I live in Colonial Williamsburg, almost no shitskins it's like stepping back into 1776 when I walk to the store. Closest thing to a white ethnostate the east cost has. AMA
I live in Colonial Williamsburg, almost no shitskins it's like stepping back into 1776 when I walk to the store...
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user pls... Williamsburg is right next to Newport News
have you seen this guy around town tho?
Aren't there a bunch of hipster faggots there now though?
Isn't there a huge heroine problem there?
I work as a reenactor so I see people all day, and it's always a bunch of older white people and sometimes younger white people, I just left work and I saw probably like 5 black people all day
>man walking his dog in the middle of the street
Pro Tip:- anybody selling houses for less than 150% of market average needs lynching.
House builders need lobbying and watching.
Please preserve your town - stand your ground, hold what you've got.
Looks nice. A place with no niggers is a place I might consider visiting.
Start a group to this end. Tie it up in coded language by all means but I think you'd easily find more than enough support to become quite powerful.
>and it's always a bunch of older white people and sometimes younger white people,
wonder if that is why the foundation is having financial issues. How many families are coming in the summer? I saw alot of that when i worked there.
Believe me, people here know what they have and would die for it. A lot of history happened here, pretty much everything in Virginia that had to do with the revolution happened here, like this is what the street in front of my house looks like
that's williamsburg brooklyn
Williamsburg you said?
Then I'm already packing my shit and getting a ticket plane. Hope you are ready to get diversified user.
>there's no black people in a place that recreates 18th century colonialism.
Wow. Who could have thought it.
Also, that is next to the most ghetto and blackest part of virginia. Sage this bullshit
not until you get on campus here. Its libshit central
thinks this is old. Roman castle near me.
Summer was pretty busy I guess, decent amount of people. Enough to stay busy. I work in the armory and it stays busy
>Also, that is next to the most ghetto and blackest part of virginia.
Williamsburg is like the white cream of an oreo between the shit cities of Richmond and Hampton Roads.
Completely pointless thread.
Also, no one lives in colonial williamsburg The rest of the city is mainly black demographics.
Is it still worth it to purchase admission ?
Come by! We could always use some real British folks to play the redcoats. People here suck with the accent
What would be worse for you walking in on your wife/gf getting fucked by a black guy or walking in on her getting fucked by a Jew who looks just like the happy merchant meme?
isn't that technically a fort ?
That's a tough one, I hate niggers and Jews almost equally so either way I'd probably be going to jail for double homicide
What do you work as?
They are closing in yes SEND PILLS!
there are people that live in the colonial area. I'm not sure how many houses are private there, but a few are. Also they will rent historic houses out to staff sometimes.
Dont bring too much alt right hype here, or else the hippies will follow.
Pretty much any of the "houses" that aren't displays that are old get rented out to the employees
I "work" in the armory, telling people about firearms of the period, I get to shoot cannons sometimes too
sounds expensive
It's $40.99 for a day pass. But you get to do all kinds of stuff for the money you're paying. Arts and crafts petting zoos, tours of famous founding fathers houses, watching other reenactors make horseshoes and people watch battle reenactments and stuff like that. Check our the website if you wanna know more about it
>shoot cannons
don't you mean fire cannons ?
Sweet, really enjoyed the armory, favourite place on the tour, you folks did a good job. btw, you don't happen to know that hot piece of ass from the tailor shop, number or facebook to share, maybe
Shoot/fire we say either one
(People don't really give a shit which way you say it)
>People don't really give a shit which way you say it
they must be punished for their insolence.
Thank you! If you went within the last two years I was probably the guy talking to your group. And I have no idea, there's a lot of blonde girls that work here lol
I mean hey, If it was back in the day yeah I'd agree with ya. But the average schmuck doesn't know any different, especially kids they just wanna hold the guns
What are the best areas/cities to live in near colonial williamsburg?
Honestly, Yorktown is probably your best bet
Anything down near virginia beach or Norfolk is ghetto as fuck
i've been looking at yorktown and poquoson... though gloucester point seems to be quite a bit cheaper
I'm not too familiar with Gloucesters prices, but any place that is pretty white is gonna cost ya.
You in Pompey senpai?
Wtf I don’t want some old asbestos-infused house
Why is Colonial Williamsburg cuckfest 2017?
Slaver stories, talking about civil war instead of colonial times. Muh oppressed black people.
Rockefeller's 1920s version of Disneyland.
Absolute trash.
>Hurrrr durrrr Colonial times were cucked bro, unlike 2017
Literally no one where feels sorry for the nigs, and surprisingly enough the topic of slavery isn't really brought up amongst the workers here
That cheese shop though
Good as fuck right??
Without niggers, relax
If you are commuting to newport news that bridge opening can ruin your day. IF you are commuting to williamsburg, might want to look at new kent and kind and queen. Will be cheaper than yorktown, maybe even cheaper than gloucester point. It is pretty rural though.
Yorktown to me does seem the nicest. Also newport news areas of hilton village and riverside are nice.
And the niggers that do come, they're not ghetto as fuck they're like house niggers. Ghetto people don't care about history
Blue Talon is better.
You mean, decent niggers? They're rare as fuck
A lot of people that work there also live in the restored area. CW rents the houses to them. Used to hang out there a lot as a kid in the 80s.
Very very rare, like in the span of a week I'll probably encounter only a handful of decent black folk.
They must be better than the fucking Haitian subhumans I am stuck to work and live with
But really whats the justification for all the civil war talk at "colonial" williamsburg?
Par for the course I guess.
Go to Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin and no one seems to be able to talk about the Soviets without going into a rant about Nazis and muh holocaust.
Pretty cool job. How much do you make, if you don't mind me asking?
I make $12.36 an hour but the blacksmiths make way more. It's a humble wage, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world I love it
Where are you originally from?
I've heard nightmare stories about Hatians, I feel sorry for ya lol all of my coworkers are white
Virginia beach, born and raised
How fucking white is it?
The wikipedia says it's like 74% white back in 2010 but idk if that's the correct place.
How is that a ethnostate lol.
The niggerest of all niggers my man, the worst!
It's pretty white, you'd have to personally visit to see. It's a different atmosphere than any other city
Enjoy it while it lasts, white boy. We wuz minutemans n sheeit.
Is it the same place as Williamsburg?
I was looking at the wikipedia for the demographics and it doesn't show them for Colonial Williamsburg just Williamsburg.
So if they are the same demographics I'd rather just move to a city that is more than 90% white in the north east.
Kek I wear that same costume almost every day, I dare a shitskin to sully it's good image
Nvm I read more of your posts I thought it was an area that has older building sounds like you're just advertising the place you work at.
Yeah it's a small area within Williamsburg, the demographics for just the colonial part probably isn't online. But trust me, if it was it's own town it'd be probably %100 white. The handful of blacks that work here live in the actual city
But it's just a reenactment town.
>Doesn't know what Williamsburg is.
It's an attraction but some of the people that work here (including myself) live here so it's technically it's own township
That's cool.
If you ever are around the area definitely check it out, you don't have to pay to visit and walk around, that's free. you just gotta pay to do the guided tours and stuff
Can you my colonial friend, save the Northern Leopard frog? They are rarer than ever.
Problem is chap most Brits are chavs, most real Brits like me no longer exist. Caught one traitor using the term 3rd grade, how dare him.
what's the best stuff to do if i visit without doing a tour?
>openly posting the locations of white ethnostates
Fucking right wing retards really do deserve to die. Holy shit.
>Colonial Williamsburg, a popular tourist attraction, and important location in American history, is a huge secret that no one must know about
Wew lad you left wing retards really do deserve to die. Holy shit
You're surrounded by degeneracy still.
I visited that place when I was a kid. It really sparked a lot of national pride in me when I watched and participated in the historical reenactments. Great place, would recommend.
You can make pies and other deserts and eat them at the bakery, there's sewing activities like making clothes and stuff, you can get your name smithed into horseshoes, and even though it costs like 15$ you can fire muskets. And the war reenactments are free as well, they're pretty cool. I could go on all day lol
damn son you probably shouldn't be posting so much personal info like this.
I know that feeling you're talking about, I get it every day I put my costume on
There’s a whipping post in my town older than your country
In my workplace I'm surrounded by guns that I know how to load and properly fire, so I'm not really scared of any "danger" plus I open carry when I'm not working
your country's muslims will put it back into service soon
fuck I wanna go back. My favorite part was being able to load and fire a cannon. I think I remember checking out the armory when we signed up to see how line battles worked. Very cool place.
I advocate for this species' cause, was inspired by Pepe.
No ragheads in my town