Chicago Street Views by Race

I just looked at some Chicago street views on Google Maps by areas of different races.

Why is it like this?

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Think you may of answered your own question there scoobert

That's way too tidy to be a Hispanic street. Go take some screenshots of Back of the Yards or West Pilsen

Systematic racism

Every time you say the N word the POC lose IQ points

Because blacks are poorer than whites, what a stupid question. Rich neighborhoods invest money into infrastructure to improve property value, poor neighborhoods cannot.

Also those images are pretty bad for evidence, if anything if you want to make a Sup Forums infographic, add a little more streets to push your agenda. Hispanic has trees, which effects the composition , black is mainly under a shadow and a very dark composition, and white has a street unobscured by shadows; if anything, under the same circumstances and lighting, the hispanic and white should look very similar while the black, even under better lighting, would look worse. And it's out of two properties.

Why do all the sidewalks in Chicago look like fucking shit?

Shouldn't the lawn be nicer on the Hispanic's side?

I miss the "time-lapse niggers" street view threads.

No one likes taking their work home, user

Go move to a nigger area and plant some flowers?


I was thinking more about the trash everywhere.

I'm just stating the main problem with Sup Forums, where most people don't take us seriously with our anecdotal evidence.

I agree with OP's statement, I just believe that the manipulation of these photos are so blatantly biased.

>iron fences and gates
yes we are like that


lets all pat ourself on the back about questions we already know the answer to
absolute quality op

Blacks litter everywhere.

Here they just let their dogs shit on the sidewalk and leave it. Not in the grass, ON the sidewalk.

This is clearly an act of white supremacy.
The whites of chicago should clean up the wetback and nigger neighborhoods, it's their duty.

All three look like places in my town. Is Chicago really that fucked up?

Hey spiccy OP, you're not white m80 kek

The black areas of my city are all shitholes. They weren't prior to them moving in. My area was poor when growing up, it was tidy though and people planted flowers though. Stop giving niggers the 'benefit of the doubt, when its more than anecdotal.

That's a reason to not pick up trash, dude?

Read Theodore Dalrymple "On Poverty".

Then talk.

>Because blacks are poorer than whites



Due to economic circumstances, people of color are forced to do the white man's lawns. The Sad state of America.

Does anyone know anything about Chicago and whether there is a trash cleanup service in white and Hispanic areas? I lived there for a few years, and I never noticed it.

I'm just wondering how the white area is so clean, and the black area has so much litter.


No one's going to pay them to mow their own lawn

>Why is it like this?
Whites drive to black parts of the neighborhood to litter and shit in the grass. Fucking white people.

Section 8 was a mistake. At least older gen Hispanics take care of their shit.

Seems like someone compiled them into an article.

>tfw not showing the unedited version

You know they are Hispanics for the stereotypical Virgin Marie statue always present.
Muh Virgencita.



ghetto monument wall.

this happened in just six years

ghetto monument wall part 2

>work my ass off for 12 years
>still can't afford a house in my area
>niggers get them for free
>destroy them

It's hard not to swallow the black pill boys.

ghetto monument wall 3

>what is rain for?

Stop watering your grass. Everything will be okay.

ghetto wall 4

ghetto wall 5.0

Ever seen an ape at the zoo wearing an apron and running a vacuum cleaner around the pen? Didn't think so.

>ghetto wall 5.5

I think the Hispanic neighborhood might be cicero right by the police station.

White guy who lives there

pic related when they moved in. Six years later:


yo detroit is going to turn into like middle earth or hobbit land, that is kinda some dope shit i would like to invade someday

What style are the houses in Detroit, the detached ones, pre-nigger infestation? I love the design of them, it's just a shame they're in nigtroit.

How the fuck can you live in that environment and not see the problem?

You have to watch this based man.

Also is the white one berwyn or oak Park?

It's fun to pick a random city with a black population >10% and see how long it takes you to find the niggers on google street view. After you find them look at the demographic map of the city.

Nah, for some reason we beans are either completely indifferent about our lawns or totally autistic about taking care of it. There's just no middle ground for us just like our politics, we're either murderous, bloodthirsty Marxist thugs or murderous, bloodthirsty Anti-Com thugs

rip pooh in the loo

das racis
It does happen somewhat. Every now and then (once or twice a year), some garbage collection agency gets caught dumping refuse on detroit vacant lots. Same happens with boats, although unknown who owns them.



white people picture is under a shadow too you retard, and picking up the trash that they littered and not fucking up the grass does not require $2k to invest, maybe some brain cells but that alone is asking for too much from niggers

The question is is it some shady policy or just lazy/asshole workers?

I never knew a house could look as comfy as the bottom one

the curb grass (between sidewalk and street) is owned by the CITY not the individual

t. chicago reident

white people have less fortifications
now criminals know where to go

>we beans

You need to come back.

At least the tree is okay

Not to Bolivia friend and I have to stay and take care of my lawn

The grass looks like shit because of people traipsing over it. White people know how to use pathways.

Chicago does have trash pick-up, but the black areas are too dangerous to go to. Also the blacks just don't care about litter as much as whites so they make a mess


I suspect it's because you can't rob and/or rape a tree

just imagine a 1950s version of google maps?

pre election Sup Forums had a fascination with streetview. I guess someone saw an opportunity to make a few sheckles.
Don't know. I suppose there is a fee to dump construction debris at proper facilities, so people of all races dump on vacant lots.
I used to fly drones in abandoned buildings. I have some footage of Michigan central station. I stopped after cops gave me shit and a hobo threw a blanket on one and ran off with it.

I'm not talking about that. How is it possible the houses go to shit so fast? Not even gypsies ruin shit that fast

fires. theres a lot of fires in Detroit which means niggers are pretty careless.

You forget americans build out of wood. Some of those brick houses are also pretty old, at a point where they require constant maintenance. Couple that with abandoned buildings having precious scrap materials, shit collapses quickly. Crackheads will take out Ibeams while standing in the basment. The midwest has some pretty harsh winters.

It hurts to think about that

>why is it like that?
No investment into community
No education to advance members of there community(there own fault, no rayyciss)
Culture of being a gangbanger is the same as a white kid wanting to be a doctor
No self improvement, everything is someone else’s fault
Just to list a few

looks like a nice place, what country is that?


your country I believe

Because there's not enough tax money to go around, so parks&rec take black and hispanic taxes and use it to maintain white property.
Nothing new, they've been doing it since Jim crow with black and hispanic taxes funding public schools, parks, pools, etc. that they were forbidden by law to attend.

>famous for being landscapers
>"too tidy"
Are you fucking serious?

uh it looks more like seasonal changes you fucking morons

I'd rather live next door to the right vesion.

yea nah that's completely unrecognizable, shit's fucked

If something isn't on their property, they don't give a shit. It's not like they set up HOAs to rake the leaves on public property.
well, you better get used to getting stabbed weekly rather than your current weekly acid throwing.

When the weather cools down the north american pavement apes become less aggressive and easier to photograph.

>if anything, under the same circumstances and lighting, the hispanic and white should look very similar while the black, even under better lighting, would look worse.
You can't see the trash can you? You just see it as part of the landscape.

i kinda hope blacks just abandon detroit etc and whites can go back to those nice areas and make it great again. be awesome if rich whites started buying acres worth of delapidated black areas and made em into mansions and shit lol

I can't stop laughing at all the boats popping up in the ghetto.

water seeks its own level

Why do the roofs buckle like that?

Not possible. It isn't just the land that is available for grabs, but there isn't even working water or sewage to some lots.

This is like Chernobyl. It'd be nice to buy up a bunch of vacant lots and start and Orania style farm community.

wtf is up with the boats anyways??

>they didn't even put bricks or wood under the awning

see cheaper than disposing of them properly.

Posts are removed for scrap.

Can you say real estate prices and zoning laws?
Property even in the war-torn parts of Chicago is quite expensive because many people want to live in or near the city. Zoning rules make developing and redeveloping existing properties extremely expensive, so while there is lots of demand for new housing the only units that are supplied are the most expensive with large margins to cover the outsized overhead costs. The new multi million dollars houses are built on small existing lots leaving very little yard. The top photo is of a neighborhood where the only large shade trees are next to the road. As neighborhoods get cheaper there are smaller houses, more yard space, and more trees, thus more shade.

Is there still electricity in these parts? I mean, houses, gardens, parks, main roads all look like shit. Looks like nobody has been living there for many decades, but what about maintenance of the electricity?