>"It's actually kind of sad that so many people in the alt-right obsess over religion. I mean being Jewish has nothing to do with how you act as a human being."

>"I myself had Jewish grandparents in Denmark, even though I'm not a Jew, since religion isn't a race, but what you believe in, haha."

>"Even if a white ethnostate were to be created, which it won't, at least I hope not, I think Jews would be quintessential to the survival of that nation. I don't see how any nation in the world today would thrive without a substantial Jewish population."

>"Finnish men are some of the absolute worst men in the world. I would honestly never want to meet one. I think the reason they're so despicable is because they spend all their time in saunas, overheating their own brains. This in turn leads to them becoming annoying alcoholic soy boys with low testosterone. They just orbit around you all the time like creeps."

These are all direct quotes from Lauren Southern at the UCI meetup.
What did she mean by this?
And more importantly how will Finnknight react to this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off Moarpheus

How it possible to be this far behind in this day and age.

You're mad because your waifu only likes big black cock up her roast beef stretched out fat pussy.

Well, she's right. You guys are fucking retarded for getting all stuck on jews when jewish people themselves really aren't relevant.

Non-jewish people push marxism and far leftist ideas. All sorts of people do. Not all jews are left wing either. So that obsession with jewish people is just misguided and retarded, particularly since you're alienating almost the entire population by outing yourselves as blatantly retarded racists.

You should be focus on defeating the ideals that you hate, not jews. Literally just shooting yourselves in the foot.

Shes a E-Celeb kike scamming beta men like Finn Knight, absolutely pathetic

Fuck off Peter you shit lord






Hang yourself Pete

I don't know why dating an Indian guy is considered a bad thing. Ann Coulter dated Dinesh D'Souza and people still love her.


any pics of her feet?

That's not lauren.

She would never date a pajeet let alone touch one.

Ann Coulter doesn't claim to be a white nationalist

He even want to high school with her.

>being Jewish has nothing to do with how you act as a human being

Rolling for ghoolsB



Peter why do you like hispanic dick in and around your mouth?

Leave Finn knight alone leftypol. Laura Southern, for all her retardation and hypocricy, is one of us conservatives. You subversive rats.

Holy shit what a disgusting whore.
Can we FINALLY ban E-celeb threads?
This is one of many pieces of truth that show the whole 'kike-right' is Jew run trying to discredit any and all 'Right wing' movement
But no Sup Forums will keep fawning over 'based jews'




Peter Peter your are having an autism attack take your meds


Come on now Peter breath into a bag its ok

We've known this for how long? She's posted her DNA results, and just because it doesn't say "Ashkenazi" doesn't mean she isn't Jew. Also, the fact that she does NOT recognize "Jewish" as both ethnic and religious context is sort of embarrassing from socio-political standpoint.

Peter stop it you are out of control im telling your mom

I expect nothing more from a Alt light woman.

How fucking retarded do you have to be to believe OP? Obviously she never said any of those things. Hint: OP didn't give a link to her saying that stuff for a reason.

If you believed OP for longer than 5 seconds I am completely sincere when I say you should kill yourselves.

What tf is happening

Kike spotted

Enjoy your oven

But it's all true though. I was there, she said all those things. She admitted to being Jewish and a race mixer. So all your white knighting is useless.

OP please go kys shill

& stop making these threads idiot

guess what


Little kike rats like you will go first.

We all know you care white boy

/pol knew.
Just look at her face, moron. She doesn't need to admit.

But Lauren is actually a kike, would you make an exception for her, Finnknight? Or would she also have to go first?

We know its you Peter :(

>Sup Forums is one person

No she is not.

>plebbit spacing
>that guy I declared you to be in love with is actually this other thing!
>I have defeated you -- in my own mind!

We know you bad white boy

>Not all x is bad, therefore ignore x
> Focus on ideals rather than race

Hang yourself

Are you Alba_Rising on twitter L O L

>We all know you
>We know you

Alba Rising is a based Scottish nationalist and clearly smarter than most people ITT

Yes she is. Leo is a Jewish name that comes from the Torah. It was not common for any Christians in Scandinavia to name their children Leo until the late 1980s. The only people named Leo during the World war 2 era were Jewish. Check mate, Finnknight.

>>"Finnish men are some of the absolute worst men in the world. I would honestly never want to meet one. I think the reason they're so despicable is because they spend all their time in saunas, overheating their own brains. This in turn leads to them becoming annoying alcoholic soy boys with low testosterone. They just orbit around you all the time like creeps."

Complete fucking bullshit that you just made up. Pic related is from a Norwegian. Let's see your flag and see what your credentials are.

Trust a Swede to be this stupid

Okay this has to end... how much are they fucking paying you fucking retarded shill i swear to god ive never seen someone shill this much in my life lol.

Everybody I don't like is a troll. Good one


It's common knowledge actually. Her grandparents were Jewish, and so is she. She even said so at the UCI meetup, are you implying that she is a liar?


Why aren't you questioning OP's motives? He's the one lying.

Pete why do you love Mexican penis?

>Everybody I don't like
but i love you user

What should we do with these Jews?

>Her grandparents were Jewish, and so is she.
False, she has explicitly denied that several times, every time she has been asked as I have shown:
>She even said so at the UCI meetup, are you implying that she is a liar?
Provide a link of her saying that and I will post my real face with timestamp and I will never post on Sup Forums again. Go ahead.

>Leo Simonsen

Ah a perfectly goyim name for a perfectly normal goyim. Nothing to see here.

No i think hes calling you a liar didnt this
>Complete fucking bullshit that you just made up
Give you a clue?

You do realise the only reason people make these threads mocking southern is to trigger you.
If you would stop being fucking retarded and white knighting all the time to posts like these it wouldnt be half as interesting for people like me who are here to laugh at your imbecile like behaviour... do us all a favor and do a charge back on your last Patreon donation so you dont go homeless.

Fucking shill.

No one gives a fuck.
Fuck off pseudo-nazi shill.

How is he lying? Everyone knows Lauren Southern is Jewish. She had said so multiple times. Unless you're saying that Lauren is lying about her own heritage, I don't see why anyone would question her being Jewish. It's alright to be Jewish, by the way, nothing wrong with it at all. I don't understand why this upsets you so much. Are you saying that Lauren is some sort of a pathalogical liar? Because that's a weird claim to make for no reason. Why are you calling her a pathalogical liar? Has she hurt you?

But real people outside of Sup Forums genuinely think she is jewish and a bunch of other completely false stuff about her because of people spreading disinfo. I don't give a shit why people spread the disinfo, it can't be allowed to fester and spread onto gullible lurkers.

If you actually knew what you were talking about you would know who makes these threads and why
You need more love in your life.

She never said that. Can you prove the opposite?

He is doing so because of it conflicting his pseudo-nazi ideals.. he is having a existential crisis.

yeah except she took a DNA test after and realized she was zero percent jew and started wondering out loud why her grandparents thought they were Jewish

>How is he lying? Everyone knows Lauren Southern is Jewish. She had said so multiple times.
She has literally never said that. Point to a single time she has ever said that. I can point to many times she has explicitly said she is not jewish at all. Her DNA test showed 0% jew.

Here's a video clip of Lauren explicitly saying she is not jewish:

Here's Lauren doing a DNA test proving no jewish ancestry:

>Everyone knows Lauren Southern is Jewish
>She had said so multiple times

i have seen this thread over and over
and i had enough of you meme flags shills

>Sup Forums BTFO!

But Sup Forums was saying this.

Her grandparents never thought they were jewish.

Giving a fuck about gold digging eceleb bombs


hitler was ironically enough also not pure

his Y chromosome belonged to haplogroup E specifically a berber subclade

the nazis probably also gassed some pure innocent Germans they suspected of being jewish

He has been doing this all day now, thread after thread.


Good spot. By saying Sup Forums btfo! it paints whoever wrote it as an outsider gloating that these alleged revelations would bother Sup Forums

PETER are you going to use your Catalonian flag soon? these threads just arent the same without it

there's a lot of mentally ill people here on Sup Forums

especially on the other boards probably a schizo with no life

I saw this thread yesterday, and still no links
fuck you

It's kind of scary the kind of wackos browsing this board.

WTF IS THAT SHIT ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

idk I remember her in the DNA test video being surprised she was zero percent jew and mentioned her grandparents

Hey, Finnbro. What do you think about this set ?
Personally I held Lauren in higher regard before I saw it. I still like her, but it pissed me off for some reason.

I think the way we have to look to survive a car crash or something IIIRC.

people here are fucking crazy literally

there's a shocking amount of literally crazy people browsing Sup Forums like link related

lurk more newfag