Describe your first experience of privilege for being white Sup Forums
Describe your first experience of privilege for being white Sup Forums
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I have an IQ above 100
Arab girl wanting the BWC
Shitlord, bet you didn't know that 25% of black people are smarter than 50% of white people
It doesn't exist.
Took an IQ test and got a 141...knowing that my white genetic privilege had made me more naturally intelligent than 99%+ of the blacks on this entire planet was a huge wake-up call.
Probably when I got sunburn for the first time.
75% of blacks are dumber than than whites. checks out.
leaf kys
Giving my dad a Christmas hug
Got pulled over by a cop, blatantly high. He saw it was 2 white kids and let us go. If we were black he would've checked our car 100% and found our stuff.
Only faggots don't think privileges exist. What liberals don't realize is the privilege isn't racial. It's socioeconomics.
My privilege is to have a government that confiscates 2/3 of my income, to feed mama merkels niggerpets, stuck in my country for nice gibbs and raping fun, who will outbreed my kind in the long run, when there isn't a some sort of massive deportation/genocide happening in the near future.
Muh socioeconomics
>literally posts a symptom of socioeconomic issues
>while mocking socioeconomics
Nevermind the blatant lack of source. But we'll let that slide. Too many issues with your shit and you'll start crying shill.
i was in a class called "social problems" i thought it would be an easy 3 credit class. the teacher was an old black woman who always wore traditional african clothes like the female version of a dashiki. anyways i was the only white male. while there were people who had never once spoken in class for the entire 2 weeks i stayed i had the privilege of being singled out and called on for literally every question even when my hand was not raised even when someone alrdy answered . she needed to hear what the privileged white man had to say. my voice was most important
>yfw every person that talk to has "stein" or "burg" at the end of their name.
I was denied acceptance to an Ivy league law school despite an undergrad 4.0 and excellent LSAT score.
Muh socioeconomics
Remember to always add a source when posting data u faggot.
Yea you tell that leaf. Show em who's boss! How does it feel being part of the 75%?
Translation: I was an autist and couldn't handle myself during interviews / had horrible extracurricular / my LORs were blatantly just hook ups from daddy
Someone add in "blacks killed by planned parenthood
Can you not read charts or something?
The niggers going to college have the same average IQs as whites who drop out of highschool. If anything that would be "black privilege" and it's based primarily on legal/sociological issues like affirmative action & diversity quotas.
>No source
>No scale
>No N value
>No distribution
>No nothing
I could make that in MS paint. Are you sure you didn't drop out of high school?
Chew on these
This is a terrible graph. What are the units the y axis is supposed to be showing us?
My first experience of white privileged was seeing the FICA taxes on my first paycheck and realizing it went to he Sec.8 shitheads down the road.
Muh socioeconomics
>uses income
>black high income people blatantly more likely to be athletes because only way to get to that income bracket
>athletes aren't educated
>their kids score lower
Hurrrr durrrrr
I began reading at a 12th grade level in 3rd grade.
The first time I was told I was racist for suggesting that everyone should be treated the same I realized that I had the privilege of being unfairly treated for being white.
Mestizas want to racemix with me. Send help, the other day one almost took my Virginity
We need to send more blacks to university using affirmative action
So wait, are you implying that blacks cant be lawyers or doctors and that the only way they can succeed is sports?
Are you also going to ignore the rest of the graphics... like the adoption graph? Where the type of family is the control?
Being rased by a mother and father.
White privilege is is pointing out that white people suffered greatly because of slavery in both literal death tolls stopping it and getting screwed out of jobs because of it, but still getting blamed for it anyway because the color of your skin matches that of the small minority that actually engaged in the practice hundreds of years ago.
White privilege is being called a racist for being critical of unchecked immigration into majority white countries even when you point out that these people are being used as a new slave class whom are being exploited by the rich.
White privilege is being told you are responsible for historical injustices which you yourself had no part in, and even worse, historical injustices of a type committed by literally every other race on the planet.
White privilege is being charged with a 'hate crime' any time a white person commits a crime against a non white, regardless of hate being a motivational factor.
White privilege is being the victim of violence perpetrated by non whites, but the criminal that commits the violence is NEVER charged with a hate crime, even when they admit that they hate white people.
White privilege is being deposed from positions of authority you earned through hard work and dedication on the basis of the assumption that a white person occupying any position of authority is always 'white supremacy'.
White privilege is being thrown under the bus for 'nepotism' despite the glaring fact that it's actually a specific subset of white people who coincidentally hold an iron grip of control over several key industries without them EVER being criticized for this obvious imbalance of power.
White privilege is being literally enslaved and trafficked in the contemporary world, often as sex slaves from Eastern Europe and no one giving a fuck or even knowing about it.
Sounds painful.
Nope. Good try though. We're fixing that aspect currently. Hence.... Affirmative action! And guess what? Once they hit Law and Med school their scores normalize to the other races! Wonder why your gay little stats never show STEP or BAR breakdowns?
The adoption study was flawed from the start, lol. It's never argued because it's the same shit study that you retards recite like gospel despite never actually reading their methods.
Also why you tards never notice your graphs never have CIs, scales, N values, or anything. Because you know jack shit.
It was the first time I was hungry and broke.
My immediate reaction was not to go steal something.
White privilege is being demonized for simply existing.
>If we were black he would've checked our car 100% and found our stuff
You don't know what was going on in the officers mind. How can you say for certain that would have happened?
> I was an autist and couldn't handle myself during interviews / had horrible extracurricular / my LORs were blatantly just hook ups from daddy
I was in college Republicans, Debate Team and in an honors fraternity. My father died when I was 14. I had no free rides.
You are a presumptuous and arrogant nigger. It is people like you that that fuels the hatred found on this board. Keep it up.
>going to school requires you to be a politician
buzzfeed what a fucking surprise
>first privilege of being white
After I was born and my dad held me.
I was raised by a mother and father, still doesn't mean I was educated well and learned how to spell.
That one time I was Percieved as a decent human and then proved it my entire life
if you were black you either wouldnt have pulled over or you would have gotten aggressive with the cops. its not your fault you a good boy
You're correct about the data of course, but I was merely addressing your wholly flawed premise.
As for the accuracy of the data itself....let's just say, "I don't know it for a fact, but I know it to be true."
Does saying that make you feel smart?
>he keeps posting it
>knowing he's a retard
Because it was a rich white neighborhood. And I know plenty of cops. 100% would've stopped me.
Lol, so you WERE a little autist during interviews. We can smell you faggots from the moment you walk in to our med school interviews.
>honors frat
You and every other faggot
>debate team
You and every other faggot
>college republicans
You and every other faggot
And oh boo hoo your dad died. So did half the kids in this years class for med school.
> white privilege
And they say white people don't have culture.
I remember when I turned on TV and all the lying pieces of shit trying to deceive me and tell me shit were also white. Privilege...
White privilege is bringing medicine and food to places like Africa but instead of being thanked you are attacked by the natives and then you come home and people tell you that you're evil because you're white.
White privilege is being viscously attacked and defamed as a 'nazi' if you are NOT yourself actively attacking and working against the interests of your own people, even though every other race is applauded for pro-actively trying to improve themselves.
White privilege is being demographically afflicted with more families living below the poverty line in raw numbers than any other race, but because of a few very rich white people affecting the statistics this fact is swept under the rug.
White privilege is being blamed for poverty affecting black demographics which then result in higher rates of violence within black statistics, despite the fact that poverty stricken white areas of the country do not come anywhere near the rate of black violence.
White privilege is being told that your demographic replacement through immigration is necessary because your birth rates are too low to maintain net fiat increase for profiteers, while being over taxed within your most common tax bracket, the lower middle class, thus making it impossible to reproduce at a rate over 2.0
White privilege is having the definition of genocide as codified during the Geneva Convention apply to everyone but white people.
White privilege is being told about how evil colonialism was and then your own politicians open your borders so the 3rd world can colonize YOU.
White privilege is having the highest rates of suicide in your entire country, but no one asks why.
White privilege is having the mainstream media relentlessly cover any cases of white on black violence, but they remain silent on ANY black on white crime which is 500 times more prevalent.
Im still trying to find all these supposed privileges i supposedly have. I've struggled my whole life way fucking more than the average nigger in America
Muh anecdotal evidence
Muh i ignore statistics because they contradict my narrative
I don't know if this is white privilege because I'm hispanic and not white but I went to a black high school and graduated second place to Asian girl for top of our class. I had a fucking b average kek. Half my class didn't graduate and they were all black while the kids who graduated were mostly non blacks with a few of the harder working blacks that actually gave a shit and tried.
>We can smell you faggots from the moment you walk in to our med school interviews
What school?
it's okay to be white
Me too brother and I'm about to seek reparations.
the first time i experienced that i have a white privilage was when someone had shoes that have been more expensive than mine but i didn't feel the need to steal them
The population ratio. 60 something % compared to 13% aka about 4-5 times you can stack the green area until it reaches up to the top of the pink area
That subtle erect benis in the pic...
i walked into a bank informed the teller i'm white and they let me have free access to the vault and a complementary blowjob
>1 post by this id
This is the seventh thread, why is everyone always responding to these fucking shariablue fucks?
Not gonna give the exact school. Midwestern school. This year's breakdown was about 75% white 15% black 5% asian 5% other
>it's actually a specific subset of white people who coincidentally hold an iron grip of control over several key industries
What did he mean by this?
Good luck with that. Remember, even homeless white people have 'privilege'
I'm not a criminal.
And my second thought wasn't demanding that white people owe me food.
Where do you find these graphs? Plz send link
>Once they hit Law and Med school their scores normalize to the other races!
Interesting. Got a citation?
Ahahaha a dumb nigger can't handle his inferiority
There's nothing I love more than seeing dead mud monkeys in the news.
Can't wait for the next little trayvon.
>Law and Med school
You're saying they do worse in other fields?
When I learned to read.
>why is everyone always responding
Half the replies are reused. I noticed my own comment in one of these threads being recycled with a new IP.
I don't know what purpose they serve, but my guess is half the content of these threads every single time is reused material, from OP to debaters.
PSYOPS confirmed. Run some replies that seem off through the archiver and see for yourself.
>Describe your first experience of privilege for being white Sup Forums
My ancestors were slaves for 700 years, so pretty shit I guess.
US census bureau
Why has no-one mentioned that his is from Buzzfeed Brazil? Brazilians are white now
Contact your local med / law school. Usually they've got these stats on file because the data is so valuable. Dunno if they'll give it to you without publication done yet, but it's worth a shot. Or try pubmed and search for STEP score by race.
One thing we do notice is whites place much better for Ortho while blacks tend to place better for Neurosurg
Nope. Dude asked about those fields. I know those fields so gladly talked about it. Idk about engineering or whatever. Not my expertise.
Underrated post
I think teaching board etiquette to newfags and keeping a stickied thread about tell tale signs of shilling would probably mitigate a lot of the problem. That would involve needing to read though and we saw how that worked with /fit/.
Evil Anglo chuckling intensifies at this.
When I looked in the mirror, saw had pretty pink skin, smelled like soap, and didn't have a protruding ape-like mandible.
>e can smell you faggots from the moment you walk in to our med school interviews
JIDF confirmed
>Went to 80% Beaner 15% Nigger schools from Elementary through high school,
>Constantly bullied and attacked for being white
>Would normally get jumped by a group of Niggers or spics in the locker room or other places they could chimp out in a group to attack the one of 15 white people in the school
>Half of the white people would become Wiggers and talk about things like "Look how white I am" degrading themselves in front of Niggers so they can get a laugh.
>I was so sick of it and so full of anger that I actually became a full on NatSoc in high school reading Mein Kampf watching as many Hitler speeches I could get my hands on and hating anyone who isn't white.
Jared Taylor is right when he says the left is the reason the Alt-Right has so many supporters
spics shot my friend in the head
black kids tried to steal my bike