Reminder that the Palestinian resistance is the frontier of the battle against the Zionist New World Order and that they are fighting for the freedom of all mankind from enslavement by the Jews.
Liberation of Palestine = Liberation of all mankind.
Reminder that the Palestinian resistance is the frontier of the battle against the Zionist New World Order and that they are fighting for the freedom of all mankind from enslavement by the Jews.
Liberation of Palestine = Liberation of all mankind.
Amen to that, brother.
how long till JIDF spergs out in this thread
Probably once you posted the term JIDF. I'm sure they got the notification with all their social media apps and shit.
Looks like JIDF was indeed notified.
>t. Moshe
Why should I care about Palestinian savages? Even if they win, what does that mean for me? Probably a big Israeli refugee crisis and heightened AIPAC lobbying.
Glass the whole peninsula from Israel to Yemen, none of them are our allies.
nah they're just niggers who throw rocks
>Even if they win, what does that mean for me?
< It means a halt to this agenda you burger.
I really dgaf about your stupid desert conflict, dude.
Ofcourse you don't burger, that's the problem.
Oh no, I won't pick a side in a fundamental religious conflict across the world, how awful.
I hope both sides end up nuking each other off the face of the earth, then we might see some world peace for once. That we care too much about this bullshit is what MAKES it our problem.
>thread bashing based israelis
>check the flags of the cunts defending the "poor palestinians freedom fighters"
>Canada and Russia
>both muslims shitholes
I wasn't surprised
Hello Muahmad al-Mubarak ibn-ali
But aren't most influental Jews part of the Diaspora and not in Israel?
Indeed. Free Palestine.
Friendly reminder that you don't need to care about non-whites. Let their issues be their issues.
>I hope both sides end up nuking each other off the face of the earth, then we might see some world peace for once.
Ironically what would bring peace to the entire world would be if Israel and the United States were nuked.
Hey shitskin, you're back.
And they influence to benefit Israel, they are part of the same agenda.
>And they influence to benefit Israel, they are part of the same agenda.
Then why did they ban Soros from entering Israel?
Palestine in every way shape and form would be objectively better than that Jew rat nation called pissrael.
Beware should they create Greater Palestine without de-arming the Palestinian State. This would only be Greater Israel concealed in temporary acts of "brotherly love."
That's not true. Stop using that months old BS argument.
Because they want to destroy your countries, not Israel. Commie Globalism is a drug meant for the goyim, not the Jews in Israel.
See this:
Nope. Greater Palestine doesn't have the Jew gene.
We don't fucking like palestinians much either, so get bent.
I prefer Palestine to pissrael. Speak for yourself faggot.
Reminder that Hamas is controlled opposition and has regularly taken billions of dollars in state support from Israel since its inception.
Where do you think the 7 million Jews living in Israel will go?
It's way, way too late though. Israel is not going anywhere, and they will lay nuclear fire on anyone who will actually try to change it.
They will be Palestinian citizens, Chaim. DEAL WITH IT.
It's not too late, all their crimes since Israel's inception is about to be revealed to the world.
So they will remain in the same area, with the same illegal weapons, but they just won't be controlling the Government? I'm sure they will keep their promise to not meddle or subvert anything. I'm sure "Greater Palestine" isn't a cover for "Greater Israel."
Even if Netanyahu himself will claim responsibility for 9/11 and Al-Qaeda, it will change nothing.
They have nuclear weapons, they will stay.
Jews are the problem with mankind Chaim. Jews. Not arabs.
>JIDF rich enough to have a monitor dedicated to a star of david with Z in the middle
sounds like a good job
only the finest hamas/Palestinian music
Wrong, that's the PA you're talking about. Israel might have helped create Hamas at the beginning to oppose Yasser Arafat but now they have nothing to do with Hamas. Now Hamas is directly funded by Iran to attack Israel.
Either accept to live in Palestine or be sent to the oven.
Gonna be hard to nuke your own borders. Plus if anyone is willing to chimp out and get nuked while wiping Israel out it's probably the Arabs. At least they will make sure to annihilate them in the process for good this time.
Palestianians and Israelis -> dirt niggers so stupid that they dont realize they're fighting over some worthless piece of desert shit. Just nuke each others (((shrines))) and get it over with.
Jews and Arabs are both the problem -- one is the same as the other. Islam is just Talmudic Judaism mixed with Arab folk traditions.
>Leaving the Jews in the same area as Israel
>Leaving all the WMDs in the same area as Israel
>All you've achieved is changing the name of the State and setting up a Government the surrounding Jews can subvert
>..and you've created Greater Israel for the Jews to secretly operate from
Nice job.
>Either accept to live in Palestine or be sent to the oven.
What's the point if Palestine keeps its WMDs?
Iran is also funded by the Jews. You really don't understand how controlled opposition works, do you?
Palestinians are worst than the Jews and stole their lands, saged
Palestinians are not hell bent on some Messianic prophecy to rule the world, they just want their farms and their fields back.
Nice try Moshe. Iran is independent from the Jew World Order.
>t. faggot Jew
>Palestinians are not hell bent on some Messianic prophecy to rule the world, they just want their farms and their fields back.
I know but you're engaging a logical fallacy. They are not ALL like that. If the same Jews are in the same area with the same weapons what prevents the Jews from subverting the Palestinian government just like they have every other?
Can't say I'm a huge fan of Islam, but any kike killers are okay in my book.
Death to Israel
this has nothing to do with anything i said m8? why would anyone keep nukes in the same area as the Jews?
Good point.
Arabs aren't all muslim.
Hamas = Shit
Fatah = Utter shit
Islamic Jihad Organisation = only guys who actually fight
Why are there so many fucking sandniggers on Sup Forums
ok now THAT is rare
>Iran is independent from the Jew World Order.
It's a bitter redpill to swallow, but the truth is more important than idealistic fantasies. You can find it out for yourself if you search earnestly.
Thanks m8. So just saying if you see it go down this way you'll know it's a trick. This is all a Jewish trick.
because your country is too pussy to nuke them
Also a good point.
Dem Arab wimminz is hot when dey ain't all covered up, too
But I'd like to add that if the Palestinians create a theocratic republic like Iran or a republic like Syria, then the Jews can't subvert or do shit in the government because their money would be worthless.
This is also how the Muslims kept the Jews suppressed for over 1400 years.
that picture! KEK
As long as there is no (((Saudi))) influence they Jewish tricks are useless.
Their Saudi influence is proof they can subvert Muslim States. I'm sure this plan would produce a few years of happiness but it's temporary and lasts only the duration it takes for a Jew to co-opt the new Palestinian government. If you and I know this so do the people responsible for solving the current situation. If they seem more stupid than we it's only by pretend. They may be setting is up to take a fall. Good luck either way tho.
Well that's why Israel and the Saudi family must be both annihilated.
No one cares about that shithole other than other sandniggers.
Please keep that shit in /sg/ threads and stop spamming it here
Wow, Saudi king is a jew confirmed.
NYPA, Ahmed. Now die in mud and take all the Jews and Palestinians with you
>Gonna be hard to nuke your own borders. Plus if anyone is willing to chimp out and get nuked while wiping Israel out it's probably the Arabs. At least they will make sure to annihilate them in the process for good this time.
If the very existence of a state of Israel will be at the stake, they will nuke everyone to trigger a nuclear war. Look up Solomon Option. Or here's a quote from an Israeli historian:
>We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.
This right here is why peace in the Middle East is a joke without entirely destroying the Jewish State and removing the Jews from the area forever. Beware of (((world peace))).
I know what it is Vlad, it's the Samson option. Sometimes to get rid of a cancer you just gotta take the hit, there's no other choice. They won't be able to kill every single human even with their nukes but we would be able to make sure we kill every single kike.