How
NO! go back to the southern shadows where you belong !!!
Thank You for the help. I have been trying to learn Spanish every day for the last 3 years, and still can't pick up on it.
The USA is literally too big to fail. We can do whatever we want and the world will keep kissing our ass.
beeing honest i wish
but blame margarita
>We Northerners are White an sheeit gringo, instead of being 50% spic I’m only 45% spic, I’m literally an Aryan just like my German grandpa.
i dont care but they are literal mongrels
even worse they dont have selfdignity
user, spanish is even easier than englih.
How has it taken you so long?
Im surprised nobody as made We Wuzzing threads based off the Mestizos in Latin America and the US who claim to be european yet. If you look hard enough there’s tons of material that’s waiting to be used.
Off of the top of my head
Mi madre is enferma,ella es en la hospital. Mi hermana es ahi a.
Tengo un camisa azul. Mi pantalons son gris y largo.
Tu novia es calor
Mi novia no es calor
Spanish is hard as fuck.
He will win, it is part of the paradigm shift, America wants to install a socialist regime in order to generate another Mexican-American War, because they want to take the northern states, those states have zero mexican culture / identity and therefore don't belong to Mexico, as a Regio I am ready to betray my country, Rio Grande Republic will join the Union as a state, just like Texas ...
>Mi madre is enferma,ella es en la hospital. Mi hermana es ahi a.
Mi madre está enferma,ella está en el hospital. Mi hermana es ahí tambien. (Did you used to instead of too and put it in a translator?)
>Tengo un camisa azul.
>Mi pantalons son gris y largo.
Either "mi pantalón es gris y largo" or "mis pantalones son grises y largos"
>Tu novia es calor
Calor means hot as in hot weather, not as in pretty woman. This varies with region but an universally accepted way to put it would be "está sabrosa" as in tasty
>Mi novia no es calor
Spanish isn't hard, you just need practice.
Try learning German if you want a hard languages. You can't even begin to imagine the nightmare that is declensions.
if you had analized geography there is no way they would take them, even worse "more spics"
larger frontier, more rugged terrain, etc...
Thank You. I am writing down your corrections, and will be using them to practice with.
fucking mutt
Clearly you do not know how the real world works, this isn't the 19th century you fucking moron. First of all, CHINA owns a lot of US debt, if USA engages in a stupid military mission like this one, China will want its money back before you fucking idiots blow it all fighting the Mexicans and rebuilding all the damage you idiots caused. Add an ongoing insurgency and near unanimous world disapproval of the war and you got yourself a recipe for the end of the USA as you know it.
So literally you guys cannot touch Mexico or you are fucked! hahahahaha KEKS!!
Shut up meme flag fag
>First of all, CHINA owns a lot of US debt, if USA engages in a stupid military mission like this one, China will want its money back
China is already using American debt to lower the value of the yuan versus the dollar. Those T-bills aren't going anywhere. That a UN flagposter doesn't know shit about shit doesn't surprise me one bit.
First of all, China can suck our fat American cocks. If the dumb ass chinks think owning less US debt than Japan does gives them any sway over American foreign policy, they are even more retarded than you.
Yeah, China will break our kneecaps if we don’t pay up by Friday....you incredible dipshit. They bought bonds, because they are the safest investment. If the US fails they lose the investment.
Literally who?
We are talking about a scenario where the US invades Mexico you fucking idiot. Yes China as an investor will pull out. hahaha China's got you by the balls. YOU GUYS DON'T HAVE THE LIQUID TO GO TO WAR, Fighting sand niggers for 10+ years and racking up debt like the little cucks you are hahaha
USA going the same route as USSR omg hahahahahahaha
That's why Trump said he was going to call us currency manipulators and yet he never did hahaha, little bitch is scared when the Tax Man comes to collect!!!
Opinion discarded
As long as we somehow make Statehood illegal, that I am all for this.
LOL you guys barely have money to fix Texas and Puerto Rico from the Hurricane haha please trying to act like the US Empire is still capable of such things. Move aside China's big dick is getting bigger while you guys are on Viagra hahahaha
Patriot drone army is waiting, future countryman. Shall be there soon. Run for office after we're done.
Even with no make up she still look gorgeous! She's the type of lady you bring home to grandma, my God!
>we will have to save the northern states making them Unincorporated Territories
AYYYYY either chicanito or delusional norteño kek
>i dont care but they are literal mongrels even worse they dont have selfdignity
this so fucking much
still amazing
>implying they want more non-white people in their country where caucasian birthrates are plummeting
ayyyyy the delusion is strong with this one
no such thing, it's a meme to attract tourists
Catholicism ruined Mexico
Maybe that is why Puerto Rico & Guam are not incorpored states
Our economies are so closely intertwined that any one of us pulling out would mean economic suicide
Desperate enough to support any state in order for shekels
>everyone else
Obviously you don't understand that the US does not have the liquid capital to fight and (key point here) sustain a military occupation of the Northern Mexican region. So by nature a war against US would hurt China which would try to get as much money out of the US before the stupid Americans spend it all in their Mexican excursion.
The US was burning about 100 billion dollars a year in Iraq/Afghanistan at the height of the war, the Mexican region is far larger, more populated, and the people there are unified in regards to nationalistic views not tribe or sectarian like the sand niggers. You have a the recipe for a very long campaign much longer than Iraq, so let's just say you're burning about 200/300 billion a year that's about half of the current military budget, now multiply that by 10 + years and you have economic suicide. That's not even taking into consideration the fact that many people in the US will protest the war and some states like California might even threaten succession by such an act.
You guys are fucking delusional USA is broke and tired, it's China's turn now!